Well if you want to be technical. They must seek asylum in the first country that offers it to them. Mexico offered asylum to all of them which they refused. You do not get to asylum shop the country you want, but you liberals tend to forget simple laws. Also Trump only closed the border for a few hours when they started acting up. That is the correct procedure to do when this happens. I didn't see you all complain when Obama tear gassed people on the border in 2013 so please stop already!
Also storming the border is not the way to you seek asylum. Throwing rocks and bottles at agents is another way you do not seek asylum. Remember Mexico arrested over 60 of these people for doing this so they are already breaking laws. So please stop pretending you know anything about asylum law and again quit using the racist shtick it is getting old. People like you always use this argument when you do not have any good points. Creating false narratives to prove points.
I have already said if these people do it in the correct manner I am more then happy for them to come to America.
Mexico has problems. What if you need asylum from Mexico?
Well by asylum laws you must take the first place that offers it to you. Then if you still have issues then you can seek asylum somewhere else, but you must become a resident first. Mexico is not in the shape that allows their population to ask for asylum so stop already. Not saying it is the perfect place to live, but come on man it is a vacation spot for many people.
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