@Dark_sageX said:
"Its a relative game" lol sure whatever that makes you feel good.
Also I like how you completely glossed over the facts about the intelligence agency that I pointed out, about them being corrupt and having a track record of spying on people and misusing information, and then you turn around and call Trump a traitor because he didn't side with them, I mean how freaking stupid do you have to be to expect anyone to side with a group that ACTIVELY misuse their powers to serve their best interest? including sabotaging the presidency? again, Trump derangement syndrome at its finest, as long as its against Trump you are willing to forgive anybody and anything, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if you had sided with people like ISIS just to get at Trump.
Trump is the president. Did he not take an oath to "Defend the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic"? Or was it, "Defend the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, depending on whether they stand in Trump's favor"? Because how freaking stupid do YOU have to be to believe this person, who is an obvious conman, who disregards facts outright, who lies through his teeth, has any genuine interest about the Intelligence Community's (along with the Presses) degree of integrity and honesty? The only reasons he pretends to are:
1) he feels they are a threat to the legitimacy of his election, i.e. his ego.
2) he fears something Russia may have on him, whether it be aiding him to win the election or financial dealings in the past. After this last summit, I think we're past the point of if and now it's only a matter of what. As I've said in a previous post, I'm hard pressed to believe collusion. What I find more likely is something to do with money, which risks exposing that Trump is a fraud and not nearly as successful as he proclaims. Considering his degree of narcissism and ego, that would be the end for him.
Now, are you honestly stupid and naive enough to believe he cares about our institutions past the point of how they serve him? Trump doesn't care for anything that doesn't involve Trump. If it's against him, it's "The enemy of the people!", "Terrible!", "FAKE!!!". If it's for him, it's "The greatest!", "Outstanding!", or "Terrific!!", even if he spoken ill of them just a week prior.
So if you want to claim that the IC is dishonest and cite their history, why don't you do so for Trump, who lies without compunction? Why do you give him the benefit of the doubt above them? I'll tell you why: because you're a partisan hack who suffers from Liberal Derangement Syndrome, to the extent you'll sell out America to spite them. When it's liar against liar, all's even, and all that's left is to pick a side. I'll pick America. You'll pick a foreign adversary and a "president" who has no interest in serving America but only himself. I think that says enough.
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