I don't hate it one bit, I dislike the fact that they made it more casual. I mean yes they made hard modes that can make certains fights really difficult however I don't want to waste hours and days to kill the same boss but a different way. What I liked about BC was that not every one could kill Illidan or actually make it in SWP. I enjoyed the fact that I was in content that I had worked hard to reach with my guild and not every one could explore.
But now any one can go and raid, either 25man or 10man. I made it to 10/12 (25man)in Ulduar as a tank then realized it was useless. The guild I was in (different than my raiding guild in BC) kept recruiting random people and gave them "shots". In BC it was very competitive to get into a raiding guild because there were very few of them that actually made any progress. But now it seems the tables have turned and more incompetent people play the game. (Not to mention countless raiding guilds)
I miss BC or hell even Vanilla wow when you needed 10-15 people to do UBRS or 40 people to do a full raid. I miss the long time consuming instances and I do miss the days when have an epic was trully epic.
I'm going to try AIO (beta from fileplanet), I doubt i'll ever subscribe to another MMO though because i'm about to start my third year in college and honestly I don't think it would be wise to get into such games again.
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