Woah woah woah.... "very little data"? Are you fucking kidding me?
By very little do you mean nearly every peer review, nearly every fbi report and all of the justice department reports? Is that what you mean by "very little"?
Anti-vaxxers are going against peer review and basic science, those who recognize police are an issue, are not.
Yes, you have very little data to support the idea that police officers behave like they are in generic action movies. No where near the amount to justify a claim that there is some sort of crisis. In the real world police have a far better safety record then doctors. If that safety record justifies wild, hyperbolic ranting then pretty much everything does. Could you imagine having a conversation about healthcare with someone who rants about doctors the way you rant about the police?
Crazy thing is such people would have, at the minimum, two hundred times the bodies backing up their claims that doctors are the real 'villains', and they are still crazy
As for vaccination comment, here is a Link.
Other possible, but much rarer, side effects – reported in fewer than 1 in 10,000 babies – include:
- fits or seizures
1 in10,000 is about on par with police shootings, and that is just one vaccine.
This one sends around 1 child in 1,000 into convulsions. MMR has the same odds of giving kids seizures. If you look at millions upon millions of examples of pretty much anything, you will find a lot of statistically rare tragedy. That is just how life works. People who use rare tragedies to start panics are not helping anyone.
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