Dem: I won't wait no more, this geneartor is toast.
Dem destroys the generator with a barrage of chaos shot. The lights dim.
Dem: Time for generator number 2.
Dem: testing protocol? You have become brain-washed. Disabling the A.I. will also bring down the traps and defenses, making for an easy escape. I know you of all people don't want to stay. It seems I will have to ingore you and take out that generator. CHAOS CANNON!!!!!!!!
The energy rips a giant hole in hte generator and the wall behind it. The generator is destroyed and Dem goes invisible and gets out of there.
Dem reaches the second generator without trouble. He scans the area to make sure he was not followed and there are no guards.
Dem: Let's see if this works on this one.
Dem fires a barrage of chaos shot at the second genertor. To his suprise, it is wrecked.
Dem: Much easier than the first one. Human...., what was his name.. I can destroy armies but I can't remember a simple name... Magna, get the human and help me find the last generator.
*"Open your heart" (from Sonic Adventure 1) plays*Rival: $#!%. I can't stand staying here. Rival was about to walk out from the exit. Jobo: What a-bout Wind? Rival: .....Damn. The grand hall seems to disintegrate. Rival pulls out an orb with a built-in camera and microphone and machine guns. Rival: I'll use this. I hope Zayne is right about this. He speaks into the orb's microphone and looks at the camera. Rival: Command.... Track Wind Prower. Lead him to any exit in this facility. Orb: Affirmative. The orb levitates and flies onward down the grand hall. Rival: The orb will help. Rival exits the unknown facility. Jobo attempts to follow the flying orb, but was stopped by three AI units. AI #1: Jo-bo? You should have been de-mo-lished with the o-ther use-less scraps. The AI units tear up Jobo, destroying all of Jobo's databanks, commands and what not. The units do not notice the flying orb.
Wind: {Right!} *he runs, but is stopped by the AI in his head*
AI: STOP! I am sorry, but you cannot leave. Activate cell #187975847. *a gas seaps out of Wind's body, knocking him unconcious. He falls through a trap door.*
---When Wind wakes up---
Wind: {Where... am... I...?}
AI: Ah, you are awake. We sent you in here to stop you from leaving. We will explain why later. Enjoy your stay.
Eddie sees a platform attached to some railing as he walks into the next room.
Eddie: What's this suppose to be? Am I to do some rail shooting?
A.I.: Precisely! It seems that you have a fad for this type of genre, the on-rail shooter.
Eddie: (sarcastic) Gee, what else is there that you don't already know?
A.I.: Now, please step onto the platform and we will begin our session.
Eddie does what he's told, and the platform begins to move.
A.I.: I do advise that you keep all hand and feet inside your area while moving.
Eddie: Just tell me what is my objective.
A.I.: Survive.
Eddie: (annoyed) Anything else?
A.I.: Avoid the oncoming enemy targets.
Eddie's eyes widen as he sees them coming at an increasing pace. He quickly reaches out and starts shooting at what appears to be androids.
Eddie: (thinks as he continues to shoot) So, these are the androids.
The androids come in various attack patterns that Eddie has to be very familiar with from playing various shooting games. After taking down thirty androids, he quickly reloads his first clip out of the twenty that he had picked up from the previous room.
Eddie: (looks ahead) Is that it?
Suddenly, a blast comes from behind him, and he turns around quickly to see more.
Note: I'll continue on with this battle another time. Sorry. :(
Dem: I think I have seen you someplace. No matter, I guess WE have to get rid of the many pests here.
Dem starts shooting chaos shot at the androids. It easily takes out hte ones he hits. He manuevers around the area, avoiding shots while continuing to attack the androids.
Dem finishes off the remaining robots with more chaos shot.
Dem: That is the last of them. Good thing I have a great power source. Wind, you know where a generator is? I have gotten rid fo 2 and I need to get rid of the third so I can disable that A.I., it's defenses, and those stupid challenges. That will make escaping this place much easier.
Dem: Hurry up, we don't have much time befo....
"What are you do-ing?"
Dem: That thing returns.
"I don't app-recia-te you trying to kill me"
Dem: I feel the same way, have you ever thought of that?
"Yes, I have. I need you to com-plete your assign-ments. Destroy that an-droid and pro-ceed."
Dem: This one is not one of yours.
"How are you so certain?"
Dem: I have my ways. Would you tell me where you put that last generator?
"On-ly if I can kill you be-fore tell-ing you."
Dem: That is quite a useless deal. I think I'll find out for myself, or have this guy do it.
"Suite your-self. Combat test proto-col #13405, armored an-droids initiate."
Dem: That doesn't sound good, for your budget.
A group of about 30 androids walk in. They have extremly thick armor and move relativly quickly.
Dem: Wind, a little assistance would be nice. I don't think I can defeat all 30 of them without unveiling some of my best moves.
"Best Moves?"
Dem: Yeah, ones you will never know about.
Eugene blinks. "Wait...I forgot to give you a map? Opps...My mistake, seems that I kind of got caught in the moment there. As you can see, the generators are supposedly giving energy to this location. However, something hasn't quite added up. We should have seen more than just a blinking light, especially when the second generator went down. My theory is that there are either hidden generators, or they simply have no effect at all. Someone, or "thing" I should say, gave me incorrect schematics, and it has been difficult to extract more information. Before you criticize me though, I do have a backup. While searching through the database, I came across a hacker using the alias 'Hex5'. At first, I simply stayed away from him, however, I think I will go and meet him now, as he claimed to have important information. I would advise that you continue with Dem on those generators, and see if destroying them has weakened whatever that mass is there (Obviously, pointing to the place which is taking energy from the generators). Anyways, I'm going to be late, stay safe and keep in touch." He jolts out the room.
As he is walking, he thinks to himself. "Right, this probably seems like you're a complete idiot. It is obviously a trap intended for you, but they don't realize what I have in mind..."
Eugene walks into a dark room. Upon entrance, it lights up, revealing a man in a bizarre jacket sitting on a chair. Eugene smirks. "Hex5 I take it? Now that you've 'Got me in your little trap', let's start talking about what you actually intend to do."
The man looks surprised. "If you knew it was a trap, why did you come? We could very well just have done this to kill you."
Eugene's eyes twinkle with brilliance. "Well, we both know that you could have attempted to kill me long before this. Come now, the false schematics, the 'virus' that seemed to work until your protocols were actually needed. No, you knew exactly where I was the whole time. The only reason you've contacted me now is that you need something from me."
"Clever boy. I guess you aren't as stupid as you sound."
"A foolish man would actually get angry at that pathetic excuse for an insult. Even I could 'diss' myself better than you."
"So then, here we are..."
"Here's how I see it. We can either fight to see who comes out. You, most likely, after I kill your lackeys hiding in the shadows there (The man is a little shocked that Eugene actually noticed this). Or, we can come to an arrangement."
"This isn't a negotiation."
"Oh, but it is." His nodes immediately pop out, an electrical surge bursts from them, and travels along the edges of the circular room. An assortment of men drop to the floor dead.
"Right then, I MIGHT consider negotiating."
"Your offer?"
"You work for us, we don't kill you, and actually consider allowing you to join us."
"That the best you can do? We both know you wont really consider me."
"No, but I find that in my position, I can...bend the rules a bit..."
The man pauses for a bit.
"We'll give you a trial run, and see if you actually work with us. If you can prove your loyalty, then you're in. But, you don't get any access to anything unless we tell you to. You'll be constantly monitored, and kept on a close leash."
"Keep your allies close, and your enemies even closer, ey?"
"Are we agreed?"
"I don't really have much of a choice now do I? I will expect some answers."
"I'll think about it."
Dem: Nice timing.
Dem starts battling the robots.
I make short posts in the mornings.
Dem's chaos shots bounce off the androids like rubber balls. Dem turns into ball mode and starts ripping through the androids. He fires some chaos shot to knock the approaching enemies back and group them how he wants them. After about20 minutes, the last of the droids falls down dead.
Dem: These things are getting stronger. Magna, any word on the location of that last generator?
Dem: Let's hope so, though he could be leading us to an ambush. One that would fail.
Dem heads for the area.
They arrived, and are greeted by Jade. "Well well well, if it isn't the two robots too ignorant to realize it is useless to resist me." Magna scoffs. "Ha! Maybe you should rearrange your words. You appear to be the ignorant one, trying to ignore the fact you just can't stop us." Jade laughs. "My my, quite confident aren't we? Let's see just how long it lasts." A giant robot emerges from the shadows, about twenty times bigger than both Magna and Dem. "S***, this could be a problem." Jade laughs as his voice fades away. "Farewell, my robotic companions!"
Dem fires a barrage of chaos shot at the robot's head. The shots explode but don't cause any damage. The robots smashes the ground and knocks Dem and Magna to the ground.
Dem: That didn't work. Let's try plan B.
Dem goes into his ball form and rockets into the robots chest. The chest becomes dented, butholds up to the attack as Dem is knocked back to the ground by a charge of electricity.
Dem: I'm running low on ideas, I never realized how few I actually had. I don't feel like using my best tricks yet, any quick tricks to topple this titan?
"To resist is fut-ile. Acc-ept your fate and it will be over soon."
Dem: We don't give up as easy as humans. Remember, we robots are very stubborn. I still have a few trump cards.
"Pre-sent them if you wish to stand a chance"
Dem: No, I think I'll wait.
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