@InEMplease: He's batshit crazy! 🤣 Don't even try.
I've seen people banned for far more benign comments than that. But comments such as those are all you have left when your buddy there just got exposed for a clear double standard he can't explain.
@InEMplease: He's batshit crazy! 🤣 Don't even try.
I've seen people banned for far more benign comments than that. But comments such as those are all you have left when your buddy there just got exposed for a clear double standard he can't explain.
@InEMplease: He's batshit crazy! 🤣 Don't even try.
I've seen people banned for far more benign comments than that. But comments such as those are all you have left when your buddy there just got exposed for a clear double standard he can't explain.
You ask me to explain a double standard you fabricated in your head.
You literally tried to claim that people calling out the crimes of NATO as being apologists for Russia. The US invaded and overthrew multiple countries and people like you ate that shit up believing we were doing them a favor spreading them some freedom and democracy to the point you didn't even care Saddam had ZERO to do with 911 and the WMD reason turned out to be a lie. NATO has been involved in influencing politics in Ukraine. Russia is not exclusive in this. All sides are to blame for the mess going on today, it's not just Putin.
Accept some responsibility, like an adult. This isn't some black and white fairytale of good vs evil. It's self serving billionaires vs self serving billionaires at YOUR expense, and the expense of lives of the Ukrainian people. The more you ignore this, the more people like you are to blame for nothing ever being done about it and this world facing a dark, dark future of one war for profit after another for the foreseeable future. There will be a WW3, and a WW4, and a WW5, simply because people like you actually support it by buying into the disinformation that someone else is exclusively evil, and needs to be stopped.
Just produced the exact same type of argument again, just with a new spin.
"Well, the concept good/evil is whimsical, and both powers are bad, therefore Russia diminished responsibility because something something West bad"
It's the rhetoric bot farms produce, spread, and your Infowar/MAGA/Chinese/Indian countries adopt. All fed the same shit.
In the case of MAGA type goobers specifically they are that desperate to get Biden for anything they will literally attempt to justify war crimes or repeatedly imply the dude is a paedophile.
Like, take a look at yourself bros, is this really the route you want to go?
You literally tried to claim that people calling out the crimes of NATO as being apologists for Russia. The US invaded and overthrew multiple countries and people like you ate that shit up believing we were doing them a favor spreading them some freedom and democracy to the point you didn't even care Saddam had ZERO to do with 911 and the WMD reason turned out to be a lie. NATO has been involved in influencing politics in Ukraine. Russia is not exclusive in this. All sides are to blame for the mess going on today, it's not just Putin.
Accept some responsibility, like an adult. This isn't some black and white fairytale of good vs evil. It's self serving billionaires vs self serving billionaires at YOUR expense, and the expense of lives of the Ukrainian people. The more you ignore this, the more people like you are to blame for nothing ever being done about it and this world facing a dark, dark future of one war for profit after another for the foreseeable future. There will be a WW3, and a WW4, and a WW5, simply because people like you actually support it by buying into the disinformation that someone else is exclusively evil, and needs to be stopped.
Just produced the exact same type of argument again, just with a new spin.
"Well, the concept good/evil is whimsical, and both powers are bad, therefore Russia diminished responsibility because something something West bad"
It's the rhetoric bot farms produce, spread, and your Infowar/MAGA/Chinese/Indian countries adopt. All fed the same shit.
In the case of MAGA type goobers specifically they are that desperate to get Biden for anything they will literally attempt to justify war crimes or repeatedly imply the dude is a paedophile.
Like, take a look at yourself bros, is this really the route you want to go?
T**** was a joke when he rode down the escalator, and he's still a joke.
It'll be the joke of all time.
@eoten: I'm sorry, I should have been more PC and used the term "intelectually disabled".
Or you should learn how to conduct yourself as an adult instead of resorting to snarky insults when you run out of valid responses to a simple question.
@InEMplease: He's batshit crazy! 🤣 Don't even try.
I've seen people banned for far more benign comments than that. But comments such as those are all you have left when your buddy there just got exposed for a clear double standard he can't explain.
You ask me to explain a double standard you fabricated in your head.
I asked you how the same set of rules you've applied to Putin threatening nuclear war do not apply to Biden as well, you couldn't, but assured me it's different. That is a double standard. Do you seriously not know the definition of it? If you're not applying a double standard, tell me how it is okay for Biden to threaten nuclear war, but Putin is a lunatic for the exact same thing.
Or you could admit that it's fucked up for anyone to threaten such a thing, regardless of whose side you're on.
@eoten: I'm sorry, I should have been more PC and used the term "intelectually disabled".
Or you should learn how to conduct yourself as an adult instead of resorting to snarky insults when you run out of valid responses to a simple question.
Freedom man. Freedom.
@eoten: You are a compulsive liar and a pathological contrarian. I was just warning him that it was pointless.
Different people already explained their position and you are incapable of getting it, you keep having an argument fabricated in your own mind and keep projecting onto others your own thoughts. I can't even explain to you how bizarre is going through your delusional dialogue that's completely offset from what people are replying to you.
On top of that, as usual, there's all the times you were caught lying and corrected.
So, again, I was just warning him that you're batshit crazy in case he thought he was talking with a regular person.
I think the reason Eoten and the other far right types here constantly defend russia is because they, much like the Russians love Ivan Ilyin's ideology.
All in all,
@InEMplease: He's batshit crazy! 🤣 Don't even try.
I've seen people banned for far more benign comments than that. But comments such as those are all you have left when your buddy there just got exposed for a clear double standard he can't explain.
You ask me to explain a double standard you fabricated in your head.
I asked you how the same set of rules you've applied to Putin threatening nuclear war do not apply to Biden as well, you couldn't, but assured me it's different. That is a double standard. Do you seriously not know the definition of it? If you're not applying a double standard, tell me how it is okay for Biden to threaten nuclear war, but Putin is a lunatic for the exact same thing.
Or you could admit that it's fucked up for anyone to threaten such a thing, regardless of whose side you're on.
You are just a disingenuous liar. Show me where Biden even threatened nuclear war, because all I can find is him responding to Putins threats. Again, you live in your own reality.
@InEMplease: He's batshit crazy! 🤣 Don't even try.
I've seen people banned for far more benign comments than that. But comments such as those are all you have left when your buddy there just got exposed for a clear double standard he can't explain.
You ask me to explain a double standard you fabricated in your head.
I asked you how the same set of rules you've applied to Putin threatening nuclear war do not apply to Biden as well, you couldn't, but assured me it's different. That is a double standard. Do you seriously not know the definition of it? If you're not applying a double standard, tell me how it is okay for Biden to threaten nuclear war, but Putin is a lunatic for the exact same thing.
Or you could admit that it's fucked up for anyone to threaten such a thing, regardless of whose side you're on.
You are just a disingenuous liar. Show me where Biden even threatened nuclear war, because all I can find is him responding to Putins threats. Again, you live in your own reality.
Biden, who has a very difficult time even completing sentences at this point even threatened F-15s and nuclear weapons against his own citizens as an excuse as to why we should do away with the second amendment. I don't even think Putin has threatened nukes against his own citizens yet. Putin only threatened to use them out of self defense.
You are just a disingenuous liar. Show me where Biden even threatened nuclear war, because all I can find is him responding to Putins threats. Again, you live in your own reality.
Biden, who has a very difficult time even completing sentences at this point even threatened F-15s and nuclear weapons against his own citizens as an excuse as to why we should do away with the second amendment. I don't even think Putin has threatened nukes against his own citizens yet. Putin only threatened to use them out of self defense.
You are sounding exactly like the Neocons.
It's the rhetoric bot farms produce, spread, and your Infowar/MAGA/Chinese/Indian countries adopt. All fed the same shit.
Russian propaganda really gone mad. Hilarious to see how Russian TV bosses imagine the winter conditions in the UK comparing to Russia. Now you understand why Soviet propaganda was always a laughing stock for the West. pic.twitter.com/Vvx4WexOgc
— Taras Berezovets (@TarasBerezovets) November 2, 2022
I recommend reading it. Obviously not a very pleasant read.
How Russian soldiers ran a 'cleansing' operation in Bucha | AP News
I imagine this has happened in several other locations too.
I recommend reading it. Obviously not a very pleasant read.
How Russian soldiers ran a 'cleansing' operation in Bucha | AP News
I imagine this has happened in several other locations too.
But you see US invaded Iraq so this is completely justified. /s
@eoten: lol, are you calling it a coup?
You’re never going to be taken seriously unless you stop talking nonsense.
People protested against Yanokovych’s decision to suspend preparations to sign a free trade agreement with the EU. That was in Nov. 2013. Those protests continued and grew when Police attempted to clear the square in Feb 2014.
The government agreed to new elections, and that was signed on feb 21st 2014, but Yanokovych fled the country on the same day. Parliament voted 328-0 to remove Yanokovych and arrange early elections.
No NATO or US financial aid was supplied up until that point. I challenge you to prove otherwise, and RT isn’t an accepted source.
No coup took place, the people revolted against a pro-Russian leader…that’s called a revolution.
Let's continue were i left off. I remember, your response was something "LALALA, i cant hear you, whatever!".
Obvious examples of Central Intelligence Agency covert action abroad are difficult to identify today, save for occasional acknowledged calamities, such as the long-running $1 billion effort to overthrow the government of Syria, via funding, training and arming barbarous jihadist groups.
In part, this stems from many of the CIA’s traditional responsibilities and activities being farmed out to “overt” organizations, most significantly the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).
Founded in November 1983, then-CIA director William Casey was at the heart of NED’s creation. He sought to construct a public mechanism to support opposition groups, activist movements and media outlets overseas that would engage in propaganda and political activism to disrupt, destabilize, and ultimately displace ‘enemy’ regimes. Subterfuge with a human face, to coin a phrase.
Underlining the Endowment’s insidious true nature, in a 1991 Washington Post article boasting of its prowess in overthrowing Communism in Eastern Europe, senior NED official Allen Weinstein acknowledged, “a lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.”
Fast forward to September 2013, and Carl Gershman, NED chief from its launch until summer 2021, authored an op-ed for The Washington Post, outlining how his organization was hard at work wresting countries in Russia’s near abroad–the constellation of former Soviet republics and Warsaw Pact states–away from Moscow’s orbit.
Along the way, he described Ukraine as “the biggest prize” in the region,
suggesting Kiev joining Europe would “accelerate the demise” of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Six months later, Ukraine’s elected president Viktor Yanukovych was ousted in a violent coup.
Writing in Consortium News earlier that month, investigative legend Robert Parryrecorded how, over the previous year,
NED had funded 65 projects in Ukraine totaling over $20 million.
This amounted to what the late journalist dubbed “a shadow political structure of media and activist groups that could be deployed to stir up unrest when the Ukrainian government didn’t act as desired.”
Chomsky: Six Months Into War, Diplomatic Settlement in Ukraine Is Still Possible
That Russia felt threatened by NATO expansion to the East, in violation of firm and unambiguous promises to Gorbachev, has been stressed by virtually every high-level U.S. diplomat with any familiarity with Russia for 30 years, well before Putin. To take just one of a rich array of examples, in 2008 when he was ambassador to Russia and Bush II recklessly invited Ukraine to join NATO, current CIA director William Burns warned that “Ukrainian entry into NATO is the brightest of all redlines for the Russian elite (not just Putin).” He added that
“I have yet to find anyone who views Ukraine in NATO as anything other than a direct challenge to Russian interests.”
More generally, Burns called NATO expansion into Eastern Europe “premature at best, and needlessly provocative at worst.” And if the expansion reached Ukraine, Burns warned, “There could be no doubt that Putin would fight back hard.”
Burns was merely reiterating common understanding at the highest level of government, back to the early ‘90s. Bush II’s own Secretary of Defense Robert Gatesrecognizedthat “trying to bring Georgia and Ukraine into NATO was truly overreaching, … recklessly ignoring what the Russians considered their own vital national interests.”
The warnings from informed government sources were strong and explicit. They were rejected by Washington from Clinton on. In fact, on to the present moment. That conclusion is confirmed by the recent comprehensive Washington Post study of the background to the invasion.
Road to war: U.S. struggled to convince allies, and Zelensky, of risk of invasion
In a later article where Noam Chomsky is interviewed:
Seven months on, the war in Ukraine has entered a new phase. Ukrainian forces are running a counteroffensive in the east and south regions of the country while Russia is still bent on annexation plans. Meanwhile, the West, with the U.S. at the forefront, continues with itsexplicitly stated strategyof weakening Russia to the point of regime collapse, thereby leaving no room for negotiations. All these developments indicate that peace remains distant in Ukraine and that the war may in fact be poised to become even more violent.
Worse, argues Noam Chomsky below in an exclusive interview forTruthout, congressional hawks are increasing the risk of terminal war with the Taiwan Policy Act of 2022, which was just recently approved by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and appears to be modeled on programs from prior to the Russian attack that were turning Ukraine into a de facto NATO member.
The general picture is that Russia has suffered a devastating defeat, demonstrating the utter incompetence of the Russian military and the remarkable capacities of the Ukrainian army provided with advanced U.S. armaments and detailed intelligence information about the disposition of Russian forces, a tribute to the courage of the Ukrainian fighters and to the intensive U.S. training, organization and supply of the Ukrainian army for almost a decade.
Correct. Funny how we are accused of not knowing history in Ukraine, when it is clear we do.
C'mon. You don't even know Russia on it's own isn't a superpower since the dissolution of the SU. Not even close. China today, the second largest economy, isn't considered a superpower. The second one who falsly addresses Russia as superpower. Making the boogeyman appear bigger than he actually is, i see.
@palasta: Yanukovych failed on his electoral promises and succumbed to Putin's threats. You don't put hundreds of thousands of people on the streets being brutality attacked and murdered by the police out of thin air.
Ukrainians fought to escape Russian influence and won paying with their blood. Though I do believe pro Russians fouled themselves to believe that Yanukovych's outing was due to the CIA, as it became apparent with the idea that with the "special operation" Ukrainians were going to welcome Russians with open arms.
It is truth that towards the end of the protests there were paramilitary Ukrainian forces involved. And rightfully so in my opinion. That's what made it successful. We can call it a coup, a justified one. Not ignoring the issues in the eastern front it's completely transparent that that was the will of the people as they demonstrated democratically first and now with their own lives.
Had a great time on @TuckerCarlson — check out my full segment here ⬇️ pic.twitter.com/70Fl6A4w6S
— Jackson Hinkle 🇺🇸 (@jacksonhinklle) September 7, 2022
Not sure if we get Fox News over here.
Kinda hope we don't.
Interesting vid. Didn't even hit 1000 views, compared to the 300 - 600 thousand watching said propaganda in droves giving the perception sanctions against Russia are faltering and should be stopped.
Saying that America doesn't really need the CCP for that, got Fox News.
A nice send-off for the lads.
Party time in the #Russian army: A song by the famous Soviet band "Kino" is performed on a pile of straw. pic.twitter.com/jbucOoQUzA
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) November 7, 2022
Messed up.
Truly the sickest kind of evil. Convincing kids they should willingly be ready to die in a lost cause for a made up war. #Russia#Putin#Ukraine ##Solovyov
— Mark Toth (@MCTothSTL) November 6, 2022
H/T: @JuliaDavisNewshttps://t.co/JUZVAyNwiJ
@Maroxad: Unfortunately can't see Russians getting punished other than maybe purposefully being put at the frontline to erase them. Which apparently Russia has been doing with Bucha peeps. (unconfirmed)
We know for sure jack shit is going to happen to Putin unless something internal occurs.
The evidence of their shit is overwhelming. But ultimately moot.
Mean, hope i'm wrong and the perpetrators get brought to justice (along with Putin in some form) but just find it very doubtful.
The exhumation work at the mass burial site in the Izyum Forest has been completed.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) November 8, 2022
Out of 447 bodies, 30 had marks of severe torture.
Several men had been castrated.
- 215 women
- 194 men
- 5 children
- 22 Ukrainian soldiers pic.twitter.com/BEsewPWU7F
⚡️BREAKING: Russian troops ordered to leave Kherson.
— The Kyiv Independent (@KyivIndependent) November 9, 2022
Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu approved the withdrawal of Russian troops from Kherson, according to Russian military command.
Moment Surovikin and Shoygu admit defeat in the Kherson direction and announce the withdrawal of troops. pic.twitter.com/10UZgVuIcm
— Dmitri (@wartranslated) November 9, 2022
What a coincidence.
⚡️ According to unconfirmed reports, Deputy Head of Kherson "administration" Kirill Stremousov has died in a car crash. pic.twitter.com/l6Z2Tvr1gO
— Dmitri (@wartranslated) November 9, 2022
@uninspiredcup: Are we sure this isn’t some pathetic attempt to lure the Ukrainians into a false sense of security? I mean, when do Armies broadcast future troop movements on social media?
@sealionact: Saw claims of this, including the dam rigged to blow, which is a possibility regardless.
But at the same time saw many videos (from Russians) where they are basically being fed to die with nothing. Like, guns that aren't even safe to use, lit falling apart.
Mobilized Russian are receiving summer sleeping bags. pic.twitter.com/uFT7DAbl1Y
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) November 8, 2022
Think more than likely Russia has been (and is) in a much worse state than they made out.
Don't expect some mega-brain move from them to strike as everything thus far they have done has been military stupid. They are a bad army.
Even worse now than when they started as along of their best troops got turned into dog food.
Either way, don't think anything they do, even something as unlikely a tactical nuke will stop Ukraine.
Simply no way they can win. None. Nada.
Russian papers
In today’s Russian papers: reaction to Russia's Kherson retreat. Plus: “Our system is geared to the search for a great leader. His decisions are not up for discussion. So he mustn’t make mistakes, for there’s no mechanism to correct them.” #ReadingRussiapic.twitter.com/KvVaaBvWcT
— Steve Rosenberg (@BBCSteveR) November 10, 2022
Between a rock and a shit place.
Russian TV host Andrei Norkin's realisation that his country lacks freedom of speech:
— Francis Scarr (@francis_scarr) November 10, 2022
If I back the decision to withdraw from Kherson, I'm going to jail for questioning Russia's territorial integrity
And if I oppose it, I'm going to jail for discrediting the armed forces pic.twitter.com/KRj0RsI00i
A rare "good" Twitter post.
The Ukrainian startegy is exemplified by Sun-Tzu famous maxim: "The pinnacle of excelence is to win without fighting."
— Scorpion86 🇵🇹🇺🇦🇪🇺 (@Scorpion8615) November 10, 2022
They choked out the russians' supply line and presented them with a dilemma: retreat now and give up a bridgehead or stay and fight and die cold and hungry.
Massive barrages on fleeing Russians. Be getting directed with US intel.
Alleged Ukrainian attacks on Russian columns retreating across the Dnieper river. Whatever it is, it’s massive... pic.twitter.com/fS3ILG0c8p
— Russian Officers killed in Ukraine 🇨🇿🇺🇦 (@KilledInUkraine) November 10, 2022
— Russian Officers killed in Ukraine 🇨🇿🇺🇦 (@KilledInUkraine) November 10, 2022
This will be the same folk who made deals not to attack civ/aid routes and then deliberately targeted them.
Pro-Russian Dimitriyev says that according to his sources, there's an actual panic among Russian forces in Kherson. pic.twitter.com/Icj6sQXTtJ
— Dmitri (@wartranslated) November 10, 2022
He adds he has this information from actual people, not channels. He also mentions anarchy on the "left bank" though he could mean "right" bank and just misspelled it. pic.twitter.com/BQdZq64d4z
— Dmitri (@wartranslated) November 10, 2022
Liberated Kherson singing Chervona Kalyna, a song that was banned for nine months. No electricity — Russia destroyed the power lines before leaving. pic.twitter.com/EhCIpMlYtw
— Yaroslav Trofimov (@yarotrof) November 11, 2022
More blue and yellow colours on the streets in liberated #Kherson.#KhersonisUkraine#UkraineWillWinpic.twitter.com/RyJI2mfLje
— UkraineWorld (@ukraine_world) November 11, 2022
Footage from #Snihurivka, #Mykolaiv region, south #Ukraine, which was liberated yesterday, on 10 November:
— Alex Kokcharov (@AlexKokcharov) November 11, 2022
@tocool340: Guess the irony is Russia may well end this with less than when they started.
They argubly already have.
While Ukraine has more support than they ever had previously. Is more of a country than they ever were previously.
But yea, Hundreds of thousands dead, families killed, women (including children) raped, tortured, billions of infrastructure destroyed etc...
Russia itself, disgraced. It's army once seen as the best in the world, a joke. Seen as a loon country.
This could go on, and on, but this seems pretty much to be a pyrrhic victory.
No way they can take Ukraine. It's pointless.
We're here forever, they said... pic.twitter.com/MXzMRoQpHV
— Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en) November 10, 2022
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