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[QUOTE="Magic_Sea_Otter"]dude, if you werent so ignorant you would know its rated T. so if your son isnt a teenager theres one strike. and also, it says on the box andas you start up the game "game experience may change during online play" so maybe if you knew what you were buying, you would know it probably isnt good for your child.
I'm done now, i dont want to start a calm now :D
I have to agree with you on that. Everyone thinks it's the guy/girl's responsibility to let the parent know what it is rated. Do some research before you buy a game for your child. You can prevent the whole bad experience by not enabling him to play online.
No ammount of rating will justify constant racist slurs (ssen is some games)... It's just plain wrong IMO...
So I take it your son was owning them really bad right? That happens, when you own someone badly, specially if the owner is a ki, they start cursing and shouting and the like. Same has happened in resistance. But still the vast majority is mature enough. There are always immature idiots who do that
anyone who has this in their sig:
Research & Invest
To the Stars and beyondUFO Technology Could Provide Climate Change Solutions -
has lost all credibility to speak intelligently about anything... LOL
That is the funniest thing I've seen in print in a long time. Comedy Gold.
LOL!!!! WOW!...I'm going to have to agree. I think your son playing Warhawk is the least of your worries. Watch out for those aliens!!!!!
ya, I really like the function in RFOM where you can mute all. It is so nice.morrow4
Yeah, that is nice. Warhawk has this feature as well.
I also love how parents think their kids always speakwithout profanity, even when they're not around. In reality, when kids are with their friends, they probably curse more than a drunken sailor. I agree about the racism and n-bombs though,people like that make me sick.
Don't you just love the feeling you get making fun and cursing out someone while standing over thier freshly killed virtual corpse?LAboy06
It's the only reason I play multiplayer games. ;)
1. The game is rated T for teen, meaning a lot of teenagers and adults are going to play it, if your son is10 andplaying it he shouldn't be.
2. Just take away the head set, turn off voice receiving. This isn't that hard, instead you punished your son.
3. I can see what you mean about the swearing, its to bad some people have to do it so much.
4. Is this a one time occurence or what?
I witnessed him playing warhawk with the local option of servers in the UK ,that was fine but then he connected with global servers and found many American matches so he joined one,now take this how you will American players but i had to stop him playing because the foul and racist language brought to this game seems to be thanks to the USA players,it was F this and f that along with other nasty racist N words,i dont understand why you guys cant open your mouthes without bad language pouring out. And yes before you ask,it was only the americans swearing,i know most of you guys are not like this but the indeed are giving the good folks a bad name. Please stop swearing where you know kids could be playing.unimpendium115
Give me a break. English lads have the filthiest mouths out there, and your racism problem is just as bad as America's, if not worse. Anyone who's been to the UK knows that it isn't some kind of civilized utopia while America is lowbrow and tasteless. A "C-word" that you use in place of mate or buddy is especially offensive to women and it gets tossed around like it ain't no thang.
I've been playing a lot of Warhawk, and yeah, I've heard some F-bombs from teenagers, and they do get on my nerves when its "**** **** ****!!!!" because they keep dying, but I haven't heard any N-bombs or anything remotely racist. You probably happened upon the rare game with an idiot in there ruining it for everyone. This is not a common scenario, and it sure as hell doesn't merit banning your son.
Also, I don't want to tell you how to parent, but your son is going to hear those words from age 9-10 and up, around his friends, anyway. It's not as shocking to him as it is to you. Why the hangup about language anyway? The BBC doesn't censor anything. Language is just language, it only affects you if you let it.
I'm Canadian, but I still find it personally offensive that you generalize Americans as filthy, foul-mouthed racists while British children are well-mannered and respectful. I happen to know otherwise, and I'd like to think an adult, particularly a parent, would know better than to tar everyone with one brush.
To get off my soapbox and help you out a bit, just turn off the option to use a headset/voice. Make sure it's off, check on him once in a while (you'd hear it anyway), make sure it's off, and he won't be exposed to anything that might offend him.
[QUOTE="mfp16"]anyone who has this in their sig:
Research & Invest
To the Stars and beyondUFO Technology Could Provide Climate Change Solutions -
has lost all credibility to speak intelligently about anything... LOL
That is the funniest thing I've seen in print in a long time. Comedy Gold.
LOL!!!! WOW!...I'm going to have to agree. I think your son playing Warhawk is the least of your worries. Watch out for those aliens!!!!!
Scott, what's your PSN ID, exactly? scott_e_fresh? Or can you have spaces?
The PS3 needs some zoning features and more options to protect children. They shoudl copy some of the things Xbox Live did.Deihmos
In my day, we called those features "parents".
The game is rated T for teen.
If your kid is a teen, I would hope "cussing" would be the least of your concerns.
If your kid is younger than that age, then the game shouldn't be in the house.
Wow look. I just solved the problem. Who wants to buy me drinks?
its true. almost every resistance game i joined i had to mute at least 5 people cuz they were really immature and cursed alot.thenycest1_b_basic
What world do you guys live in? I've been playing R:FOM for months and never, ever heard one N-word or even any excessive swearing. I usually just talk to other 20-somethings like me about how its nice to have someone else with a headset.
On the other hand, in the maybe 20 total hours playing Halo and Gears online, I heard a ton of racist, foul-mouthed immaturity. Part of it is due to the amount of people that have XBL and a headset compared to PSN/headset, but you all seem to be having a completely different experience from me.
Good, i'm glad you banned him from playing a game he shouldn't have been playing to start with. If you would have followed the ratings on the box in the first place there would be no reason you needed to come here and spout wild generalizations about a group of people.
Wait, wasn't one of your complaints racist language? Re-read your own post and see where that one lies.
Sorry kiddo, Americans, despite popular belief, are not a race.
Go read a book or something.
I witnessed him playing warhawk with the local option of servers in the UK ,that was fine but then he connected with global servers and found many American matches so he joined one,now take this how you will American players but i had to stop him playing because the foul and racist language brought to this game seems to be thanks to the USA players,it was F this and f that along with other nasty racist N words,i dont understand why you guys cant open your mouthes without bad language pouring out. And yes before you ask,it was only the americans swearing,i know most of you guys are not like this but the indeed are giving the good folks a bad name. Please stop swearing where you know kids could be playing.unimpendium115
I agree that you shouldn't allow him to play (as someone from the US). People online are immature, and it needs to change. Good job :)
I witnessed him playing warhawk with the local option of servers in the UK ,that was fine but then he connected with global servers and found many American matches so he joined one,now take this how you will American players but i had to stop him playing because the foul and racist language brought to this game seems to be thanks to the USA players,it was F this and f that along with other nasty racist N words,i dont understand why you guys cant open your mouthes without bad language pouring out. And yes before you ask,it was only the americans swearing,i know most of you guys are not like this but the indeed are giving the good folks a bad name. Please stop swearing where you know kids could be playing.unimpendium115
Why would you let your kid play an online game with a headset anyway? Obviously there is going to be cursing no matter what country they are from.
I witnessed him playing warhawk with the local option of servers in the UK ,that was fine but then he connected with global servers and found many American matches so he joined one,now take this how you will American players but i had to stop him playing because the foul and racist language brought to this game seems to be thanks to the USA players,it was F this and f that along with other nasty racist N words,i dont understand why you guys cant open your mouthes without bad language pouring out. And yes before you ask,it was only the americans swearing,i know most of you guys are not like this but the indeed are giving the good folks a bad name. Please stop swearing where you know kids could be playing.unimpendium115
omg all you got to do is bring him to another server theres alot of servers where foul lanaguage is banned and if it someone saids a bad word theyll kick them thats all you got to do.Im just saying thats nothing to ban your son for
omg all you got to do is bring him to another server theres alot of servers where foul lanaguage is banned and if it someone saids a bad word theyll kick them thats all you got to do.Im just saying thats nothing to ban your son forNuKkU
Or he could grow up and realize that everyone curses.
If his kid isn't old enough to hear those words, well then, guess what? His kid isn't old enough to play the game.
Parents these days are getting dafter and dafter I tell you.
This is not an American issue, it's what comes with the immunity of the Internet I'm afraid. People say what they want because they know you can do nothing about it.
I'm not going to preach about the age ratings on a game because lets face it most of us have done something underage at one point in our lives. (drink, movies, sex, swear, smoke.) and as parents wemake an informed judgement on what we want our kids to experience.
Personally i feel the best way to deal with this is to build up your friends list, and only play with those people you trust.A game becomes much more fun this way as you actually know the person your playing against, this then becomes more satisfying when you own them.
There's nothing wrong with looking after your children but don't makehim suffer for other peoples bad language. He has no control over that and it is not his fault.After all he probably hears worse in the school playground.
There are way's round this problem as other people haved discussed. Switch off the voice and let him play, or make your own server and kick the people who are foul mouthed.
Good Luck
I witnessed him playing warhawk with the local option of servers in the UK ,that was fine but then he connected with global servers and found many American matches so he joined one,now take this how you will American players but i had to stop him playing because the foul and racist language brought to this game seems to be thanks to the USA players,it was F this and f that along with other nasty racist N words,i dont understand why you guys cant open your mouthes without bad language pouring out. And yes before you ask,it was only the americans swearing,i know most of you guys are not like this but the indeed are giving the good folks a bad name. Please stop swearing where you know kids could be playing.unimpendium115
you have parental control in the UK??? Just kidding. you are right. whether you play on psn or xbox live, swearing and racism is everywhere. however, i noticed that most of the people doing such stupid acts are younger kids. i usually just mute those people, and that seems to solve the problem, at least for me.
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