@monstersfa Nothing of what you said made any sense "30 fps simply looks smoother on console than pc."
why? HOW explain it to me
"I'm speaking of technical advancement. Notice how multiplats have higher reqs now than most pc exclusives."
That didnt make any sense either. Better graphics have better requirments, obviously AAA multiplats have higher requirements than Low budget pc exlusives, but the same goes for low budget multiplats such as 2d platformers.
"Speaking of shooters, Borderlands 2 pc version has more players than Wasteland 2. RE 4 came out when pc was still the shooter platform."
Borderlands 2 is more of a rpg than a shooter, wasterland 2 just came out and its a rpg, RE4 is a survival horror game.
Just wtf are you talking about?
"Google it and do some reading. Console games have some kind of smoothing effect going on."
No they dont, its just a 30 fps lock and games use better animations than in the past, that doesnt make 30 fps smoother on consoles.
"Why is the average multiplat far more demanding than the average pc exclusive? Why are all the most popular pc games technically outdated?"
The average multiplat? You do reallize that there are far more multiplats that are 2d indie games than AAA multiplats?
AAA= high budget therefore its a multiplat and has impressive graphics. A pc exlusive is usually a exlusive becuase its either rts, mmo, etc etc, so pc is the target platform and it must be playable on old pcs as well since they dont go for graphics or its a low budget game which obviously doesnt have the budget of AAA multiplats and exlusive. If a corperation owned pc as a platform they would throw money to make a technologically advanced pc exlusive, but pc is a free platform. Star citizen that has money thrown to it by outside sources is technologically advanced.
You are cluess about everything it seems
@clyde46 said:
@dakan45: Spoken like someone who doesn't know what he's talking about. You do know that many production houses run workstations with Xeons and Quadro cards right?
You talking about cgi video editing. I am talking about basic video editing and the fact of the mattter is, you dont need a freaking gtx680 to edit a freaking video. Then you go to freaking 2gb ram and dual cores. Seriously get your head together, its hard to follow when you cant even explain what you reffering to....also xeons and quadros are not good for games and they are not the cards that nvidia is talking about.
In conclusion it is you who doesnt know what he is talking about.
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