Might be a day one for me.
Love the combat. And the animations are fantastic.
But I have to disagree with most people here - for me, this game was meant to be played on the 360 controller. I tried the mouse and keyboard... meh. The 360 controller just seems so much more natural. I can position both the camera, and my character, exactly as I want to.
I also like to move my character with a non-linear movement speed - I hate having just two movement speeds, walk or run. I want to feel the whole spectrum of movement speeds. This is actually important, and is one of the reasons I prefer the 360 controller.
But yeah, it was an impressive demo. Also, did anybody else notice at the end of the demo - September 15'th. They got it right. I'd have to say that this is a pretty good example of a game that's being released at an appropriate time. Had this game been released just one month later, then I probably wouldn't be buying it. Dragon Age has got me in October - end of discussion.
Batman is the anti-Mirror's-Edge. Never has a game been released at a worse time, than when Mirror's Edge was released last year (on the consoles).
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