[QUOTE="FatChuwawa"][QUOTE="Lansdowne5"][QUOTE="FatChuwawa"][QUOTE="Lansdowne5"][QUOTE="FatChuwawa"][QUOTE="Lansdowne5"][QUOTE="FatChuwawa"]wow sounds like you really like God.
ever thought about how you could follow something like this? at school it feels like they are trying to brain wash us into believing is God.
i am not anti-religion. I accept that people can believe in it, but to me it seems kind of farfetched. Believe what you want, but logicality rules this kind of argument
Yes I like God.
It shouldn't feel like they are trying to brainwash you.
How can logicality rule this kind of argument out? Miracles can't be explained. I guess you need to experience it for yourself before you can believe.
how can it not? what does christianity have? a 2000 year old book and a whole heap of followers. Science can keep on searching until it finds the answers. once it does, the bible can not beat it.
2000 year old book? Hmmmm, no. A 4000 year old collection of 66 books written by over 40 authors.
Science can prove only what is in the material world, the Bible does far more.
ok then, its even older, more time for the stories to exaggerate. Yes but by proving that God doesnt exist in material world also proves he is not real "beyond" this world, spiritual if you must. For example; adam and eve if 2 people started the whole worlds population, dont you think that we would be a bit inbred? If science proves adam/eve/garden of eden wrong, that means that the bible is wrong, which means that God didnt do it. anyway, who knew about this to write down anyway? was adam keeping a journal?
Sorry? For God to exist, he must have existed before he created the material world. Therefore being able to exist outside of it now.
By that paragraph I can tell you have extremely limited knowledge of this. Moses wrote the five books of the Torah under the instruction of God, Genesis being the first. I trust God's word, and I know God is capable of doing the impossible, so he could easily have by passed that problem somehow. Science doesn't 'prove' Adam and Eve wrong nor the Garden of Eden and it never will be able to.
Have a look at that image.
The Bible was written over a period of 1500 years, by 40 different authors from many different walks of life, on three continents, in three different languages, yet its message is perfectly consistent. This visualization represents the over 63,000 cross references between the various chapters in the Bible. This shows the divine nature of the Bible and is yet more evidence that it is inspired by God.
whered you get 4000 from then?
and im pretty sure there would be more non-believers now, than there would be in the time of jesus. If God was smart, he would do something truly awesome like jesus, now. Or is he a bit camera shy? too much attention from the media? surely it would be a better way to get people to believe?
btw im not saying Jesus is not true, im saying God, and all his miracles arent. Jesus was just a normal man (like the bible says) who influenced a lot of people, who then wrote in metaphors which were taken seriously.
well g2g dinner, but i'll be back...
It was written over a period of about 1500 years and is about 4000 years old. Just like I said.
Simply because of the greater world population there would be more non-believers now. If God was smart? Yeah, and I guess your mind must be equal to that of an omnipotent deity to know God's reasoning heh? He doesn't want to 'get' people to believe, that removes the whole basis of faith. If you can only believe what you can see, there is no point in having faith in the first place.
Lol, you're not saying Jesus isn't true, but you are saying God isn't. I presume you mean, 'wasn't' true, 'isn't' suggests you believe he exists now. The Bible says that Jesus is the Son of God hundreds and hundreds of times, to say it doesn't is just being completely outlandish. Yeah, I guess when he rose from the dead and then later ascended into Heaven, it was all just a big metaphor. :roll:
well if you put faith that way, then yes he doesnt need to do anything. But why 2000 years ago? why not now? he does want people to believe doesnt he? there is obviously more scientific evidence than biblical. christianity has not nearly as much evidence as science. all it has is recounts from people. hard evidence knows best.
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