@Jacanuk said:
@tocool340 said:
@perfect_blue said:
Not at all, I'll gladly see a valid argument. Only the pro-gun psychopaths haven't provided a valid argument meanwhile there are plenty of arguments in this thread why using a gun for "home defense" is pure nonsense. In fact, it's been proven several times that not having a gun is safer since you're more likely to accidentally shoot a family member or be involved in a suicide with a gun around. The fact that you accuse others of failing to "see the proof" is hilariously ironic.
LOL comparing a fire extinguisher and fire alarm to a gun?
Well, to be fair, if people follow proper procedures in storing firearms away in their homes (Like @Stevo_the_gamer properly stores his weapons away in a safe only accessible by his thumb print) instead of having them laying around for easy access (Such as storing a weapon under their pillow, under the mattress, on top/inside a night stand, inside a dresser drawer, inside a purse/handbag, etc.), many accidents can also be prevented. Its normally due to a gun owners carelessness that any accident happens at all. That's no fault of a gun much like its no fault of a guard dog if he gets loose and attacks someone due to the owner not putting a leash on him.
As far as suicide goes, people are known to find ways to take out themselves and their entire family by different means other than a gun such as knives or using other house hold supplies. So that's sorta a moot point too...
Don't forget storing it with the safety off.
And that is the problem, some a few, does not store their guns properly and that is the real problem.
Not having a gun in the first place if it´s stored the correct way.
Exactly. If used the proper way, many gun accidents would drop dramatically if not disappear completely. The current laws for preventing psychopaths from acquiring weapons are pretty effective as is too. Out of 300 million people in the US, there will always be a chance that a perfectly sane persons psych would just suddenly flip upside down if it receives the proper trigger like Stephen Paddock. There's no rhythm to it, no way to predict it. Its a miracle to me that mass shootings don't happen more often. That's not to say that I think our gun laws are perfect. I mean, I do agree that gun laws can be tweaked further from what they are now. Suggestions that come to mind would be:
1. Limit the amount of guns a person can purchase/own. Close any loopholes that may exist for being able to purchase more guns from different states.
2. Limit the amount of clips a person can buy to maybe 2-3 (Probably make exceptions for professional licensed hunters). Start putting bar codes/serial numbers on clips to better track them.
3. Make it a mandatory requirement for any new gun owner to purchase a safe/lockbox when buying a new firearm.
4. Mandatory new gun owners to take classes for shooting, proper handling, and storing procedures.
Might not be the greatest suggestions, but its a start IMO. But it needs to be kept in mind that it only makes it harder for LAW ABIDING citizen to acquire weapons. It won't stop a thug from going underground acquiring weapons illegally...
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