I also wonder if the other villains(garland for example) will also have limit breaks? maybe he will turn into chaos?Fenian_lostsoul
Does anyone else think the characters look way too massive for the level? HahahaAndraxal
*raises hand*
I'm almost done with Chrono Trigger:( I'm getting the ultimate weapons for my characters, so I'll be done soon.
I got a new game to play though, Secrets of Mana.
Nice. I know I played one of the earlier Mana games, however I don't remember which one. I remember renting it and really enjoying it. :( But that was years ago... I feel like an old fogie. I'll need a new game to play after I beat Heroes of Mana, so maybe I'll play the Chrono game that I have somewhere in my cabanets. :) I think it is Chrono Trigger, the one that came bundled with FFIV. Andraxal
It's Chrono Trigger.
I wouldn't play that version though. The loading times are horrible(like 5-10 seconds long). I would either get it for the NES, or on ROM.
Yeah the load times are absolutely horrible. I see what you mean. XD I don't have the patience to play it. I cringe everytime a battle is initiated.....I don't play the NES any more, or use ROMs/Emulators. :( I'll have to wait for a remake.Andraxal
It won't happen. I could go into detail, but I don't feel like it.
Why wouldn't they put it into a new remake, I don't understand why it couldn't happen...? Andraxal
I could see it happening but for the Wii
Ahh, I see, well as I said before, I don't know much about the Zelda games. So chronologically, in the zelda serie, where is the Wii game placed?Fenian_lostsoul
It's sure to be after Majora's Mask cause Link was still young in this one and before Windwaker cause Hyrule got covered by an ocean in that one :P
But I don't think Zelda games are following each other except for Majora's Mask following Ocarina of Time and Phantom Hourglass following Windwaker.
To anyone interested in It's a Wonderful World, you might want to check this out.
It's a pretty interesting read.
To anyone interested in It's a Wonderful World, you might want to check this out.
It's a pretty interesting read.queen_valentine
Very interesting, I'll make sure to check the reviews before buying it :)
No, what in the world is that? I know that name from somewhere! :( It sounds familiar!! AARRG! Andraxal
It is the sequel to a SE game, but I don't know the name of the prequel.
To anyone interested in It's a Wonderful World, you might want to check this out.
It's a pretty interesting read.
I have to agree with that article.. they should have released a demo for it. SE needs to learn how to promote their games better.
Did anyone see the high resolution new photo that shows Palom behind Cecil? People are just noticing it after it was blown up. I think Palom is the WHM twin, but she's in one of the photo's. :) Andraxal
Palom is the Black Mage.
I found some new sceen shots of FFIV for the DS!!! :) Only the bottom ones are new! And it shows something BRAND NEW!!! Yang, Edward, and some one else now have MP!!
Nice !!
EDIT : Weird, Cecil, Edward and Yang have MP. I WANT IT !!!
[QUOTE="Andraxal"]Did anyone see the high resolution new photo that shows Palom behind Cecil? People are just noticing it after it was blown up. I think Palom is the WHM twin, but she's in one of the photo's. :) Fingertrap
Palom is the Black Mage.
I found some new sceen shots of FFIV for the DS!!! :) Only the bottom ones are new! And it shows something BRAND NEW!!! Yang, Edward, and some one else now have MP!!
Nice !!
EDIT : Weird, Cecil, Edward and Yang have MP. I WANT IT !!!
Probably for the Dark attack(similar to sould stealer).
[QUOTE="queen_valentine"]To anyone interested in It's a Wonderful World, you might want to check this out.
It's a pretty interesting read.
I have to agree with that article.. they should have released a demo for it. SE needs to learn how to promote their games better.
I've seen those FFIV screenshots before. It looks so good.
[QUOTE="Andraxal"]I hope they make a sprite of Golbez unmasked. I visualize him with black hair, and red eyes. Something dark, mysterious, yet handsom. Anyone else wondered what is behind Golbez's mask? crushgoil
it's more mysterious to not see his face.
Hahahaha. Some mysterious should be solved though.....You know what would be funny.....if he turned out to be a girl....but I know that's out of the question, however that would SERIOUSLY be funny.
No Jayvon, I haven't. :( I want to play it too.... Did you manage to snag a copy?
What the heck is Soul Stealer? I thought that was a FFXI exclusive DRK attack. Well, I have another picture showing Porom however I wasn't sure if it was new. I got another one too~ I can't find the link though....:) I'm keeping on track with the news! Andraxal
Soul Stealer is an attack by Black Knights in FF3.
[QUOTE="Andraxal"]What the heck is Soul Stealer? I thought that was a FFXI exclusive DRK attack. Well, I have another picture showing Porom however I wasn't sure if it was new. I got another one too~ I can't find the link though....:) I'm keeping on track with the news! IpodHero176
Soul Stealer is an attack by Black Knights in FF3.
I thought it was Soul Eater.
[QUOTE="Fingertrap"][QUOTE="Andraxal"]Did anyone see the high resolution new photo that shows Palom behind Cecil? People are just noticing it after it was blown up. I think Palom is the WHM twin, but she's in one of the photo's. :) IpodHero176
Palom is the Black Mage.
I found some new sceen shots of FFIV for the DS!!! :) Only the bottom ones are new! And it shows something BRAND NEW!!! Yang, Edward, and some one else now have MP!!
Nice !!
EDIT : Weird, Cecil, Edward and Yang have MP. I WANT IT !!!
Probably for the Dark attack(similar to sould stealer).
It was using HP and not MP... weird. I thought it was normal for Soul Eater to "eat" Cecil's HP. :)
Sorry for the double post :oops:
[QUOTE="IpodHero176"][QUOTE="Andraxal"]What the heck is Soul Stealer? I thought that was a FFXI exclusive DRK attack. Well, I have another picture showing Porom however I wasn't sure if it was new. I got another one too~ I can't find the link though....:) I'm keeping on track with the news! Fingertrap
Soul Stealer is an attack by Black Knights in FF3.
I thought it was Soul Eater.
Right. My bad:oops:
Did you see the score GS gave to Blue Dragon ?! 6 !! Fingertrap
yeah, whoa i just heard about that. i'm can't believe it got such a low score!!! :o
[QUOTE="Fingertrap"]Did you see the score GS gave to Blue Dragon ?! 6 !! sweet_ride
yeah, whoa i just heard about that. i'm can't believe it got such a low score!!! :o
I know. This is why I ignore GS's review and read the player's reviews.
[QUOTE="Fingertrap"]Did you see the score GS gave to Blue Dragon ?! 6 !! sweet_ride
yeah, whoa i just heard about that. i'm can't believe it got such a low score!!! :o
Yeah I saw that too.... that's probably just to not give good scores as the other reviews around.... From what I have seen of the game, it deserved a bit more than that. But then again, that's just a score...
Sorry to change subjects but did anybody here get Blue Dragon yet???
No. I don't have a 360 (I'll never get a 360), besides it got a 6.
[QUOTE="sweet_ride"][QUOTE="Fingertrap"]Did you see the score GS gave to Blue Dragon ?! 6 !! IpodHero176
yeah, whoa i just heard about that. i'm can't believe it got such a low score!!! :o
I know. This is why I ignore GS's review and read the player's reviews.
That sounds a bit biased. Gameranking's has got it at a 78%.
Yeah, you should never listen to the Gamespot reviews, only listen to the players, because they often know what they're talking about, and are more discriptive. Andraxal
That sounds a bit unfair to say. Are you saying that the Gamespot reviewers don't know what they are talking about? This is what they do for a living. I am sure they have played way more games than the average gamer has.
Hmmm. I don't want to sound presumptuious however this isn't going to come out right however I put it. So brace yourself.
Yes it's unfair, it may be what they do for a living, however not everyone is good at their jobs, nor do it to their full capacity. I highly doubt some of them even give them decent scores, or even played the game for that matter. Some times they are on the spot, however I rarely see that. Yes, I'm exactly saying that, however not all of them-I know some of them try hard to rate things how they should be rated and give none biased reviews. I'm not an average gamer, so I dunno. Even if they have played more games than I have, it makes them no less of a Guru at gaming than me. I highly doubt they are deserving of more respect just for playing more games than other people, not everyone can sit down for hours at a time and play a game, some people have jobs, school, projects, or other things to spend their time on.
[QUOTE="sweet_ride"][QUOTE="Fingertrap"]Did you see the score GS gave to Blue Dragon ?! 6 !! michelle_moraes
yeah, whoa i just heard about that. i'm can't believe it got such a low score!!! :o
Yeah I saw that too.... that's probably just to not give good scores as the other reviews around.... From what I have seen of the game, it deserved a bit more than that. But then again, that's just a score...
true, i enjoy reading reviews but that doesn't neccessarilly mean i listen to them (whether it's a personal review or professional review). an opinion is an opinion and my opinion may be different.
Hmmm. I don't want to sound presumptuious however this isn't going to come out right however I put it. So brace yourself.
Yes it's unfair, it may be what they do for a living, however not everyone is good at their jobs, nor do it to their full capacity. I highly doubt some of them even give them decent scores, or even played the game for that matter. Some times they are on the spot, however I rarely see that. Yes, I'm exactly saying that, however not all of them-I know some of them try hard to rate things how they should be rated and give none biased reviews. I'm not an average gamer, so I dunno. Even if they have played more games than I have, it makes them no less of a Guru at gaming than me. I highly doubt they are deserving of more respect just for playing more games than other people, not everyone can sit down for hours at a time and play a game, some people have jobs, school, projects, or other things to spend their time on.
they are entitled to their own opinions, aren't they? so just b/c they give a game a bad score doesn't mean they are bad at their job.
Hmmm. I don't want to sound presumptuious however this isn't going to come out right however I put it. So brace yourself.
Yes it's unfair, it may be what they do for a living, however not everyone is good at their jobs, nor do it to their full capacity. I highly doubt some of them even give them decent scores, or even played the game for that matter. Some times they are on the spot, however I rarely see that. Yes, I'm exactly saying that, however not all of them-I know some of them try hard to rate things how they should be rated and give none biased reviews. I'm not an average gamer, so I dunno. Even if they have played more games than I have, it makes them no less of a Guru at gaming than me. I highly doubt they are deserving of more respect just for playing more games than other people, not everyone can sit down for hours at a time and play a game, some people have jobs, school, projects, or other things to spend their time on.
I am sorry. But I disagree so much with everything you just said. I can't believe you'd say that just because they play more games that doesn't make them more of a "guru" than anyone else. Of course it does. More games means a more broad look at most games. They have more experience. They have seen so much more so they have other things to compare games to.
And to say that you don't think they even play the games? That's ridiculous. That is probably the silliest thing I have ever heard. I can't believe how insulting you have sounded.
Of course not everyone can sit down for hours and play a game because we have jobs. But they can, because that istheir job. Didn't we cover that already? I don't think that they are just f'ing around and giving half-assed reviews. They are getting payed to do reviews. And to say that gamers don't give biased reviews is also a silly thing to say, as gamers themselves are probably the most biased of people as they have preferences of what series they favour and such. Even people on this very board are so biased towards certain systems or certain games that they won't allow to accept that a game did badly.
It's not just Gamespot that gave Blue Dragon a 6. Overall, it's doing poorly.
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