What a surprise, you use the liberal redefinition of the word that fits your agenda. Like how "racism" has been redefined to only apply to whites or the many other redefinition of common words to suit your agenda.
You're discussing the intellectual origins in that link as well, not the formulation of what is actually described as fascism. Just like the "intellectual origins" for the ideology described by Karl Marx, which you've probably actually read, goes back prior to him as well. That doesn't mean Marxism isn't the ideology founded and formulated by Marx.
Face it, you failed to even know what Fascism is, who started it, why it began, what their ideologies were, how their government works. You simply carelessly, and ignorantly use it as an insult towards anyone you deem to be on the opposite side of the political spectrum from yourself. But the reality is, a good portion of the shit I see you, and people like you promote is far closer to fascism than those you whine about. In many cases, you promote even worse.
So here's an idea for you going forward. Stop using isms and ists as insults whenever you disagree with someone. Actually argue the content of their argument, and use a little common sense in your responses. Calling Orban a fascism, yet being unable to show he's actually done anything fascist outside of "the republicans invited him so he must be" is just silly.
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