Nobody believes in God because they are told to. Telling people to believe in God is the #1 way to get them to NOT believe. There is no way any one person can make another person truly believe and accept God. And by God I mean Jesus Christ.
See, there is a reason why everyone is so frustrated with the way the world is, blaming God and telling everyone that He is incompetant and such, it's because in the world there's this thing called sin. Sin is basically anything you do to defy the laws of humanity that God set into place, that when followed would ideally lead to a world of paradise. Think about it, if EVERYONE actually DID what the Bible says to do, there would
-be no murders because nobody would murder, because God doesn't want people to murder one another.
-be no thieves because everyone would respect everyone else's property, because God doesn't want people stealing.
-be no cheating on spouses, hurt relations, fatherless or motherless children, divorces, etc, because God tells us and lays out for us what we need to do to make a happy fulfilled family - marriage til death, no infidelity, no disrespect of mothers or fathers, no divorce (hence no lawyers and greed and greedy child-support settlements, etc)
-be a lot less death because people would actually take care of themselves a lot more. No drunkenness, no smoking, no STD's (because there would be sex outside of marriage)
-be no hate because we are told to LOVE each other
See, the primary reason that people do not care to believe in God is because people do not want to be held accountable for anything. People simply want to do what they want to do, regardless of mistakes or whomever they hurt. This, and also how many churches have completely soiled the name of Jesus, using that name to make profit, make harsh judgments, etc. "Organized religion," and pretty much all religion... actually, not "pretty much" but indeed ALL religion is garbage. Why? Because what religion is is basically telling us that we need to do a certain set of things in order to be "good enough" for any sort of god in order to be able to earn our own salvation, be able to earn our own redemption, forgiveness, peace, love, etc. Like a mother who says "son/daughter, I don't love you or accept you just yet, but I will only if you do these chores." Now how many chores? And for how long? What if I do those chores but only for one day? Is that good enough? What if I do them for an entire year and then take a break and do it less because I get tired? Does that mean that my mom or dad won't accept me because I didn't go by this sort of untold schedule and capacity of chores to do? How much is enough?
The thing with Jesus is this - there can never ever be enough. You can NEVER be good enough. That is said right up front, from the start. Christianity, or actually forget "christianity," Jesus states "you can actually never be good enough for earning anything from me." Like, never, no matter what you do. Because the gift of salvation through Jesus is completely 100% free. Gifts are free, you do not pay for gifts nor do you have to "work back" a gift in order to now earn it once someone has already given it to you. It's yours. Period. All you need to do is say a heartfelt "thank you" to the giver and go and enjoy your gift. That's it. This is the fundamental point of christianity which many many churches have completely soiled because they desire money, order, authority, etc. But it really is THAT simple. In actuality, Jesus was perhaps the most anti-religious person to ever exist, even more so than us. He HATED religion because He knew that all religion was a lie and did nothing to help people. He came to stop religion completely but even so people have taken it upon themselves to make another organized religious establishment from Him.
And no, you don't need proof to believe, because then there would be no point in faith. Because even if God showed himself in physical form to the world, do you really think the world would THEN believe? The truth is, they wouldn't, because it will all go back to the being held accountable thing - people don't want to be held accountable, yet when things get tough, they seek help. Seems kinda cheap on our part. There actually IS enough proof every single day. Every time you wake up and see that gorgeous sunrise or later see that sunset. Every time you watch the ocean crash waves or how the moon makes it sparkle at night. When you see kids and they make you laugh. The fact that laughter actually exists. The fact that you have an imagination that is greater than the universe itself. These are all the big yet subtle ways God has already proven Himself to exist. We are just very used to it but we never take time to actually think about it on a deeper level. It's quite amazing really. There's your proof.
And in regards to why the world is so messed up. Well, we lots of times ask God why there is so much starvation in the world. How do you think He'd answer that? He'd probably answer it with a question, asking us "I don't know, you tell me, why IS there so much starvation in the world?" In other words, we have to power to stop it, but we don't. Like I stated above, people do something bad and then put the blame on God. How is it that we still don't see why this doesn't make sense? If we do something wrong, there are consequences. If we just did what we wanted, didn't believe or care for God at all, and at the same time expect Him to instantly fix our mistakes without even a thank you, for EVERYONE, ALL the time, do you think we'd even enjoy this life? We'd be nothing more than drones. So why get mad that there is bad in our lives when it's either directly us or other people that cause it? And meanwhile God states to us and those poeple over and over again to NOT do those things or there will be hurtful consequences. Yet... He is responsible for the bad things? Let's rethink our logic here and state why believing in God is illogical.
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