[QUOTE="haberman13"][QUOTE="FelipeInside"] I don't have an issue with change, I love for an MMO to come along and bring something NEW.....it's just that DC DOESN'T and isn't the one. What revolution do you see in DC that I am missing? If it's the ACTIVE REAL-TIME combat then sorry, it isn't the first MMO to do that. It has repetitive quests, IN THE FIRST HOUR.... the UI is shocking, the social tools are consolized and non-existent.... and the gameplay is most of the time a button smasher. Someone please enlighten me and show me the REVOLUTION....Roland123_basic
Ok, let me explain, as I have run into many "button mashers" who i promptly smash into the ground.
You have power and super power, power is used for normal skills; you generate power by doing "combos" [example: left click, right click, left tap, left hold, right click] after generating enough power you can use "skills" [example: aoe heal, ice block enemies, etc] using these skills generate "superpower" which in turn unlock the next "tier" of skills [example: aoe root 8 enemies].
Ok, so, to maximize damage, you are doing combos, skills, and blowing superpowers. On top of that you are dodging, manually, incoming attacks; if you are a tank you are blocking, manually.
Beyond that: group dynamics - 4 key roles: tank/healer/controller/dps
They form a cohesion which generates enough health/mitigation/damage/energy regen to overcome the encounter.
So, there is your revolution, active combat with the addition of a 4th role into the "trinity". Combine that with 5 trees per character, skill points continuing to gather after 30 via achiev unlocks and you have yourself one crazy MMO fit to dominate the world. You're complaints about the UI are warranted, certainly, but that kind of misses the point with an MMO doesn't it? These games are actively managed/planned/patched, change can happen, and certainly will. Why miss a gem because there is a spec of dirt?
If you don't get that, I understand, some things go beyond the common man; we can't all be 'super', well, unless you get the game; then we're all super duper.
condescending much? see this is what happens when people start to realize they are wrong about something.... they go from trying to propose a solid argument to just trying to put people down...You of all people talking about "trying to put people down"? Come on now, you do this more then anyone on this whole forum :?
Some people are enjoying this gaem and have given reasons why, they are not WRONG for feelign the way they do about the game. Its called an opinion, some like the game some dont like it. There is no right or wrong.
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