ok release thoughts sofar: (Note that you have to delete all beta files unless you want to lag bad)
The performance is really good for me on an older system, on high preset. between 30-40 fps on the larger maps, unless arty is spammed.
No crashed in 4 hours, it is not alot different then the final days of the beta, but all maps, and leveling up is working like it should.
Overall I really enjoy it, and when people ask about this game, I think its best to call it a mix of RO1 and BF2 8not bc2) as it does have more then a few similarities.
The only negatives sofar, is the same as I had before aswell. The coversystem while not bad, I feel often is rather redundent, and I dislike that the bandage and cover buten is the same, makes it hard to bandage in tihgt corridors.
Tanks still just feel wrong to me, but Ill manage. Its come a long way, and while bugs still occur, Tripwire is banking ong the game, so there is little doubt that we will get alot of maps, and tanks, hoepfully weapons too.
I really enjoy the game ^^ one of the few games where weapons a threatening, nomatter what they are. But kinda fun to see the new people running around, cursing over getting shot by a single soldier once and die. Reckless Ramboing WILL get you dead fast :P So there are atleast some things that are like RO1 ^^ I prefer territorry ^^ Allready have 2 favorites in servers which is rare for me to find two places with good people, making coordinated communication.
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