As the A.I is explaining the rules to Cronic and Eddie, Eugene looks off to the side. He notices a small discoloration on one of the tiles in the room. He looks closer and investigates. "Hey guys...I think I...guys?" He looks only to find that everyone is gone. "Wait...they were just there!"
"They ne-ver ex-is-ted. They were sim-ply a com-pu-ter sim-ul-ation. You are the on-ly test sub-ject."
"I don't know what you did, but I'm certainly not going to believe that crap."
"Be-lieve what you want. Ei-ther way, there is no-thing im-por-tant with that tile. You sh-ould just walk a-way. No re-ally, just leave it there, as it is com-plet-ly use-less. There is no-thing of any im-por-tance o-ver there. Just keep go-ing with the test."
He smiles. "Yeah, THAT'S going to keep me away from it." Upon further inspection, he finds that there is a small crack in the tile. "Perfect..." His nodes phase out a crowbar, and he starts to chip away the tile. He makes a large enough hole for himself to crawl through. He crawls through a small passageway. It is rusted and old, hinting to how long this facility has been here. There are all sorts of mechanisms for pulling things in or out of rooms, etc. It is apparantly the space in between each room in the facility. Eugene eventually finds himself in some sort of sewage system. He was about to jump down, but he found that it wasn't a sewer system at all.
The voice can be heard, but it is very faint. "He-llo? Are you still there? I don't think you are go-ing any-where. You should come back to the fa-cili-ty, where it is safe."
"Not going to happen" He thinks to himself. He has one of his nodes analyze the liquid in this place. It turns out to be some sort of acidic compound. "Great..."
He slowly makes his way on safe passageways, until he sees a bridge above him. "That's convenient..." He looks around for a ladder of some kind. When he does, it unfortunately breaks apart, leaving him stranded. "Oh COME ON!". He has another one of his tantrums, until he hits himself in the head. "Oww! Wait...that hurt...more than usual....?" Eugene, being the oblivious person he is, forgot that he still had his "Grapple Hands" from before. With them, he makes a safe travel to the bridge. To one side, there is another hallway, to the other, there is a door. "Ahh screw it..." Eugene walks through the door.
Inside, there is a large amount of monitors, with a variety of switches and buttons on a keyboard below it. "I think I may have just found heaven...." Eugene grabs a chair and sits in front of it. "For the first time in my life...I'm actually enjoying this place." He presses a button, and the monitors turn on. Each monitor is watching a specific room. More importantly, some of the monitors are attached to the cameras viewing other test subjects. "Good lord!.." He switches one of the monitors, and sees where Cronic and Eddie are. "Why aren't they looking for me...?" He finds his answer. There is some sort of synthetic Eugene walking with them (For all intents and purposes, he is considered an NPC, so you can have him speak and act however you want).
"As I said. Whe-ther or not you are a-ware of it, you are in-deed, work-ing for us. Now, fill mon-itor six with ni-tro-gen."
Eugene looks at the monitor. "'s that fox who shot at my node! Look, he may deserve some beating for that, but I am NOT going to flood that room with nitrogen!"
The room lights up a bit more. "Why don't you see what be-came of the last per-son who de-fied me..." Eugene turns around, there is a charred corpse on the ground. "You'd think I'd notice something like that on the way in...."
Two turrets reveal themselves from the ceiling, they aim directly at Eugene. The voice speaks again. "You see, the po-si-tion of Com-pu-ter Tech-ni-cian just be-came a-vail-a-ble. I led you to this room be-cause you are the most qual-i-fied one here. Now flood the room with Ni-tro-gen..."
The guns began to make a preparation noise.
"On second thought, let me warm up the nitrogen emitters...." He presses a button. The nitrogen starts to flood the room.
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