Thought I'dpost this again because I think it got lost at the end of a page.
"Some of the posts in this thread genuienly defy belief. Are some of you actually saying that you wouldn't vote for a president, regardless of whether or not you agreed with his policies, because of their sexual orientation. Thats amazing.
The best reason given for this is because being gay is "unatural" and "gross". Doesn't that tell you about the level of intelect the people who hold these views have.
The biggest irony of all is that people are calling homosexuality unatural whilst they're typing on a computer (unatural) on the internet (unatural) in a heated home (unatural) whilst wearing clothes (unatural) you probably have a diet of food stuffed with all sorts of artificial preservatives and flavorings...I mean, I could go on and onbut all you need to do is look at your lives, it's not exactly like you're at one with nature yourselves is it.
Also, gay people don't wake up one day and say "You know what, I'm going to piss everyone off by becoming "unatural" and becoming a **** being attracted to someone of the same sex" It's not a concious decision! The same way that you being attracted to females is not a concious decision! They can't help it.
Their brains are wired differently to yours, thats all, who knows why?Do you think the devil made them that way? Or did God doit to test you?
You've been brainwashed by your upbringing and your societal and cultural norms, can you not seethat? In England, people are more tolerant of gay people because there isn't as much shame and stigma attached to it. I can't help thinking thats something to do with the diminishing influence of Christianity, but thats a whole other debate.
Someone said before they don't like gay people because they weren't brought up in a **** loving" environment. Well that's evident mate. You are a homophobic bigot,and you were probably brought up by a bigot, or a bunch of bigots who made you feel ashamed whenever you weren't being a big masculine man! And so now you thing being gay is abhorant.
But do you honestly think that there is not one person in your circle of influence that isn't gay Ofcourse there is! But think about it...if I was gay and hung around with people who constantly told me that it was evil to be gay would I wanna come out of the closet? No! Thats probably why we get so muchhomophobia from 14 year old twerps on Xbox live. Overcompensation.
Oh and by the way, to all the homophobes in here,when you're jerking of to your favourite lesbian porn tonight, desperatly trying to convince yourself that you're not at all a dirty unatural gay just remember...
You're jerking off to gay porn.
Rant over for now"
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