@Stevo_the_gamer said:
Thinking of the major shootout we had with an active shooter (3 officers down via handgun *and* rifle fire), I'm trying to picture our officers and local agencies engaging a suspect with revolvers. Pure insanity. I don't follow the mantra of under times of extreme duress, trigger control should be *almost perfect* - and each shot should be an exact precise calculation - in fact, we'll even go as far as to command the suspect to remain still! Okay, a little hyperbole there but you can understand my point as we have to live in reasonable grounds of reality and expectation. Yes, Law Enforcement Officers are responsible for *every* bullet we fire, but in times of extreme stress, a simple jerk of the trigger can bring a bullet off target by multitudes of inches at 7 yards, feet at 10 yards, or more. I'm trained to get to the *wall* fast on our Glock 17s, as to not *slap* the trigger, but again, times of stress and increased adrenaline will *always* influence trigger control. I've been through combat courses and combat shoots, but it's still not the be-end-end-all. We're not Marine Scout Snipers who have the ability to control our heartbeat and fire between heartbeats. Our SWAT goes through incredible training, and the instructors travel the country and participate in competition shootings. I like to think I get the best training within the state of California, but even then, there's clear limitations to what can prepare one. Talk to anyone in the military (not the POGs), and they can fill you in on trigger control and stressed based shooting. Couple that with your friends being wounded and having to extract them from a hot area. I get it though, I can't blame you, it's easy to sit in an air conditioned room typing away on perfect egalitarian ideals with perfect controlled environments -- almost robotic in nature, it's easy to fantasize about it. But life, humanity, is much more complicated than an Occam's razor edge.
I was not referencing SWAT, i was referencing street patrol.... the people who by your own admissions, panic in these situations. Youve already ruled out better training, stricter hiring guidelines and now ensuring they know how to properly use that firearm at their side is apparently too much because you watch way too many movies? How many shoot outs do you plan on being in, in your career? How about the average officer? See, this is the "we cant take any risks at all, but want you to respect us" bullshit that people are tired of. If you want to be respected as an officer, then you're going to have to do something worthy of that respect. And sadly for most beat cops, you're talking about a bunch of losers with control issues who are given firearms and authority over our citizens.
it's easy to sit in an air conditioned room typing away on perfect egalitarian ideals with perfect controlled environments -- almost robotic in nature, it's easy to fantasize about it. But life, humanity, is much more complicated than an Occam's razor edge.
Just like its also easy to remember that our crime has been dropping, that police shootings have doubled without valid reason, that 20 years ago police answered for their crimes or did the right thing and committed suicide instead of facing prison.
You want to call the idea of correcting this behavior by police "fantasy" yet you fail to realize that the only other countries who deal with police as bad as Americas, are third world shitholes with dictators. You also fail to realize that you and your fellow porkers, have gotten progressively worse at your jobs over the years. Anyone actually attempting to solve crimes becomes a detective. SWAT and street cops simply want control over people.... anyone looking into these issues has seen the many peer reviews on the psychology of sliced back fats. You exhibit these same behaviors, you could give a shit about doing a better job as a cop. You don't give a shit about improving a community or police work... or solving these problems... how is it that police shootings can double in one year and you don't care at all? That you're not suggesting that maybe, just maybe, the problem is with how police forces function since we 100% cannot find any other correlating factors? Someone suggests that police learn to fire their weapons properly and go right to action movie number 182,987 that you saw and remember that scenario, and present it as something that an officer would most likely go through in their career. All to avoid any kind of solutions to these problems, where some of these problems just fucking started half a decade ago.
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