Thats just nasty...
I felt akward about the idea of dating a 17 year-old sophmore as a 20 year old who's been out of HS for over 3 years and that played a big part in me turning this girl I know (who I do hang out with and am still friends with) down....
MAYBE the age difference wouldn't be an issue later on in life, but at that time period it is a HUGE issue....
Well, a three year age difference isn't bad. Double it though and it can be a problem, depending on the age of of the younger person. If they're both the age of consent, it doesn't matter what the age difference is.
Hell a 6 year difference isn't horrible but only later on in life after school.
In my case the 3 year difference meant ALOT. Shes got 2 more years of high school while I have been out of high school for 3 years. The whole thought of it is kind of creepy to me. I mean that would have been just like someone earlier had said, like a senior in HS dating someone in junior high.....
Wait you're 20 right? That means you graduated at 17?
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