@kod said:
Not a huge fan of Vox but they do some solid work every now and again and they did a solid job with this video. They used accurate numbers, accurate studies, cited and sourced them appropriately and did a good job of leaving any opinions at the door.
These are fun.
Just like all gun control videos, this one muddies language and pivots from point to point and it becomes confusing. One easy way to debunk gun control videos is to actually look at their sources to see how they've skewed it.
The definition of 'mass shooting' is vague and undefined. Her first source actually debunks claims of violence in other countries being lower than the US.
She specifically uses number of 'mass shootings', not death toll. Despite the fact Norway and Finland hardly have any mass shootings, the death toll is way higher than almost every American mass shooting on an individual basis.
The video then shows Obama talking about the San Beranardino shooting in order to misdirect. That shooting was an act of terrorism, but was still included in the data because Obama listed it as gun violence.
http://us.halfstaff.org/ (no direct link, you'll have to scroll down a bit to the incident to see it listed as "gun violence")
One more salient fact, before she makes her first pivot, almost all American mass shooting occur in "gun-free zones"
PThen we get into suicide. She uses only countries ranked in the human development index, in order to obfuscate the fact that the countries with the highest suicide ratings are largely unfree countries with highly strict gun control
But most people attempt! People who use guns don't get a second chance! Well, there is no data to show banning guns will reduce suicide. Canada and Australia have had much more lax gun laws in the past. Their suicide rates haven't changed to any significant degree.
Then we pivot again from suicide, back to homicide, but include all homicide to make a racial point. About 80% of all firearm-related homicides in the US are also gang or drug related. Only about 20% of firearms used were purchased through a retailer
Still with us? Good, because now we're going to talk about other forms of crime. She shows that the US has a much lower burglary and assault rate than other developed countries. Gee, I wonder what could be deterring people from breaking onto private property or assaulting people?
Onto gun deaths compared to other deaths. First off, the cause of deaths she uses is weird. I can understand war and terrorism because they're violent and often involve guns, but AIDS and drug O.D.'s? Those are nonsense comparisons.
Also, note the language before her next pivot "this level of gun violence", only we're not just talking about homicides anymore, but all gun deaths. The majority of which are non-homicide related. That's important because when comparing gun homicides in the world, the US isn't even in the top 25, despite 35-50% legal civilian owned guns are in America.
Of course, her next pivot targets legal gun owners, as all these videos do. For some reason, she notes the amount of background checks and how many guns were purchased, while ignoring the decline in firearm homicide.
"The more guns, the more gun deaths" no shit. Next she'll be telling me America has more deaths involving Harley Davidson's?
State outliers like Idaho exist because of the correlation between gun deaths and densely populated areas (described in the BJS pdf) as well as gang violence, which she has constantly pivoted back and forth to, and poverty is still the biggest indicator of violent crime.
- 80% of gun homicide is gang/drug related
-Biggest indicators of gun crimes are densely populated areas and poverty
-US is not even in the top 25 of firearm related deaths
-US does not have an abnormally high suicide rating
-Gun crime has decreased as gun ownership has risen.
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