are any of you guys even old enough to remember the days when you had to:
walk or drive to a store
walk into it, and be around people (UGH!)
browse various games under flourescent lightbulbs
occasionally lift your arms and rotate your wrist to look at the box and packaging for a detailed view (swear to god, I think I got carpal tunnel from that shit...)
pick up the box with contents of desired game
approach retailer and hand physical currency in exchange for goods, while possibly being somewhat social (WTF is "social"? Like tweetering?)
return home, open box (usually in plastic wrap), take out CD case, unwrap CD case (also in plastic wrap), and then install onto computer.
Now THAT was annoying.
Why, back in my day, I had to do that once, twice a month. Uphill. Both ways. In the snow!
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