@eoten: Once again, they didn't ban all political opposition, just a few pro-russian parties. Parties which represent an existential threat to the nation, especially now that hte country is in what looks to be a Total War.
Why do you continue to lie even as you have been caught?
Your Reductio ad Hitlerum actually helps prove our case on why Democracies need to protect themselves. For democracies to die. All it takes is one bad faith actor. Not everyone acting within the rules of a democracy believe in the process. Some use it simply as a means to obtain power, whether that is Hitler, Victor Orban, Moraweicki, Donald Trump and more. One person has the power to ruin the entire process. And Democracies need to protect themselves against such individuals.
If 11 parties are banned (many of them incredibly small), so the actual process and every other political party can still function, so be it. Keep in mind, the country is facing an existential crisis. Which is why a better example of this would be medieval hungary.
Hungary, much England, had its own "Magna Carta". The King had v ery little power overall, which left power to individual states. Unfortunately it pretty much all ended because the people obsessed too much over "State Rights", so much so they nullified the black army which had previously protected them from the Ottoman armies that invaded previously, making militaries privately owned again and reducing the taxes they had to pay to this army. As a consequence the country could no longer afford to protect itself against the existential threat of the ottoman empire. And the Ottomans came back. In other words, the country fell over a tax cut, which in the end, resulted in that tax cut being null and void.
Sometimes you have to make sacrifices, to deal with greater threats.
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