[QUOTE="IpodHero176"][QUOTE="queen_valentine"][QUOTE="kryu88"][QUOTE="IpodHero176"]What they should do is after making these planned games, they should focus all of their manpower on remaking FF7, if they want to.queen_valentine
With how many games they've got lined up right now, it would probably coincide with the end of the 20 years of FFVII Compilation anyway. FFXIII isn't due to 08 or even 09 and Versus is even farther behind, then Nomura has more Kingdom Hearts stuff planned.....and the other games they make every year. So, in other words, it'll be a while :lol:
Sometimes I wonder if these guys get overwhelmed with how much work they've got piling up, and then of course - it has to do WELL since there's money at stake.
Oh Celes you aren't even to the good parts in Chrono yet...you have a lot to look forward to. Hopefully you are playing it on an SNES because the load times on the PS version can get annoying. It is kinda like playing the SNES version of FFVI, then going to the PS version.N8A
Hahaha, oh I know. As far as gaming is concerned...it seems to me that I talk about them more than play them. I haven't touched CT in a while now... :( or XII!! :( :(
Oh, and yes I've got the SNES version! I managed to get it online about a month and a half ago! And I know what you mean about the PS1 load times...I actually played through FFVI in its entirety on the PS1. Don't ask how I managed to pull that off... :P
I want to know how.
:lol: To tell you the truth...I am not sure why I did that. I think it's because I didn't have the SNES version at the time that I had bought Anthology....and the whole time I thought there were going to be cutscenes during the game...not as unlockables. Which...I was really really bummed once I finished the darn thing!
I had rented FFVI (SNES) from this place Family Video and we had it for like....a month. We finally returned it and never went back. Family Video ended up closing so we never had to pay the fine. XD Then when I saw Anthology at Software Etc. (now Gamestop) I was so excited I had to buy it. Then I found FFVI (SNES) on eBay and bought it...but I really didn't want to start over and decided to go on with the horrible load times.
Seriously...those load times...they'll kill you! Even if you want to bring up your menu it takes forever! The blitzes are delayed and don't even get me started on transitioning to the battle screen....
Woah. I'm glad SE ported it for the Gameboy Advance:D
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