I'm burned out on WoW, but I like MMOs for the big worlds/community etc.
So fully expecting to play the free month and quit in shame I bought DCUO. (heard it was dumbed down and not very good basically)
I have to report, this game is nuts, they nailed the "superhero vs villain" MMO. Seeing a superspeed guy run up the side of a skyscraper, me chasing him and stunning him off the side, dropping down to the ground (the earth shatters below you) and messing the villain up is unparalleled. This game makes me ask "what is WoW again?"
The combat is very fast, instead of "target and press buttons until dead" you "look" at the enemy and then do combos to build "power" and "superpower". With power you can use skills (like WoW) and superpower allows you to use the top end powerful skills. Combos are kind of like Ninja Gaiden (or something like that). Each class has 5 skill trees, 2 for the class, 1 movement, 1 weapon and 1 "iconic" power set. Its easy to learn, hard to master, and can be min/maxed like you wouldn't believe.
My only complaints about the game are the UI, which is gimped compared to other MMOs, but honestly the game is 5x more FUN than other MMOs so I'm OK with it.
I'm lvl 20, if you have questions feel free to ask.
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