Half-Life 2 is revolutionary in the same way Half-Life 1 is. I bet next you'd say "OMG WOW HALFLIFE HAS CROSSBOW" or some dumb comment. Half-Life 2 is revolutionary due to how immersive and real the world is.GodLovesDead
Are you joking? :lol: Operation Flashpoint had three times the interactivity in its world, and it came out 3 years before Half Life 2 did.
No one gives a crap about free-roam. If it has it, goodie, if it doesn't, who cares. I couldn't care less about "controlling the story". Normally games where you can control the story don't have a good story in the first place.
Jesus Christ, you still don't get it do you? Who CARES about the god damn story? I wanteda video game, not an interactive movie. Even a free roam game with a crappy story is far superior to Yet Another Shooter or RPG-#4356.
No gives a crap about free roam? Sure, meet my friend Oblivion.
Since when was Half-Life 2 advertised with any more free roam than it had? I enjoyed running around the area exploring before moving on with the story, because there was usually some cool stuff you could find if you did. That's all the free roam you need in a game that's as heavily story driven as HL. Any more free roaming would have detracted from the story and the flow of the game (which was amazing).
Sure thing dude, if your idea of a video game is an interactive movie. It's sad that games have changed so much that story telling has taken priority over gameplay.
That, my friend, is what we call an opinion. And as far as rational-thinking intelligent people are concerned, it holds no value whatsoever in an argument.
You might want to proofread your above responce then man. Or do you not like people challenging your status quo?
New guns don't make a game revolutionary.
Strawman. Where did I say or even imply anywhere in my argument I believed that?
See how that worked out with Resistence? Exactly. Half-Life 2 is revolutionary because of it's realism,
Yes, it is quite realistic that the Combine don't just nuke Gordon into oblivion. Nope, they chose instead to comit to an idiotic manhunt using glorified police forces. It's also quite realistic that they attack Gordon from precariously suspended wooden balconies with sub machine guns and shotguns. The man is wielding a ****ing telekinesis gun for christ sake. Let's not even get started on the complete ignorance towards conservation of momentum. I swear to god, i've heard a lot of crazy things in my time, but claiming that Half Life is anywhere near realistic is the absolute pinacle of insanity.
amazing story,
Good dude takes out evil corporate empire enslaving good dude's friends. Where have I seen this before?
great writing,
:roll: Yes indeed. Does it matter what kind of situation Gordon is going to put everyone into after the collapse of the Combine? Nope, Combine bad! Resistance good!
believable characters (something that hadn't been seen in SOO long),
Sorry, their utterly insipid stupidity is MIND NUMBING. Does Eli Vance have the slightest god damn clue just how screwed humanity is WITHOUT the Overwatch to feed them and protect them? You can keep trying to ram this "great story" nonsense down my throat all you want. It doesn't work. How can the Combine present themselves as powerful villians when they are clearly idiots? (Lol, stand next to the exploding barrels!)
What about the Resistance movement's utterly absurd political agenda and itsblatent manipulation of Gordon?In the end you are far more likely to AGREE with Breen about your pointless destruction. Not to mention your manipulation by Vance. But can he player CONTROL these aspects of the plot? Not at all. It's just another shooter with the same useless objectives all over again. Snore.
and groundbreaking use of physics in gameplay.
You get a telekinesis gun. Wow.
I think the real problem here is that you just personally didn't find Half-Life 2 to be that enjoyable (which is perfectly fine),
Apparently not to you.
and now, for reasons that rational-thinking people (you know, the ones who don't give a crap opinions in arguments)
How dare you imply you are a rational thinking person after this and the previous statement?
can't comprehend, you have your panties in a bunch because other people did enjoy it.
In case you haven't noticed, the topic of this thread is Half Life 2 Overrated? If anyone here has got their panties in a bunch, it's you.
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