[QUOTE="zomglolcats"] Meh, valve fps are just like console fps, eg no leaning... they are pretty simple and not technologically advanced, They got problems, never heard of the famous hl2 stuttering issue? There is no fix if you have the problem. Once again you are better off the console. In HL2 Episode 2 my pc suffered a great amounting ot stuttering for no reason, i just got it for the ps3 latter and i enjoyed much more since the ps3 controller made the combat more satysfing... [QUOTE="Mograine"]
[QUOTE="Arach666"]Oh,you again...dakan45
Leave him alone, or he'll start screaming about you "forcing stuff down his throat" while ignoring all your posts :lol:.
The future of PC gaming is rather hard to define. Unlike consoles, you can stick to a game as long as you want and thanks to modding/mapmakers community and never get bored of it, and although 2009 has been a slow year for some, 2010+ looks absolutely legendary.
It's up to you-I'd pick PC over any console any day because it gets *almost always* the best multiplats, the overall best exclusives, has a huge variety compared to consoles, an enormous library, the best controls and it's not limited to gaming or other multimedial crap.
Ahh ok, thats why more and more developers take away the dedicated servers and mod capabilities from the pc version, pc is being killed in the quality of multiplats the last 2 years and it will get worse, also i dont understand how those cheap low budget pc exclusives are better than the "multimedial crap" Also better controls? There are many games that people complain about the bad control on pc lately.
So all your points are incorrect and yet another pc fanatic that lives with denial over the situation because he can just get the past that gaming industry is console focused and every day more and more gamedevelopers will make their games more consolized and kill the pc version.
I was at your situation some years ago but now things have become amazingly clear, there is nothing that pc gaming community can do, consolazation is at hand. Look out there, 90% of games developers make a pc version that is either lacking modding capabilities and dedicated servers or its badly optimized with bugs and broken controls.
alot of what ur saying is based on ur personal opinion man. u like consoles better then PC's and thats cool but dont bash the stuff that other people like, thats just trolling. as for my situation i personally think i'd be better off building a PC and thats what im probally gunna do but thanx for giving me a diffrent perspective on the whole situation
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