[QUOTE="Trashface"]I don't really think the average human can understand what Hell is like without some kind of deep, rare, spiritual experience. The rape of the soul and everything pure, along with knowing you can never go home again is a horror beyond any nightmare. Sorry to be grim, but it may help some people to grasp it.
As I said early, God didn't make humans to go to Hell. He made us to worship and be in communion with him. Satan's deception and man's disobedience seperated him from God. Christ was the new sacrifice where the Jews sacrifice in the temple of Holies was the old.
Some probably say "yeah well then why doesnt God just snap his finger and give us all a fresh start?". Well for one, the ways of God are far beyond the comprehension of men. It would be like a mouse trying to understand code for a graphics engine. Secondly, who knows what other beings he has created that we know nothing of. We may not even be the first run. Or maybe he loved and loves us so much that instead of snapping his fingers and banishing all of us into oblivion, he would rather let it all play out so we can still have a chance to be with him in the end. It doesn't matter because we've been supplied with the info we need. Some may say, "why doesn't he snap his fingers and kill everything and everyone bad in the world if he loves us?" That one is easy. First off, if he forced us to love him, it wouldn't be real love. He would be a tyrant. Secondly, we'd probably all be dead because we all do some wrong.
Anyway, those things are the truth regardless of any replies.
As I mentioned before, the notion that we would not have a choice in the matter if God proved His existence is absurd. Lots of people love their parents, and lots of people don't love their parents. They ALL know that their parents exist, but they are free to make a choice about how they feel about their parents, usually based on how they are treated by their parents. You know wat REALLY eliminates the possibility of a real choice? The threat of punishment if you choose not to love the authority figure... something like, I don't know, Hell. If God so desperately wanted humans to love Him, there would be no Hell, and He would prove His existence in a way that no one could refute. People don't develop love for no reason. They develop love out of respect and affection for what they love. When they can't even be sure that what they are supposed to love is real or not, or when they are threatened to either love or suffer eternally for choosing not to, that's when it becomes difficult to love.
What's even more patently absurd is to claim that God is doing any human a favour by offering this choice, where the 'wrong' choice will lead a person to eternal damnation. So in addition to not providing people with tangible evidence to prove to them that He is real and they must indeed take a stand on the matter, God allows those who fail to believe in His unproven existence to be tortured for eternity. But I suppose that's love, right? Because after all, any loving parent would surely allow his or her child to make a decision that involves life or death without providing the child with the information necessary to understand that the danger is indeed real.
The true reason that the vast majority of non-believers are non-believers is because they have been given no tangible evidence to prove that God is real, that Hell is real, or that anything in the Bible or any other Holy Book is true. And when these people are damned eternally, we are supposed to believe that it is their fault for failing to believe in an unprovable idea in a world filled with people who are trying to manipulate you into believing what they do without questioning it. Again, the situation is deeply soaked in irony. God is to humanity what Pontius Pilate was to Jesus - a being of authority who COULD do what He knows is necessary to prevent a terrible injustice, but fails to do so, then absolves Himself of any blame by saying "I did make a half-hearted attempt to convince people to make the right decision."
If God wants good people to avoid Hell, He needs to prove He exists. Until He does, He will be no more real to me or any other skeptic than any other mythological figure from historical writing. If He did prove His existence (tangibly, that is), the only people who would end up in Hell would be those who do truly deserve it - those who purposefully rebel against God, knowing full well that He is real, and that there will be consequneces for their behavior. Satan, anyone?
Hey, here's an idea... instead of that loving God people like to believe in. What if there's a God, but He is malicious (like many tyrannical absolute rulers in the past) and enjoys watching us struggle, suffer, and ultimately die? Such a figure would certainly make more sense when you start to talk about ideas like natural catastrophes, the capacity for evil, pain, and eternal damnation. But no, we couldn't believe that... because then God wouldn't be on our side, and we wouldn't feel all warm and fuzzy about existence. Or here's another idea - maybe there is a supernatural creator of the universe, and it is indifferent to us. There is no afterlife... there is no punishment or reward at the end of the line... there's just existence. Or perhaps there is no supernatural realm at all. Of course, all of these scenarios are as unprovable as the loving God, but that's sort of the point, now isn't it?
I'll end this by offering up a hypothetical situation... if you were a parent, would you place your child in a situation where his or here choice is a matter of life or death, and then fail to do everything that is possible to prevent your child from dying? Of course not. But oh yeah... God works in mysterious ways. :roll:
I didn't read any of your earlier replies. They don't make any difference just as your last ione doesn't. Your wall of text is invalid. Your whole foundation of an argument is from you misunderstanding the situation. Hell is not a punishment, but a result. It's what happens to the soul after being freed from the body never having been reunited with God. First off, you think the idea of God is illogical. In earlier times, you would have believed the Earth was flat because it's all your eyes were able to see. Secondly, one of the basises is faith. It's man's disobedience and Satan's deception that took man out of direct fellowship with God. Now we have to hang on and be reunited by faith. You act as if God should have prevented man from disobeying. Then he would be taking our free will. I addressed that. Anyway, your mind is made up and closed. As an athiest, you don't understand that you also believe by faith and have no proof. That makes you a hypocrite because you claim to require proof. At least the religious admit to believing by faith. Anyway, what I typed earlier is the true situation. You can waste more words if you'd like. Also, satanists are the truly foolish. They blame God for the things created by Satan. So they end up serving the one that cause all the pain. You don't seem to understand that the deception and disobedience of man changed humanity. Yes, we were designed to love God. Satan tricked mankind into letting filth, sin, death, all that in. Satan hates his followers just as he hates every single human ever born.
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