Computer hacking took a while to get used to, yeah, but after a while you'll have enough practice to whiz through PCs in a few seconds. My biggest complaint about the minigames is that sometimes when you're moving and clicking the mouse, I accidentally click the 'abort' button and fail the hack.
can you give me a brief rundown of:
1. the hand to hand combat system
2. the stealth system
1 - This seems slightly simplistic, actually...unless I'm just missing a few things.
You press 'e' to perform a melee attack, and depending on your skills, you can chain together a bunch in a combo, hold 'e' to perform slower, stronger attacks, perform running kicks, entry fury mode (like melee bullet time), etc. I think blocking is automatic...maybe? Enemies can and will block, but for the most part it works quickly and quietly - although charging at a gun-toting enemy usually results in them walking backwards and shooting at you. :P
2. It is mainly based on sight, sound and proximity, rather than darkness or anything like that. Running makes you instantly noticeable (unless you've learnt silent running, and even then that's only for a few seconds), but for the most part you can crouch around between cover and remain unseen for a short while. If you sneak up behind people you can knock them out or perform stealth-kills. Enemies have three levels of awareness, and will notice each other's bodies (these disappear over time, though) and react to noises.
You've got heaps of gadgets and skills that help with stealth though, and it is a very viable option for most of the missions (although it seems like you absolutely have to fight some of the big bosses - fortunately there's heaps of cover in those areas, and usually easier ways to kill the bosses, but they're the main sections you can't get through quietly). You're rewarded xp for every enemy you knock out, and you even get xp and perks for avoiding enemies entirely.
Oh, there are also security cameras and alarms to deal with, but you've got gadgets and hacking for those. Still, they'll keep you on your toes.
What does distortion do? is that like motion blur, or that distortion like on l4d2?
I'm guessing that that's the static-y/distorted effect that occurs during the flash-forward sequences between important missions.
thank you very much.
i know you just got it, but any idea how long it is? What do you think the replayability will be like?
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