I have considered picking up Sonic06 for the 360 now that it's cheap. I played a demo of it for a while and was truly amazed at how bad it was and it's almost one of those games I want to play to see how bad it really is. I wish my local video store would get a copy so I could just rent it.
Back to Sonic Unleashed. I thought I'd share this article courtesy of EGM in a section titled "Retro Revivals."
Sega's Mascot isn't some long-forgotten has-been getting a lucky second shot at the big time. Nope, Sonic's a true industry bell-wether who's managed to remain continuously popular over the last 17 years, retaining relevancy through near constant reinvention and relentless spinoffs (four different Sonic games shipped in 2007 alone). Yet the quality of the core Sonic titles has been consistently waning ever since the first Sonic Adventure(DC) And Sega's most recent attempt to turn the series around-2006's eponymous ps3/360 offering-served only to exacerbate the downward spiral with frustrating gamelay and a distasteful cross-species romance.
Why Revive the Series Now?
Even if his recent games haven't been gems, Sonic still commands a massive fan base-Sega would be foolish to stop milking their cash cow now. Coming fresh from his long awaited pairings with Mario in both the Olympic games and SSBB, Sonic's poised for a comeback. The Bioware developed DS role playing game Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood wil kick off his umpteenth revival this September but Sega's hopes that November's Unleashed will put him back on top.
Sonic fans have endured countless empty promises in the past, but Unleashed appears to finally offer fixes for some of the franchises most notorious problems. First, the previous game's overbearing, pretentious storylines have been completely axed, replaced by a refreshingly simple premise in which Dr. Eggman breaks the world into pieces in order to nab chaos emeralds. Sega has also forged an upgraded graphical engine to the project-even in an unfinished state, it already runs cirlces around the last title's clunky, slow loading tech.
The recent proper Sonic games have all suffered from frustrating, slipperly controls that left you either careening wildly out of control or automatically advancing on autopilot. Unleashed tackles this problem with a decidedly retro solution: Much of the game's platforming will take place from a 2D perspective. Sega promises seamless transistions between the 2D and 3D bits, as well as a lifelike day/night cycle that surely factor into gameplay...thanks to Sonic's (possibly ill-advised) new werewolf form. Hey, we'll reserve judgement on this new transformation (one of several we wager) until we find out if it means a reprive from cameos from embarassing Sonic hanger-ons like Charmy Bee and Cream the Rabbit.
Also Game Informer had a short paragraph on it as well.
Sonic Unleashed
We may be foolishly optimistic, but we have a feeling that 2008 will be the year when Sonic jumps back into the spotlight. Sure this prediction could be based solely on him appearing in Smash Bros., but the lengthy three-year development cycle Sega has applied to Sonic Unleashed is already showing great promise. From what we've seen, the game features a fair amount of side-scrolling platforming challenges, as well as some Rachet and Clank like rail riding sequences where Sonic bounces between rails to avoid hazards. The game also marks the debut of the new "hedgehog engine"- Unreal 3 beware! It will be available this holiday for Xbox 360, Wii and PS2 and 3.
Ok Sega, you've got us cautiously optimistic, don't f--- it up again!
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