[QUOTE="smerlus"] Cliffy B made consoles his development focus because PC gaming is dying, this is a fact. he even stated it. so i see it very relevent to the argument. Is Pc gaming actually dying? no.
Mark Rein said he simplified the controls for consoles, this is a fact. Did the console players like his design decisions, no.
and you're not getting my anaolgy all the way. now if I killed your dog for you, stole your money for you and touched your grandmother inappropriately for you, and you wanted none of these things done for you nor did you condone them... how you you feel if people were like "wow that guy that did all those things is really messed up, those things were "SmokeydaBearisized" and anything that even remotely resembles those things people start tossing around that term.
Why should the blame fall on you when it was a moron that did all the negative stuff in your name and you didn't like any of it?
that's what sales has to do with the argument. Shivering Isles on the 360 version came with a gamestopping bug...is that game PCisized even though it's a consolized game first? because it had the negative traits associated with both platforms.
I said I wasn't going to continue, but I will answer your questions regardless (I don't have anything better to do now :P). Also Mark Rein said they simplified the game modes for the consoles. That is a fact.See people here won't get it. Chances are the majority of the people that come here are not casual gamers. So when I say these games were simplified for console gamers people get all upset because they believe that it implies they as a console gamer have to support the changes, when they do not. Consoles have a wide casual base, that doesn't mean that all console gamers are casual, nor does it mean that they all want these simplifications. There is a good chance that a lot of gamers here, yourself included, would welcome the plentiful modes that UT2004 featured in UT3. But when the marketing people did their job at Epic, they came to the conclusion that the game should be simpler because the casual base had been increased substantially due to the introduction of the console market. Maybe the game would be too complex for the average customer. Therefore they decided to take away game modes and enhance the experience for the people who do not enjoy the complexity of certain games. They made a mistake and it wasn't the only one, their timing was really poor and that was probably the main cause of extremely poor sales. Blablabla... if you don't get it by now it isn't going to be worth typing up the rest.
Why should the blame fall on you when it was a moron that did all the negative stuff in your name and you didn't like any of it?
The blame doesn't fall on everyone and overall the developers and marketing folks get the most blame. I also blame the casual majority, the folks that want these changes, for having the stronger say in the mind of the marketing people. I know business is about making money, but that doesn't mean I have to enjoy the outcome or most profitable route. In the case of UT3 consolization didn't help them. For other games I'm sure it did.
The "moron doing the negative stuff" is the part I call "consolization", because the morons are doing it for the sake of the consoles. Like you said, just because they do it in the name of somethings doesn't mean the all of the "things" approve. So I'm not saying every console player out there wants these simplifications, I'm saying it was done for console players because they believed that the probable majority of their customers (console players) would want the changes.
but their not doing it just because of consoles and sales across the board prove this. UTIII bombed on both platforms, Deus Ex 2 bombed on both platforms, Bioshock, Oblivion, Morrowind all sold well on both platforms... so how come one platform is being blamed for the simplicity of these games and not the lowest denominator on both sides?
In my head this seems so much like common sense but i don't know why people aren't understanding this...
ok let's say I made the best PC game ever and then for my next game I boxed up a piece of feces and sold it. now if it sold poorly across the PC and Xbox 360, which I would expect crap to do... why would it be the console's fault?
Also what if it sold really well? let's say i sold over a million on both platforms. How does the console get the blame once again when both PC and PS3 users bought it like crazy?
could it be that there are casual gamers on both platforms that like simplified games? Could it be that games that come out and are scorned by both platforms just suck and suffered from poor design decisions?
Or are you the type that believes in Santa Clause, The Tooth Faily and consolization? because gifts being delivered by a fat man in a red suit, a winged nocturnal creature that swaps teeth for money and Grey, White, or Black machines whose sheer existance either make a game popular or bomb are all about the same on the probability scale
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