"In what could be a huge surprise, some one with a retail copy of PC version has spotted a new graphical setting. We know that currently Crysis sports three graphics settings on the PC.
- Gamer
- Advanced
- Hardcore
This was also a reason for disappointment because there was hardly any difference between Advanced and Hardcore setting. However, this new mode called extreme seems to take it a notch higher for people with high end machines. PC version was always going to be the best, now it's just proved aswell. Crytek have redeemed themselves and PC gamers would be pleased to know this.
There are also rumors of a maximum extreme graphics setting on PC but we're yet to confirm this,we'll update you as we get more leads regarding that. Stay tuned.
Crysis 2 releases next week and our reviewers are already hard at work, we'll have the review up for you soon."
But I want custom graphics settings like the 1st.:P
Update: Screens, of Good, Very Good and Extreme.
Very Good:
I notice a difference in FPS.=p
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