[QUOTE="-Sun_Tzu-"] Per the article linked, the evidence is consistent with Martin trying to get away or defend himself from Zimmerman. -Sun_Tzu-
Actually no, that guy clearly said he believes it helps the defense and is consistent with Zimmerman's account, not the other way around. He simply threw that out there as an alternative. You way took his words out of context...shame on you.*edit*
Actually that's not your fault...that's the shatty media doing it's thing again.
The original video was cut off to that point, let me find the original...WTF is wrong with the media!?!?!
It is the same video, you just ignored what he said prior (1:00). More consistent with the defense, but of course there's other possibilities. How you turn that into the opposite though is a wonder.
I'm not the one taking his words out of context. He didn't say it was any more consistent with Zimmerman's account, he said this evidence is better for the defense than it is for the prosecution. That's a very different thing to say than what you are claiming is being said. This evidence doesn't tell us one way or another how these injuries were inflicted, it just confirms that injuries were inflicted.
If he thinks the evidence is better for the defense, which account/story do you think he believes it's more consistent with?
Either way, your initial comment:
"Per the article linked, the evidence is consistent with Martin trying to get away or defend himself from Zimmerman."
Is totally inconsistent with what what he was saying. He clearly believes the evidence is better for the defense, not with the prosecution's story. C'mon man...don't be ridiculous.
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