mchoghlin, whats yer soldier name? you were irish right? so we ought to be able to play together... what is this with the L82A2 no recoil i hear? :D
Yep i'm Irish ;)
My name is "jack-septic-eye". I should be on later
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mchoghlin, whats yer soldier name? you were irish right? so we ought to be able to play together... what is this with the L82A2 no recoil i hear? :D
Yep i'm Irish ;)
My name is "jack-septic-eye". I should be on later
mchoghlin, whats yer soldier name? you were irish right? so we ought to be able to play together... what is this with the L82A2 no recoil i hear? :D
Yep i'm Irish ;)
My name is "jack-septic-eye". I should be on later
Imma stalk you now >:D I hooah'ed your new rank though, I'm a nice stalker :)[QUOTE="seanmcloughlin"][QUOTE="shyco"]
mchoghlin, whats yer soldier name? you were irish right? so we ought to be able to play together... what is this with the L82A2 no recoil i hear? :D
Yep i'm Irish ;)
My name is "jack-septic-eye". I should be on later
Imma stalk you now >:D I hooah'ed your new rank though, I'm a nice stalker :)good keep it that way :P
Not dropping Medkits/Ammoboxes/Not repair... Yesterday at night my friend and I were working on unlocking the L85Awhatever it is (the 5 SQDM win one) and I was driving the APC killing everything, right? Right. SO squads were messed up so we had 8 people in our squad, 5 of them were engi, 3 of those were using my APC as cover.. NOT A SINGLE ONE repaired me. None of them, Pissed me off royally. They just kept running back, using their RPG/SMAWs to kill infantry.[QUOTE="trastamad03"][QUOTE="seanmcloughlin"]
They just want like you said, weapons that require no skill to use for cheap kills because most can't get them any other way in head to head infantry combat. They rely on hanging back with mortars, using AT mines or planting cheap claymores
Happens to me all the time. A squad of medics. I revive and heal EVERYONE on my team but when I'm in need they are nowhere to be seen. Standing next to me shooting and healing themselves. But never reviving me or healing me unless it's a by-product of healing themselves.
Pisses me off
Yes but that makes you appreciate the times when you're with a squad of competent players even more. When we played yesterday at some point I revived all three of you at least 3x on a single life before I got downed while we were maintaining control of Caspian hilltop :P It seems a lot of players struggle just to switch to ammo/medpack/gadget, sometimes I feel bad asking for ammo because I see a guy fumbling through all his equipment switching to his pistol, then to his mortar, back to his primary, then to his mortar, it's like their brains are heating up to the point where you can cook eggs on them :( Playing Seine Crossing is extremely enjoyable now due to the changes to both infantry and vehicles, it's more interesting for both MBT drivers and infantry. I like being forced to treat the MBT as a valuable piece of equipment rather than some rambo hulk vehicle and being able to double rocket pop them with a team mate.[QUOTE="seanmcloughlin"][QUOTE="trastamad03"] Not dropping Medkits/Ammoboxes/Not repair... Yesterday at night my friend and I were working on unlocking the L85Awhatever it is (the 5 SQDM win one) and I was driving the APC killing everything, right? Right. SO squads were messed up so we had 8 people in our squad, 5 of them were engi, 3 of those were using my APC as cover.. NOT A SINGLE ONE repaired me. None of them, Pissed me off royally. They just kept running back, using their RPG/SMAWs to kill infantry. Zubinen
Happens to me all the time. A squad of medics. I revive and heal EVERYONE on my team but when I'm in need they are nowhere to be seen. Standing next to me shooting and healing themselves. But never reviving me or healing me unless it's a by-product of healing themselves.
Pisses me off
Yes but that makes you appreciate the times when you're with a squad of competent players even more. When we played yesterday at some point I revived all three of you at least 3x on a single life before I got downed while we were maintaining control of Caspian hilltop :P It seems a lot of players struggle just to switch to ammo/medpack/gadget, sometimes I feel bad asking for ammo because I see a guy fumbling through all his equipment switching to his pistol, then to his mortar, back to his primary, then to his mortar, it's like their brains are heating up to the point where you can cook eggs on them :( Playing Seine Crossing is extremely enjoyable now due to the changes to both infantry and vehicles, it's more interesting for both MBT drivers and infantry. I like being forced to treat the MBT as a valuable piece of equipment rather than some rambo hulk vehicle and being able to double rocket pop them with a team mate.Yeah that happens to me sometimes but only when my hands are cold and clumsy :lol:
But yeah that was fun yesterday but it took me a while to figure out the new "Mark and go" system isntead of just pressing Q on a flag. You now have to aim at it hold Q and go down the "Give order" in the commo rose. We should play again though soon cos you guys actually helped me and didn't just run all over the place. I take it you knew the other 2 guys then?
I suck with Jets now :( Wish they never changed anything!
Really? I got better in them lol
Yes but that makes you appreciate the times when you're with a squad of competent players even more. When we played yesterday at some point I revived all three of you at least 3x on a single life before I got downed while we were maintaining control of Caspian hilltop :P It seems a lot of players struggle just to switch to ammo/medpack/gadget, sometimes I feel bad asking for ammo because I see a guy fumbling through all his equipment switching to his pistol, then to his mortar, back to his primary, then to his mortar, it's like their brains are heating up to the point where you can cook eggs on them :( Playing Seine Crossing is extremely enjoyable now due to the changes to both infantry and vehicles, it's more interesting for both MBT drivers and infantry. I like being forced to treat the MBT as a valuable piece of equipment rather than some rambo hulk vehicle and being able to double rocket pop them with a team mate.[QUOTE="Zubinen"][QUOTE="seanmcloughlin"]
Happens to me all the time. A squad of medics. I revive and heal EVERYONE on my team but when I'm in need they are nowhere to be seen. Standing next to me shooting and healing themselves. But never reviving me or healing me unless it's a by-product of healing themselves.
Pisses me off
Yeah that happens to me sometimes but only when my hands are cold and clumsy :lol:
But yeah that was fun yesterday but it took me a while to figure out the new "Mark and go" system isntead of just pressing Q on a flag. You now have to aim at it hold Q and go down the "Give order" in the commo rose. We should play again though soon cos you guys actually helped me and didn't just run all over the place. I take it you knew the other 2 guys then?
I only know Alain, Suguro was a random player, Alain is an alright player but I don't count on him most of the time but he's a very relaxed player and follows directions well so I play with him pretty often(although often we end up on enemy teams). Jets handle a lot better now and it's a little more difficult to maintain the optimal cornering velocity which is actually nice since this throws off a lot of players who refuse to adjust.Wasn't too impressed, especially for a 4 month patch. It's a step in the right direction and most of the improvements were good, but if all they do is take a step every 4 months this game will never be up to par with previous titles. The patch, to me, was the typical DICE patch, break stuff that people never complained about (nor needed fixing) and fix minor issues while ignoring the bigger issues. Amazing that DICE wants to sell DLC to BF3 players when all they can deliver after 4 months is this...A few things that were listed as fixed, were not even fixed (burst weapon jamming, MAV elevator, heat seekers not dealing damage).
I guess I must be the only one of this forum that hates the new suppression effect. It was bearable before, but now a single pistol shot suppresses and entire squad as if it was a tank shell. I had one instance where me and my friends rounded a corner, an engineer with the .44 scoped (obviously a weapon designed for suppression...) and it takes 4-5 seconds for 5 people to drop this one guy just because he got the first shot off. BF3 has never really been a skilled based in the shooter aspects, but I was hoping that DICE would remedy that and bring BF3 more inline with previous BF titles (gun/fire control was extremely important, even in BC2)... not cater even more to idiots who shoot every moving thing and expect to win just because they got the first shot off. On top of that, the blur effect is painful after playing for more than 20minutes.
I also don't like what I'm reading about the vehicle changes. It would appear that choppers are even more powerful and that tanks are even weaker...
[QUOTE="seanmcloughlin"][QUOTE="trastamad03"] Not dropping Medkits/Ammoboxes/Not repair... Yesterday at night my friend and I were working on unlocking the L85Awhatever it is (the 5 SQDM win one) and I was driving the APC killing everything, right? Right. SO squads were messed up so we had 8 people in our squad, 5 of them were engi, 3 of those were using my APC as cover.. NOT A SINGLE ONE repaired me. None of them, Pissed me off royally. They just kept running back, using their RPG/SMAWs to kill infantry. Zubinen
Happens to me all the time. A squad of medics. I revive and heal EVERYONE on my team but when I'm in need they are nowhere to be seen. Standing next to me shooting and healing themselves. But never reviving me or healing me unless it's a by-product of healing themselves.
Pisses me off
Yes but that makes you appreciate the times when you're with a squad of competent players even more. When we played yesterday at some point I revived all three of you at least 3x on a single life before I got downed while we were maintaining control of Caspian hilltop :P It seems a lot of players struggle just to switch to ammo/medpack/gadget, sometimes I feel bad asking for ammo because I see a guy fumbling through all his equipment switching to his pistol, then to his mortar, back to his primary, then to his mortar, it's like their brains are heating up to the point where you can cook eggs on them :( Playing Seine Crossing is extremely enjoyable now due to the changes to both infantry and vehicles, it's more interesting for both MBT drivers and infantry. I like being forced to treat the MBT as a valuable piece of equipment rather than some rambo hulk vehicle and being able to double rocket pop them with a team mate. Some people still use scroll wheel. :lol:Not dropping Medkits/Ammoboxes/Not repair... Yesterday at night my friend and I were working on unlocking the L85Awhatever it is (the 5 SQDM win one) and I was driving the APC killing everything, right? Right. SO squads were messed up so we had 8 people in our squad, 5 of them were engi, 3 of those were using my APC as cover.. NOT A SINGLE ONE repaired me. None of them, Pissed me off royally. They just kept running back, using their RPG/SMAWs to kill infantry.[QUOTE="trastamad03"][QUOTE="seanmcloughlin"]
They just want like you said, weapons that require no skill to use for cheap kills because most can't get them any other way in head to head infantry combat. They rely on hanging back with mortars, using AT mines or planting cheap claymores
Happens to me all the time. A squad of medics. I revive and heal EVERYONE on my team but when I'm in need they are nowhere to be seen. Standing next to me shooting and healing themselves. But never reviving me or healing me unless it's a by-product of healing themselves.
Pisses me off
Play with me. You'll never "die." :P But I never see you on because I play at odd times of the day and night.. :[Wow, the patch made this game incredible. Headshots are actually headshots now. Everything feels so much more responsive. Did they take out MAV ramming? Haven't been able to kill anyone with it yet since patch hit.
I agree that the patch has done more good than evil. lol. I don't die at every damn corner I run to in air maps like Firestorm (which I just played). I'm actually taking down Heli's and Jets with the stinger now (I know I suck lol). The only things that have gotten worse are suppression and hit detection. I haven't had problems with hit detection prior to patch, and it isn't because of lag or stuttering either. Since the patch, I can count numerous times where I've unloaded on enemy players and they were still left standing. Suppression can simply work with a pistol.. it's insane.. one guy suppressing a group of players with a pistol. Screen blurs and you hope you shot him first or you must have magical eyeglasses. Overall, much better though I must say. I'm actually enjoying air maps more as infantry. I remember getting ganged on so much as infantry on air maps but now, I'm able to enjoy it a lot more.Wow, the patch made this game incredible. Headshots are actually headshots now. Everything feels so much more responsive. Did they take out MAV ramming? Haven't been able to kill anyone with it yet since patch hit.
BF3 is absolutely crap now IMO. Its impossible to have a medium to long range gun battle. The bullets go any where but the crosshair. All this unwanted suppression redesign has created is terrible game play. It promotes spray and pray, it promotes camping. Why should people be rewarded so handsomely for having terrible aim and missing their target?!!? I'm done with BF3.
Ok, Bye :D Less whiny people, that can't change their play-style a bit or can't adapt to changes, the better :)BF3 is absolutely crap now IMO. Its impossible to have a medium to long range gun battle. The bullets go any where but the crosshair. All this unwanted suppression redesign has created is terrible game play. It promotes spray and pray, it promotes camping. Why should people be rewarded so handsomely for having terrible aim and missing their target?!!? I'm done with BF3.
I'm sorry but how does it promote camping? If anything it encourages mobility. Consider this: if you can stand on a ridge in Caspian Border, plugging people on the opposite side of the river like you could before the patch, why would you move? Shortening up the combat means that players now have to get closer to their enemies and try to flank them.BF3 is absolutely crap now IMO. Its impossible to have a medium to long range gun battle. The bullets go any where but the crosshair. All this unwanted suppression redesign has created is terrible game play. It promotes spray and pray, it promotes camping. Why should people be rewarded so handsomely for having terrible aim and missing their target?!!? I'm done with BF3.
[QUOTE="bonafidetk"]I'm sorry but how does it promote camping? If anything it encourages mobility. Consider this: if you can stand on a ridge in Caspian Border, plugging people on the opposite side of the river like you could before the patch, why would you move? Shortening up the combat means that players now have to get closer to their enemies and try to flank them. Yeah it promotes the exact opposite of camping. If you are camping then the enemies just need to fire in your general direction for a few seconds and get you suppressed to the point where you can't hit the broad side of a barn.BF3 is absolutely crap now IMO. Its impossible to have a medium to long range gun battle. The bullets go any where but the crosshair. All this unwanted suppression redesign has created is terrible game play. It promotes spray and pray, it promotes camping. Why should people be rewarded so handsomely for having terrible aim and missing their target?!!? I'm done with BF3.
In regards to suppression,
Probably the only good metro video I've seen too.
In regards to suppression,
Probably the only good metro video I've seen too.
Bahahaha, suppression. SO REAL
Same here , i quit playing the game for sometime and started again after the patch , hit detection still sucked . It's so annying to empty entire clips into someone only to have then run off and kill you .Until they fix hit detection, I'm not playing it again.
They never got it right in a BF game...[QUOTE="sailor232"]
Until they fix hit detection, I'm not playing it again.
So that makes it alright here? Its a problem, a reocccurring one that they should had figured out in Bf2. Just sick of dying in cover thats all.
The main thing I dislike about the update is that it has made me suck with Jets, yet made me better with helis :( I really need to learn how to control the Jets again.
That makes no sense. Jets maneuver more easily at lower speeds now so for example it's extremely easy to get all your shots on helis and ground units now. The throttle is much more responsive now and you can do reverse loops and flips like you'd only see with the SU37 in real life which you couldn't do pre-patch.The main thing I dislike about the update is that it has made me suck with Jets, yet made me better with helis :( I really need to learn how to control the Jets again.
[QUOTE="bonafidetk"]Ok, Bye :D Less whiny people, that can't change their play-style a bit or can't adapt to changes, the better :)BF3 is absolutely crap now IMO. Its impossible to have a medium to long range gun battle. The bullets go any where but the crosshair. All this unwanted suppression redesign has created is terrible game play. It promotes spray and pray, it promotes camping. Why should people be rewarded so handsomely for having terrible aim and missing their target?!!? I'm done with BF3.
everyone needs to change their playstyle to something like this.
a decrease in drones would be much better than a decrease in whiners.
Ok, Bye :D Less whiny people, that can't change their play-style a bit or can't adapt to changes, the better :)[QUOTE="trastamad03"][QUOTE="bonafidetk"]
BF3 is absolutely crap now IMO. Its impossible to have a medium to long range gun battle. The bullets go any where but the crosshair. All this unwanted suppression redesign has created is terrible game play. It promotes spray and pray, it promotes camping. Why should people be rewarded so handsomely for having terrible aim and missing their target?!!? I'm done with BF3.
everyone needs to change their playstyle to something like this.
a decrease in drones would be much better than a decrease in whiners.
Supression perk. Use it :)[QUOTE="biggest_loser"][QUOTE="bonafidetk"]I'm sorry but how does it promote camping? If anything it encourages mobility. Consider this: if you can stand on a ridge in Caspian Border, plugging people on the opposite side of the river like you could before the patch, why would you move? Shortening up the combat means that players now have to get closer to their enemies and try to flank them. Yeah it promotes the exact opposite of camping. If you are camping then the enemies just need to fire in your general direction for a few seconds and get you suppressed to the point where you can't hit the broad side of a barn. Yup. In Firestorm map, there was a camper high up in the tower firing at me as I was running across the pipeline.. I normally could take snipers out from a great distance if I get my bullet drop right.. I hit him a few times but nothing fatal.. but it definitely scared him off lol. It's probably the ONLY good thing I could say about suppression post-patch.BF3 is absolutely crap now IMO. Its impossible to have a medium to long range gun battle. The bullets go any where but the crosshair. All this unwanted suppression redesign has created is terrible game play. It promotes spray and pray, it promotes camping. Why should people be rewarded so handsomely for having terrible aim and missing their target?!!? I'm done with BF3.
Ok, Bye :D Less whiny people, that can't change their play-style a bit or can't adapt to changes, the better :)[QUOTE="trastamad03"][QUOTE="bonafidetk"]
BF3 is absolutely crap now IMO. Its impossible to have a medium to long range gun battle. The bullets go any where but the crosshair. All this unwanted suppression redesign has created is terrible game play. It promotes spray and pray, it promotes camping. Why should people be rewarded so handsomely for having terrible aim and missing their target?!!? I'm done with BF3.
everyone needs to change their playstyle to something like this.
a decrease in drones would be much better than a decrease in whiners.
This has been happening on Operation Metro map long before the patch.. not to this incredible degree.. but it isn't something new. That hallway is a major bottleneck. With 2-3 soldiers, you could hold up an entire team down the other end. It's only a matter of time untilt he opposing team figures out they need to go the other way and then they will flank you.[QUOTE="HavocV3"][QUOTE="trastamad03"] Ok, Bye :D Less whiny people, that can't change their play-style a bit or can't adapt to changes, the better :)Elann2008
everyone needs to change their playstyle to something like this.
a decrease in drones would be much better than a decrease in whiners.
This has been happening on Operation Metro map long before the patch.. not to this incredible degree.. but it isn't something new. That hallway is a major bottleneck. With 2-3 soldiers, you could hold up an entire team down the other end. It's only a matter of time untilt he opposing team figures out they need to go the other way and then they will flank you. Well, at least they're using bullets unlike before:[QUOTE="gameofthering"]That makes no sense. Jets maneuver more easily at lower speeds now so for example it's extremely easy to get all your shots on helis and ground units now. The throttle is much more responsive now and you can do reverse loops and flips like you'd only see with the SU37 in real life which you couldn't do pre-patch. I'll just have to practice more :PThe main thing I dislike about the update is that it has made me suck with Jets, yet made me better with helis :( I really need to learn how to control the Jets again.
They never got it right in a BF game...[QUOTE="mitu123"]
Until they fix hit detection, I'm not playing it again.
So that makes it alright here? Its a problem, a reocccurring one that they should had figured out in Bf2. Just sick of dying in cover thats all.
I know, but DICE can't seem to get it right, it doesn't make sense when they made these games for years.Well, I feel good uninstalling BF3. Since the patch, I've just about had it with the game. Suppression is RIDICULOUS. One bullet. And I mean, one bullet at any range suppresses (blurs your screen). Hit detection has gotten worse. I don't know how that happened but I'm not surprised considering DICE's track record. Pre-patch, everything was fine. Tanks are weak now.. and can be disposed of in a couple of RPG/Javelin hits. As a player that uses the Stinger, I can easily take down helicopters in two shots, as long as I'm in range they don't stand a chance. I feel sorry for you heli-players. Operation Metro - which use to be fun and my stress-reliever map is atrocious. It was fun before, but with suppression and hit detection being **** now, you are basically playing a map with blur on all the time. I have put over 100 hours into this game and that takes a lot for someone like to me to invest such amount of hours into a game. But I'm done. The game at this moment is a headache to play when it was suppose to be fun. /rantElann2008I didn't think that was possible...
[QUOTE="mitu123"] They never got it right in a BF game...
So that makes it alright here? Its a problem, a reocccurring one that they should had figured out in Bf2. Just sick of dying in cover thats all.
I know, but DICE can't seem to get it right, it doesn't make sense when they made these games for years. I've said this time and time again, but DICE literally has no internal testing for their games... But eventually they patch things into what the community wants, for example suppression is being toned down in a hotfix soon: didn't think that was possible...
It didn't get worse. It just changed. I pumped a ton of rounds from a jeep into another guy in a jeep just sitting there, and he walks out, turns around, and kills me on foot. Although, most shots feel a hell of a lot more responsive. Headshots from short-mid range with snipers actually feels like you got him. They always fall down now before you gotta pull the bolt back, instead of after.
Supression is the worst change though. It just feels horrible.
This new patch makes the Battlefield 3 more stable, fairer, and more balanced... its size is 1.5 GB and its too much.. :D
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