Faint echoes. That's all he could hear. Just faint echoes. Eddie's eyes slowly opened as he found himself lying on the ground. He gets up, but he feels woozy all around as he tries to figure where he is.
Eddie: (rubs head) Oh, man. I was just celebrating my twenthieth birthday at an arcade gallery.......
Suddenly, he is alarmed by a voice.
A.I.: Greetings, young wolf.
Eddie: (looks around frantically) Who's there?
A.I.: There's no need to be alarmed. I'm here to give you advice.
Eddie: Pfft! I don't think I'd need it, thank you very much.
A.I.: Oh, but I insist. That is if you want to make it out of here alive.
Eddie: (ears perk up) What do you mean?
A.I.: What you are about to go through is simply a test with obstacles coming across your path.
Eddie: And what are these "obstacles"?
A.I.: Mainly death every which way you look at it.
Eddie: Some test this is.
A.I.: There will be androids along the way, there may not. However, there may be androids that are out to kill you.
Eddie: Let me guess. I have to kill them if I want to survive.
A.I.: See? Aren't you a smart wolf? I recommend that you do leave at once.
A doorway opens in front of Eddie.
A.I.: Your journey begins now.
Eddie: (skeptical) Looks like I have no other choice. Are there any others?
A.I.: What do you mean by others?
Eddie: (thinks) I guess not.
Eddie steps into the doorway which closes immediately after he steps in.
A.I.: Good luck.
Note: Okay. How was that?
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