1. It's nice to know our normal windows is int he background, but why would a desktop user want this tablet UI running in the forground or at all? Have you ever seen the desktop touch HP computers?
2. Touch is not intended for desktops, using a mouse to select something or an arrow key, is many times faster than holding my arm up and touching or swiping a screen. Depends on what, same as point one...look at the HP Touch Desktops. People use them at home to navigate through notes, weather, photos etc... People use them at work to navigate through timetables, workloads, memos, announcements. Just because YOU won't be using it on ur desktop doesn't mean it hasn't got a use. (think Minority Report)
3. Why do I want tablet features on my desktop, why does a tablet want desktop features.. See points 1+2
4. People still use XP because vista was terrible, w7 is good but good luck getting people to upgrade to a tablet OS Yeah I guess, they had a bad experience with Vista so they think 7 is same.
5. ........
Looks like I get to spend all day removing touch screen services and java to get this running aswell as w7. Seriously who codes a UI in java for a single platform, Java is for multiplatform. Do I really need my UI capable of running on linux? Spend all day removing Touch? You mean with W8? It won't be like that mate...it's just like Media Player, you can just press quit or select to not start with Windows on startup.... easy.
The video said this java UI will always be running.
I have not used a HP computer in a good 10 years, I build my pc's because I only use it for gaming, and being a gaming website I imagine most of have gaming in mind when it comes to windows. Myabe I'm the odd one out, but I prefer linux/osx for everything but gaming. There are a lot of cool things in minority report, animated cereal boxes, jet packs it doesn't mean they will be a part of everyday life.
I realise this OS is going to be nice for casuals who find a mouse a bit confusing but I'm more concerned how this affects gamers, not the grandmother who's trying to learn twitter down the road.
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