Eugene's eyes twitch. "Oh for the LOVE OF....It isn't THAT HARD PEOPLE!" He remembers his previous conversation. "OH WILL YOU JUST GIVE ME TWO SECONDS ALONE?" His nodes make another agitated noise, and recess back into their storage areas.
The Voice returns: "Did-nt I tell you? Th-ere are man-y diff-er-ent an-droids all here to ki-ll you."
Eugene ignores the comment and looks at Magna. "Your pointing a gun at me doesn't make me very happy at this moment. Jeez, all of you people just start flaying WEAPONS at each other, without even thinking! All I know is that I don't want to be here, and all of these 'encounters' have so far hampered my progress in that area." He motions towards Wind. "Whatever this guy's problem is with you, settle it quickly." He then thinks for a moment. "Wait, you actually FROZE the guy? Well no WONDER he's trying to kill us! Since you're the psychic, I'll let YOU do the talking, I myself am going to find a way out of here..."
He notices something in the corner, and then proceeds to examine it, without even regarding the fact that there's a group of deranged anthropomorphs about to start a fight.
"Hmmm.....I'll need some...THAT's it!" His node flies over to another camera, it (once again) harvests it.
The voice is now loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. "You a-re star-ting to diss-a-point me. You-r in-epti-tude has re-sulted in a fai-ling grade. You will n-ow be tran-sfered to an-other ar-ea."
Eugene looks annoyed. "And what the **** is that supposed to mean...? WOA!" The tile that Eugene was standing on collapses, and he falls through a large tube-like passage. The tile closes back up.
Eugene finds himself in a pitch black room. "You seriously need to get over your camera issue..."
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