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Adding to my other post, is when i turned on my pokemon red version to find that my file had been erased. I was so pissed i just went off on my best friend because i thought he did it and we got into a fist fight ( we hugged and rolled on the ground.
We got over it and became best buds again.
I have a few games that would make the list, of some kind of emotional feeling or another.
FF2(4)= I had found a new love, and it was called rpg.
FF7= Thought I messed up some how when I lost my flower girl. After that, there was no stopping me from the a##kicking I was going to lay down... all the way to Seph's door.
FF8= Makes me feel a bit confused, since no one but I, seems to like it.
EQ= I was amazed at what could be done in gaming .... That popped my mmo cherry (sigh...)Â and it's never felt the same since.
RE1= Holy crap ... nope just crap, better change my shorts.
RE4= Wow, never had a game that had me saying "YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING!!?" in a good way.
MGS1-3= Just the all around cinamatic feel. Playing a movie ... that actualy ROCKS!
SotC= This one had me on many levels. Enviorment gave such a solitud feel. The hope for saving a dead love (girl, sis, whatever) at such high odds. Watching my faithful horse take the plung. Everytime I killed a Colossi I felt bad, taking something that was awe inspiring and grand, from the world. The ending was rough too ... though I saw it coming ... but all that work...
BF2-2142= Ethier I'm patting my own back with pride or scaring the nieghbors ... mostly both within minutes.
Black and White 1-2= Beating the crap out of my pet to tell him "no", never felt good.
Kingdom Hearts 2 gets me... emotional... even the music gets my emotions going. I guess i'm really tied to the characters and the story, and it's awesome to be able to connect with a game. Not that i'm saying i live in Disney World everyday of my life....irk_t_great
Same as you dude.Dont no what it is about this game but it really sucks you in.I was quite reserved when i first heard about Kingdom hearts due to the disney characters and such.But once you play it,it is really gripping.One of my favourites!
[QUOTE="LORD_BLACKGULT"]Burnout 3. That game made me break my controller in a fit of rage... ...and I also broke my hand...rogerjakYou broke your hand because of a game? Dude, gaming isn't for you Hey, I was going through a tough time when I did that... so I decided to play burnout to let off some steam, but after I lost somestupid race for the 15th time (I counted), I (unwillingly) let off some steam by putting holes in the walls, and hitting my controller, which,in turn, broke my hand....
[QUOTE="irk_t_great"]Kingdom Hearts 2 gets me... emotional... even the music gets my emotions going. I guess i'm really tied to the characters and the story, and it's awesome to be able to connect with a game. Not that i'm saying i live in Disney World everyday of my life....MankAsh
Same as you dude.Dont no what it is about this game but it really sucks you in.I was quite reserved when i first heard about Kingdom hearts due to the disney characters and such.But once you play it,it is really gripping.One of my favourites!
I usually get pretty pissed when playing games since I get stuck or die alot. FFX almost made me cry though. Shu76
same. Seymour battlein the mountain pass brought me to my knees
Final Fantasy X was closest to tear jerking me. And when the credits came in.....NO! I didn't want the story to end...
*Erasing X-2 from my head.*
I didn't want X to end!
I must choose 2 things.
The first, and I read it a lot on this topic... When Aeris dies in FF7. the most... the most.... I never saw in any video game. I listen to that music, played by an orchestra on my MP3 by moments and can't stop reviewing tha scene.... Arggg... And there's my girlfriend who says : "what's going on?" Ugh... She wasn't supposed to die!!!
the second, after beating The Boss in Metal Gear solid 3. My parents were watching me play (because everyone knows metal gears is pretty fun to watch. I was proud to have beat her... but... why do we do have to KILL her!? Such a great character. Grrr...
Final Fantasy X, hands down. The end of that was so heartwrenching. I bawled my eyes out for like an hour. It is the Titanic of games, dude. Everyone that I know who has played that cried at the end. I still want a real sequel to that game. Couldn't play past an hour on X-2.... and of course Aeris in FF7...jelac07
I am a man...I wasn't allowed to cry.:( But I agree. X-2 was never supposed to be...
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