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Taking a picture of yourself that contains alcohol in it does not mean they're doing it to look cool. And to answer your question in the title: Because they're stupid.DrSpongeWhen you're clearly under the legal age, yes it is. I'm not talking about a "post your wasted pics" thread where legal people are showing pictures of themselves vomit into a red bucket. I'm talking about kids who like holding a beer(or vodka) RIGHT beside their face in their pics..
I think it is a maturity thing...or lack there of, I also think it's because it's novel and illegal thus "cooler" No to mention in most highschools it seems that the popular kids drink thus making it cooler by association...
I really don't know why..I'm 17 and i have no interest whatsoever in drinking...I'm fine with my Sprite and Cocoa Cola thank you...
Because no matter what you say, only the uncool kids wont party like that.ManifestoJoeIs this a joke statement?
I don't know that lowering the drinking age would necessarily solve that, because then teenagers would do the same things only earlier. The way in which I think lowering the age would help is if adults started to see alcohol in a new light due to the guideline. I think a big problem is adults who try to take the position of keeping their kids away from it completely until they're x age. Just have a drink with them when they get into their teens and let them have a drink with dinner as they mature. If people want to know where this binge mentality comes from, it's not immaturity, it's the social precedent of aclohol being a strict taboo up untila certain age and having absolutely no restrictions aside from driving drunk thereafter. Also, there's a hell of a lot of media out there that makes being completely ****-faced look cool and not as painful as it really can be.
Well, for one, kids "these days"arent the first.Underage drinkinghas been happening for quite some time. Secondly, its kind of normal. I dont think lowering the drinking age would help at all. It would still be a novelty for most, and then kids would start drinking underage even younger.
one of many reasons to hate my generation
they care too much about being cool and not being cool they're even ready to waste themselves to be.....
they're shollow...
[QUOTE="ManifestoJoe"]Because no matter what you say, only the uncool kids wont party like that.th3warr1orIs this a joke statement? Only slightly. I'm just saying, no one hear is like "Dude last night I was so sober, it was sweet". I don't mean drinking automatically makes you cool or anything it's just that straight edge people are straight up lame.
ya, of the stereotype you describe, those kind of kids quite annoying
but there no worse than the kids who go out of there way to tell people how much of a desire they have not to drink and how they dont need alcohol to have fun
one of many reasons to hate my generation
they care too much about being cool and not being cool they're even ready to waste themselves to be.....
they're shollow...
Definitely agree with you here...and if i look "uncool" for being sober and not acting like an idiot then I'm fine with that..
Because it is socially accepted within their peers. I dunno, I like sitting back with friends, having a few drinks and playing videogames while telling stupid jokes, but if you can't remember any of it the day after and if you have to unswallow the bag of Cheetos you ate last night, it's not cool...
And yeah, unswallow. Euphemisms ftw!
They love the feeling it gives them, same goes for drugs, to escape from social issues and just lay "lose" with their friends and party without caring for the consequences.
I would say that some of the teens probably dont even like the taste of alcohol...
They probably just chug it down to achieve the buzz or simply get drunk.
Most teenagers are idiots, simple as that. They think getting drunk is cool and fun. Although it can be fun, doing it every weekend is stupid. Most of them don't even like the taste of alcohol, they just suck it up in order to get drunk. Binge drinking is what its called, and its something that needs to go away.
I think I'm one of the few people my age who actually drink for the taste.
It's easy to think in present tense.. but the fact is it's always been this way.... Every children of every generation like to do what they aren't suppose too. At least in America and other western cultures.
Let me make this clear. THIS IS NOT SOMETHING that is just happening now, or started recently.. It's been going on progressively for the last few hundred years if not longer.
First of all, it's not these days, teen drinking has been around for a long time. Second, it's true that some people think they are the **** because they drink, but most teens simply drink because it's fun. And it's not just teens, even adults like getting wasted. I personally don't drink to rebel or be cool. My parents know I drink and are fine with it because they drank as teenagers, and still do now, and understand that it is fun. As for people saying kids don't like the taste, that is true for many, but i personally love the taste of beer and whiskey. And thats my two cents.
I don't know one person that uses drugs to escape from social issues.I believe that to be a common misconception. Why can't drug use just be something to do instead of having some issues behind it. To me it's just another thing to do, like playing video games.They love the feeling it gives them, same goes for drugs, to escape from social issues and just lay "lose" with their friends and party without caring for the consequences.
I would say that some of the teens probably dont even like the taste of alcohol...
They probably just chug it down to achieve the buzz or simply get drunk.
i drink to get drunk cause it's fun and an amazing experience. i don't do it cause of what anybody thinks. i hate people who think they're superior cause they don't drink or do drugs. it's annoying as hell. get off your damn high horse.
Because the youth create the trends and youth follow the trends. and right now it's "trendy" that teenagers drink so much they pass out and puke.Treflis
i drink to get drunk cause it's fun and an amazing experience. i don't do it cause of what anybody thinks. i hate people who think they're superior cause they don't drink or do drugs. it's annoying as hell. get off your damn high horse.
Well I'm not on a 'high horse" but i think it's dumb to be puking, acting retarded and having a headache as well as not remembering anything. How is that fun?..
i drink to get drunk cause it's fun and an amazing experience. i don't do it cause of what anybody thinks. i hate people who think they're superior cause they don't drink or do drugs. it's annoying as hell. get off your damn high horse.
Well I'm not on a 'high horse" but i think it's dumb to be puking, acting retarded and having a headache as well as not remembering anything. How is that fun?..
You don't always puke, have a hangover or have to act "retarded" just because you're drunkBreaking the law has always made teenagers cool. Its called rebellion.
i drink to get drunk cause it's fun and an amazing experience. i don't do it cause of what anybody thinks. i hate people who think they're superior cause they don't drink or do drugs. it's annoying as hell. get off your damn high horse.
Well I'm not on a 'high horse" but i think it's dumb to be puking, acting retarded and having a headache as well as not remembering anything. How is that fun?..
There are different levels of drinking. You are describing the top end.
Exactly what I'm saying. Lowering the drinking age is still going to create the illusion that drinking is a "privilege" that only "grown ups" get to enjoy.I dont think lowering the drinking age is good i think they should just completely get rid of it. But still educate kids of its affects
i drink to get drunk cause it's fun and an amazing experience. i don't do it cause of what anybody thinks. i hate people who think they're superior cause they don't drink or do drugs. it's annoying as hell. get off your damn high horse.
Well I'm not on a 'high horse" but i think it's dumb to be puking, acting retarded and having a headache as well as not remembering anything. How is that fun?..
[QUOTE="tzar3"]I don't know one person that uses drugs to escape from social issues.I believe that to be a common misconception. Why can't drug use just be something to do instead of having some issues behind it. To me it's just another thing to do, like playing video games.They love the feeling it gives them, same goes for drugs, to escape from social issues and just lay "lose" with their friends and party without caring for the consequences.
I would say that some of the teens probably dont even like the taste of alcohol...
They probably just chug it down to achieve the buzz or simply get drunk.
Thats fine, whatever you like, but I stay away from drugs because I feel no need to use them whatsoever at all.
Your life, your choice, I ain't your daddy.
What he said. And not to go off topic, but it's also the reason why marijuana laws and the drinking age won't be changed. Teens are simply too stupid. I know a lot of smart people who are cautious about what they do, but the vast majority of kids now-a-days drink to unhealthy extents, drink behind their parents back, or drink just to brag about how drunk they got. It's a status thing. Heck, weed is illegal here and yet I could easily point out at least 10 kids on my facebook friends list that have pictures of them taking bong hits. These people aren't necessarily bad people when you converse with them, they just simply look to the wrong things for enjoyment.Breaking the law has always made teenagers cool. Its called rebellion.
I went and got wasted at a club on friday night, it was fun, just like every other time me and my mates get drunk, it's good. Don't give me that "I don't need alcohol to have a good time" crap, it's pathetic. I always have a good time with friends even if it doesn't involve alcohol.
I'll admit, I'm underage and have drank the in dozens of times! But drinking is something you have to be responsible about, I always drink til I get a decent buzz but have yet to ever be hammered til I pass out and vomit. That's when drinking just gets really stupid. Having a few shots of Listerine is always fun from time to time and really makes some great conversations lol :P-RocBoys9489-
Goddamn, man! Settle down! What's wrong with you kids these days?! :P
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