@kod said:
Maybe we should do a better job training officers? No?
Maybe we should do a better job weeding through those who cannot seem to compose themselves during high pressure situations? No?
But where is all the other footage? Its Vegas, there's camera's EVERYWHERE. And quite honestly i refuse to believe that none of those other police didnt turn on their camera... or... i guess i do believe it. But if thats the case than we need to fire people yes? We cannot dismiss how important it is that police take these measures.
@Stevo_the_gamer said:
LVPD opened up an investigation through their *own* accord, as no formal complaint was issued. This was a PR move squarely to jump on a bandwagon.
Yah.... once it hits national news if they want to avoid the Justice Department, they probably have to.
@Stevo_the_gamer said:
Yes, I am a cop, and I find it EXTREMELY reasonable for another officer to point his weapon at a potential suspect who MAY have been involved in an ACTIVE SHOOTER scene.
I agree....... now why did they think he was the shooter? They were reacting to hearing shots and seeing people hiding and fleeing... .they had no idea who the shooter was. And even if they felt the need to question this man, again, they had zero reason to suspect him of being a shooter (except LWB = Living while black).
This is why people take issue with police. You guys can never seem to admit any kind of wrong doing by your fellow officers. Instead of focusing on how badly the police fucked up at every turn in this situation, you focus on calling the VICTIM a liar and then moving on to justifying a situation that was imaginary.
Of course, the more training the merrier; assuming you're able to convince the legislature, county, and city government to allot the additional funds to pay for the training - and overtime needed to fill in the spots when officers are out on training. I look at policetraining.net all the time, but the vast majority of the time, I have to pay for my own training because the department doesn't have the funds necessary (especially when I have already reached my 'yearly' allotted cap for training which is the minimum to satisfy POST requirements).
What sort of "weeding" do you propose to account for "high pressure situations" - scenario based training? We already do that. Stress based training to the point of exhaustion, again, we already do that. You're never really going to take into account for actual life-threatening scenarios in controlled environments. We did active shooter training with SIM rounds and the like, but to actually put one in the middle of a gunfight, that is something hard to simulate. The smell of flesh, gunpowder, screaming, and the like, it's something that is hard to comprehend. The prior military (except for the POGs) understand this, which is why half my academy were excellent resources to talk too and train with.
You're not going to see all the footage until someone makes a formal request; but with the investigation still ongoing, we might not know the conclusion for a while. It's easy to want instant-gratification, but you also do not want to poison the water hole.
And that's the thing with "national news" - it's a purpose driven machine, Michael was pursuing a narrative way after the perceived incident. I would assume other individuals within his immediate circle were the ones to bring him to that path, but that's purely speculative.
I cannot explain to you what the given officer's thoughts were at that time; but I can levy some thoughts on the mindset of what doesn't appear to be right. For example, did the officer have eye-contact with Michael and then he attempted to flee, or was the officer motioning for Michael to come out of cover to escape behind the officers (if you watch the video, the security and LVPD were assisting in getting people out) and then he fled in a different direction? The facts are scarce other than he *ran* away from officers, officers gave chase, he ran through people and jumped over a rail into traffic. A reasonable officer would assume his behavior constitutes reasonable suspicion to DETAIN him, and when detaining a suspect who MAY BE armed, you will have your firearm out and ready.
Why did he ran? I do know. I can levy some idea on the matter based on a recent call for service that comes to memory. Last month, in a nicer neighborhood, a neighbor called 911 and was concerned about a black male adult in the bushes in his front yard. One of our unmarked units was in the area and responded to this "suspicious person" call, which is a routine common call. The text of the call was simply a black male adult with a white shirt and blue jeans hiding in the bushes. The two man unmarked unit went on scene and made contact with the individual (who matched the description) on the sidewalk in front of the residence. The individual was uncooperative in answering questions such as his name, what he was doing, and kept putting his hands in his pocket. Suddenly, he runs away from both officers and starts hitting fences going through backyards. Multiple units now arrive on scene (me included) along with our helicopter overhead which voices that he threw something while running in another yard. Spotlight and K9 arrive which, using overhead announcements via our helicopter, were able to convince him to jump back over the fences and go into custody. We were unable to determine what was thrown, but we assumed it was a branch of a bush that was caught on his shirt while he was running.
His family lives next door to the residence, which they all come out screaming police brutality and attempt to intervene with our officers forcing us to detain their family as they were actively trying to fight officers. Only voice of reason in the house was the mother who was able to talk to her children and rest of the immediate family to calm down. Why did he ran? That was the question on all of our minds, because he watched the news and he's scared of the police. That's what he family told us, and that's what he told us. He did have a small misdemeanor warrant, but he wasn't aware of it (allegedly). So maybe that's why he ran, but as law enforcement, we can't assume someone is running because they're scared (innocent). I can think of three foot pursuits I've been in within the last three months where a handgun was recovered. THREE. All of which were loaded with a round in the chamber.
The victim isn't telling the truth here, or maybe he is so blinded by his inner circle that he simply isn't remembering the details anymore as with that, things have changed.
Sorry for the wall of text. lol
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