I'll be going there shortly
Yeah, just as long as he doesn't have a a stupid fishing game.
Since most are getting a bit offended by your posts, I guess I'll have to share my opinion and try to calm the people.
A bit of diversity are good, but only when done right. Shadow has potential to be great, mixing a bit of optional gunplay for those that want to mess with it is a good way to bring in new people while letting the old fans play like normal. Problem is, it wasn't well executed and people disliked it. Same thing with Sonic 06's new gameplay twists.
In SA and SA2, the 4 non-sonic gameplay characters were usually kinda fun (Big's was a slightly enjoyable if you looked past the fact it is in a Sonic game, crap controls, worthless character (his only role was to crash the Tornada II into the jungle for Sonic and them to find, but Knuckles could have easily done that), and a near-impossible mission (there aren't any 2000 point fish in the Amusement park, I have caught well over 30,000 points worth of fish without a single one being over 1,500)). Even with the diversity, most people enjoyed the Sonic- styIe levels over the others.
Give me Sonic, Knux, Tails, and possibly Shadow each goign through Sonic-styIed levels with their own unique abilities and I will be happy. You get diversity and you stay true to the cIassic Sonic gameplay.
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