While I am sure that Tripwire will solve all of the problems (software development is a difficult enterprise), they should have simply delayed the game to spare people the trouble and frustration. Now they have the lost the trust and goodwill they once enjoyed, simply because they released a product before it was truly ready. These crashes are not simply bugs - they are major problems preventing people from playing the game. And it's such a pity to see so many people here making excuses for them just because they are the "little guy" that promotes hardcore PC gaming - would you buy a car in which the brakes are clearly not functioning? That is against the law, and it should be against good form that a piece of software gets released with so many bugs. It doesn't bode well.
I cancelled my pre-order once I heard about problems cropping up in the beta so close to release. I'll get RO2 when it's on sale and completely stable. Nothing against the game particularly, but all of these bugs I hear about are inexcusable.
"How about this for an analogy:
A car company sells a million cars.
For 850,000 people everything is great with the car.
For 100,000 the person put diesel in the gas tank but it was supposed to take unleaded, so the car won't run. They take it to the dealership, the dealership takes the diesel out and tells them to put unleaded in, the car runs fine.
For 45,000 people the car doesn't accelerate as fast as they thought it would. They take it into the dealership and they change the spark plugs, and then the car runs fine.
For 5,000 poeple, they can't get the car to start. They take it to the dealership to get fixed, or take it to the dealership and return the car."
The tripwire president said this in a thread with the same "car analogy", why do you related a game to a car anyways totaly different.
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