[QUOTE="mingmao3046"]And why should the government be putting a limit on how much money people can make? that is limiting growth of a company. The whole idea of running a business is to make as much money as possible. Not to provide your workers with a charity level salarybr0kenrabbit
A governments job is first and foremost to make sure society continues to operate. Take a look at that graph I posted in another thread:

See at the very top, where it says 40%? That's 40% of the population, and that little bitty slice is how much wealth nearly half the population owns in total. What you see here is a system that isn't working. What you see is a revolution that nobody wants about to be forced upon us.
If the people at the top would spread just a little bit of their wealth to those who produce that wealth in the first place, all would be well and society can continue to function. As it stands, we're about to enter some very bad times, and it's all due to the fact that workers are being asked to produce more for less pay.
Companies squeeze their workers, and then squeeze again and again. All the while, the fat cats at the top of the chain keep seeing their incomes rise.
It's no longer about what's fair, but rather what will keep society functioning.
If you want fair, you're going to need executives with an understanding that a well-paid workforce is good for the company and society, you know, like ole Henry Ford said.
You and I both know that isn't going to happen.
So the options are:
1. Status-quo. Worker wages continue to fall, exec wages continue to rise, and soon we have civil unrest and possibly even civil war.
2. Change $hit so that people who are willing to work 40 hours a week don't have to worry about making basic ends meet.
It really is that simple of a choice.
Look at Rome: There were many causes for its decline, but chief among them was the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few. The old saying goes: those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.
This is how it's been for quite some time. I dont see any communist revolutions happening because people are angry that the wages are "unfair". In this country you work for your way up the ladder to make more and more money. Those at the bottom of the corporate ladder are typically easily replaceable....which means their demand is not very high, which means they dont end up getting paid as much as the higher ups. Good luck getting the higher ups to continue working their ass off in many cases, only to be making pennies on the dollar due to ridiculous taxes. That will most certainly not promote growth for companies when the executives salary is capped off
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