So another mass shooting, again we hear and read pointless "prayers to the victims and their loved ones" and stupid hashtags. I am sorry that does not bring back the dead, I can almost say with certainty that the families of those who died at the very least, cares very little about your feelings on the matter, unless you can rewind time. Those who have loved ones that are wounded might take to those thoughts more kindly.
Again we see the two main political lumps of useless try to score cheap "blame points". Again the Media films and speculate like some cheap ass entertainment show.
Again the gun discussion flares up again.
And again everyone ignores the uncomfortable truths when they jump on the easy political blame game, since it is so easy to find neat justifications through the blindness of ideologies and religion while leaving the heavier issues alone..
There are obviously something wrong in the US, at a very basic level, far more basic then gun controls, or horrid self serving political ideals.
Something much more basic, like mental health issues, the slow degradation of the culture that has come to celebrate violence, the deconstruction of society
I strongly doubt someone pulling off a mass shooting are fine mentally. They might not be criminally insane, but that certainly does not mean that they are sane.
Certainly the fairly easy acces to guns are part of the problem, someone who intended to do a lot of damage but had a hard time of getting a gun, would have a harder time killing people, but ignoring the person behind the weapon is really stupid.
Personally I would see to having a better healthcare system. Something far more effective then Obamacare, which to me always read as a band aid put in place until groundwork for proper universal care could be proper woven into the systems. And better focus on kids mental health at a young age at institutions. So more money for the education system, and far better control over the usage of said resources for the institutions. Just throwing money at it will solve nothing.
Also I am sorry but the social norms over there have taken an ugly warlike tone whenever I see discussions over there. So there is a societal problem. The rising up violent and vile people as some sort of fame, or the constant blaming of groups. it does not matter which group of people it is, but when society holds up x group as the reason for things going south, society should not be surprised when crappy things happen. Tell people long enough that they are monsters, and sooner or later they will believe it. Mentally unstable people, faster then others.
The Disruption and destruction of social norms, values and customs, that have almost been forced through society with nothing to replace it certainly has not helped either. While I am still too young to state that we all need to go back to a 1950 nuclear family mindset, I do recognize that in its stead the western world, and the people there are left with nothing in its place, alone, isolated, alienated. Current trends will likely cause worse results down the line.
In this specific case I am not sure how much the societal norms and pressures have played a role. Maybe in this case he just woke up and wanted to off the world. A lot of mental issues are at least partly biological in nature, and given the description of his farther, it stands to reason that there might well have been something there, behind the surface. Maybe brought on by outer stress.. Hell who knows? maybe he lost a lot of money, which might have caused enough stress to trigger some latent behavior?
Maybe he just saw the world around him and decided that everyone had gone utterly insane.
I do not live in the US, so feel free to disregard my thoughts..
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