Now i know you guys think killing is is wrong, and yes i think so ture.
But a factor has come in, our prisons are filling up and running out of room. It very hard to change a person after what they done, but then again, why fix the broken when you can teach and protect the kids to not do the things the criminals do.
With more voliant crimes higher then ever, and since the prisons can't hold much more before being over run. Shouldn't we start Executing the most violent and insane criminals more offon that-is determine unsuitable to return back to the out side? Putting people in jail for life is a long time for one person, and nothing comes out of it beside having that spot filled for 50 years +,
I know you guys going to bash me for this, but this is after Off topic after all and this is my own opion.
sorry for spelling
Our jails are crowed because we throw people in jail for non-violent crimes. You can lower this by not throwing people in jail everytime they bat an eyelash. never less, they are still over flowing. something must be done about this, Maybe build more prisons. That would create some jobs and might improve the economy a little bit. hehe Or you could let non-violent offenders go free in favor of rehabilitation?
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