This is by far the worst demo i have ever played.
I cant believe i downloaded 1.9 gb for 7 minutes gameplay...and its the same textures all over, so what gives? The multiple languages?
If this is how the game starts, bioware i am dissapointed, its not very good.
The demo is a demo of demo. Half the options are missing. Cant change my character looks, cant change my skills, cant open the inventory to change items, cant change the camera, cant change game options. Also on top of that its linear as hell and i can play only in the so called "medium" because high is for dx10 and very high for dx11 :D Right, like some exclusive dx effects are gonna make the game look leaps and bounds better. Nope this aint a graphically impressive game not really changing much. Also you got no control over textures and lighting, etc ,etc. Its just a scale system. However textures are HD unlike the first game. That i can say for sure.
The game was a 1234 button masher, hell i did not even know what he skills did i just press and progress. Too damn linear too many enemies. Also cant change the difficultiy. I wont even bother talking about the bossfight.Also the enviroment looks nothing like the first. Also i dont like the way they mass effected my character's dialogues. I want my character to say what appears in the choices, not something else, because THAT looks cool, THAT is what i want to say not something similar.
Trully terrible. I wont be buying this game.
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