@RyviusARC: I noticed a 20FPS jump in BC2 when I went from a OC'd E7300 Dual core to a 2600K quad. I miss my old Dually. Stock it was 2.6GHz, it could hit 3.3GHz on stock volts.
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 is last gen spec req? What do you mean exactly? There also such a thing as optimizing your games for many GPU.
You won't be able to even play arma 3 at anything but mostly low setting and lucky enough to get 30fps with the minimum requirement which aren't even that accurate for many games.
Arma 3 requirements
MINIMUM Requirements have nothing to do with how demanding the game is at max settings or how good is going to look at max settings.
The above just shows that Arma 3 have a wider range of graphics settings than AC Black Flag. But at max settings the Arma 3 is more demanding than AC Black Flag.
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 is last gen spec req? What do you mean exactly? There also such a thing as optimizing your games for many GPU.
You won't be able to even play arma 3 at anything but mostly low setting and lucky enough to get 30fps with the minimum requirement which aren't even that accurate for many games.
Arma 3 requirements
MINIMUM Requirements have nothing to do with how demanding the game is at max settings or how good is going to look at max settings.
The above just shows that Arma 3 have a wider range of graphics settings than AC Black Flag. But at max settings the Arma 3 is more demanding than AC Black Flag.
Heres 2 vids. Black Flag vid is 660 with 3750 4xaa. Arma is 660 with i52320 and 8xaa. So arma 3 with it's weaker cpu and higher aa gets slightly less performance than Black Flag. Drop that aa to 4 and get a better cpu and it's equal or more likely better performance on Arma 3.
Again this is one pc exclusive and Black Flag isn't a full blown next gen game. AC Unity should be much more demanding.
And this has nothing to do with my point that pc games look worse at 30 fps than console games.
Proof? Citation?
I already provided numerous links where people say the same thing. Now if you lock a pc game at 30 it's not that much worse but a console game with varying framerates like Killzone Shadowfall and Infamous SS is much smoother than a pc game going from 30-50 fps.
Also 60 fps games like CoD are much smoother when they drop below 60 than pc games when they drop below.
Heres 2 vids. Black Flag vid is 660 with 3750 4xaa. Arma is 660 with i52320 and 8xaa. So arma 3 with it's weaker cpu and higher aa gets slightly less performance than Black Flag. Drop that aa to 4 and get a better cpu and it's equal or more likely better performance on Arma 3.
Again this is one pc exclusive and Black Flag isn't a full blown next gen game. AC Unity should be much more demanding.
Arma 3 at max settings is more demanding than AC Black Flag I know this from first hand, but Arma 3 have a wider range of graphics settings than AC Black Flag.
Heres 2 vids. Black Flag vid is 660 with 3750 4xaa. Arma is 660 with i52320 and 8xaa. So arma 3 with it's weaker cpu and higher aa gets slightly less performance than Black Flag. Drop that aa to 4 and get a better cpu and it's equal or more likely better performance on Arma 3.
Again this is one pc exclusive and Black Flag isn't a full blown next gen game. AC Unity should be much more demanding.
Arma 3 at max settings is more demanding than AC Black Flag I know this from first hand, but Arma 3 have a wider range of graphics settings than AC Black Flag.
Video is better proof than your hand.
Video is better proof than your hand.
Video shows that Arma 3 is more demanding (hence less fps). What was your argument again?
I already provided numerous links where people say the same thing. Now if you lock a pc game at 30 it's not that much worse but a console game with varying framerates like Killzone Shadowfall and Infamous SS is much smoother than a pc game going from 30-50 fps.
Also 60 fps games like CoD are much smoother when they drop below 60 than pc games when they drop below.
What the hell is this crap?
Video is better proof than your hand.
Video shows that Arma 3 is more demanding (hence less fps). What was your argument again?
Black flag was a port made by same idiots that did 3, And Arma 3 and Black flag do not even utilize cores/threads correctly. Which means in those games the gpu's tend to be choked by the lack of cpu processing availability. If anything Unity will be less demanding since its dx11 native and built on weak multithreaded cpus on the new consoles.
that's 10 million people that got pissed that something better came out a month later for less money.
And this has nothing to do with my point that pc games look worse at 30 fps than console games.
Proof? Citation?
I already provided numerous links where people say the same thing. Now if you lock a pc game at 30 it's not that much worse but a console game with varying framerates like Killzone Shadowfall and Infamous SS is much smoother than a pc game going from 30-50 fps.
Also 60 fps games like CoD are much smoother when they drop below 60 than pc games when they drop below.
No you did not.
And this has nothing to do with my point that pc games look worse at 30 fps than console games.
Proof? Citation?
I already provided numerous links
Can you please link console games looking better at 30fps and 60fps?
Thank you for your time.
I already provided numerous links where people say the same thing. Now if you lock a pc game at 30 it's not that much worse but a console game with varying framerates like Killzone Shadowfall and Infamous SS is much smoother than a pc game going from 30-50 fps.
Also 60 fps games like CoD are much smoother when they drop below 60 than pc games when they drop below.
What the hell is this crap?
its trolling.
@leandrro: LMAO pleast stfu. Nothing in the 4 series touches a PS4 and other then a GTX 580 neither does anything inbthec5 series.
The 4870? That came out in 2008? Lawl.
there is also sli 460, sli 470
580, 590
lots of old pcs are much stronger than PS4
@MK-Professor: Lmao resolution beyond 1080p is nothing like going from standard def to 1080p and you know that. Don't give me that 10x bullshit because that's hyperbole.
I said 10 times better including all, not just rez, besides 1920x1080 to 2560x1440 it is a big difference, and even bigger from 1600x900 to 2560x1440, + 60fps at the same time + higher settings, + all the other things that come with PC gaming like higher FOV, accurate and high responsive controls, mods, etc.
Me personally, for the last 2 years I can’t even play games at 1080p, it looks so blurry. Not sure how you consol guys are go to get through the entire gen with games hitting as low as 900p.
@leandrro: Lmao your link proved nothing. SLI is a GPU now? Even a gtx 580 doesn't beat a PS4 all the time and you can't even mention a 4 series unless it's in SLI.
Not to mention a PS4 is actually more powerful then a 7850 in every conceivable way.
@MK-Professor: Most PC games don't even feature higher settings outside of AA and res. You wonder how we game on 1080p? We don't sit 2 feet from the screen . The difference between resolution becomes far less apparent the further you are.
And the PS4 has a grand total of two titles in 900p. It's not like it's common.
@MK-Professor: Most PC games don't even feature higher settings outside of AA and res. You wonder how we game on 1080p? We don't sit 2 feet from the screen . The difference between resolution becomes far less apparent the further you are.
And the PS4 has a grand total of two titles in 900p. It's not like it's common.
Why does digital foundry always say for like 95% of games the PC version looks better than the PS4 version of games?
Are they liars?
@MK-Professor: Most PC games don't even feature higher settings outside of AA and res. You wonder how we game on 1080p? We don't sit 2 feet from the screen . The difference between resolution becomes far less apparent the further you are.
So you are admit that you immersion to the game is minimal because you screen covers only a small portion of your field of view?
Also every PC game have higher settings outside of AA and res. People need to realize that, higher settings like (shadow resolution, shadow filering, ambient occlusion quality, lod, view distance, etc ) take minimal effort from developers, it is as easy as changing a few values. Obviously other "settings" are harder/time consuming to implement.
@Jankarcop: How does being blind not make you a troll? Graphically The Order does look better then the Witcher 3. Does that mean it's more impressive? No because the Order will be extremely linear and The Witcher 3 is open world. The Witcher 3 will also most likely be a better game as well. See ? That's called an objective argument something you are incapable of doing because you have a rabid hatred for anything on consoles. That's when your not posing as a Cow of course.
And this has nothing to do with my point that pc games look worse at 30 fps than console games.
Proof? Citation?
I don't think he means they looks worse but pc games "feel" worse at 30fps. Honestly I can't stand a game with mouse and keyboard when I start hitting below 40fps, that 1:1 "feeling" you have with the mouse and the screen is gone, especially in fps games. On a console 30fps plays fine (even though its a sh*t fps), currently I am playing Destiny on my PS4 and I can surely tell the game is running 30 fps (especially when my gf is playing l4d2 on my 144hz monitor) but the game still plays and "feels" fine.
@monstersfa: There is no point on games being smoother on 30 fps thats just you thinking that.
"i know the difference between tearing and choppy framerate"
No i dont think you do nor the results you are getting know what they talking about and i mean that littearly they dont know what they are reffering to, thats why all the results is a bunch of gibberish that cant provide a actual techinical explanation.
"So if someone made a Doom 3 mod to limit ammo would that suddenly transform the game into survival horror?"
Slightly yes but they would have to lower the health pickups as well. Doom 3 however has fast moving speed top notch controls and you can carry all weapons at the same time and no enviromnetal hazards or traps. So no it cant be a survival horror game. Evil within looks pretty much like they nailed survival horror so far.
What about quake 4? The mp was dead because it didnt play well and after that they begin working on wolfenstein, so ofcourse they cant make a sequel. id software has thought the idea of making a new quake game, but they are busy with doom.
"Fear was originally a pc exclsuive and it had a weapon limit."
Yeah and badly ported on consoles once they became capable of running it. Fear had a 3 weapon lmit not a 2, then they went with 2 weapon limit and health regen in the sequels because god forbid you actually do things diffirent.
"So you agree that the most of the demanding games on pc are multiplats?"
No, the most demanding games on pc are graphcially impressive games. Arma 3 and star citizen are more demanding than most multiplats but SUPRISE SUPRISE games like crysis 3 or next gen games are more demanding...wow how weird is that? Also bad ports.
"Witcher 3 and Star Citizen look to be nowhere near as impressive for now than Crysis or Doom 3 was for their time."
You cant possibly know that. Back then we werent bombarded with high quality videos but mere pre rendered images on magazines.
"Take a look at the reqs of Lord of the Fallen and Mordor, way above the average pc game reqs. And those two are just the tip of the iceberg. AC Unity, Arkham Knight will probably be even higher."
Meh arkham games were never demanding. Yes mordor is pretty demanding, its weird. But the graphics definetly dont justify the requirments
"How is BF ruined? It's selling better than ever. BF 4 premium sales alone are outpacing BF 2's first year sales."
You comparing sales from pc in 2003 to 5 diffirent systems? Also bf4 was ruined on launch everyone in and out of ea know this. Just the other day i was informed that people really dont like what ea has done to the bf series and dice.
"PC lackluster sales of Crysis is whats holding pc back."
3-4 milion are lackstuer? You do reallize that most games on consoles fail to reach even that and the studio ends up shutting down? Nothing sells on consoles only gta, cod, creed. Did crysis 3 sell on consoles? Nope wid wolfenstein? Nope, did hitman or thief or dead space 3 or sleeping dogs? Then wtf you talking about?
"Ryse would have never even been made had it not been for the xbone."
Too bad it was originally a x360 kinect game.
But x360 was weak so it was on xbone and the failed sales of xbone made crytek seek more money from the pc crowd.
"Metro and Witcher 2 proves you can have great graphics without a huge budget so again why doesn't a big franchise like Civ have better graphics?"
I agree but good luck telling that to other AAA games that spend riddiculus amount of money and convince that they dont need to spend that much? As for civ why the hell civ needs better graphics? It is a RTS why waste money on graphics? I explained you that graphics cost alot. So why wate money on something that is not needed in the game?
@AM-Gamer: First of all you are the one who acts like a kid and stop telling people to STFU because their opinion pisses you off. YOU INSULTING PEOPLE OVER THE INTERNET FOR THEIR OPINION ON GAMES and you calling me a kid?
Grow up.
"You sound like the kid who loves a band untill everyone else starts liking it."
You came to that conclusion from where? Pulling it out of your ass is more like it.
Cod did became more scripted with the consoles. Last time i checked the old cod games didnt have quicktime events and health regen was put in mainly for consoles not to mention that weapons magically lost recoil when they went to consoles. Another thing is that the old cod games allowed you to explore a bit and kill the enemies at your own pace. With cod4 the games became horribly scripted up to a point that if you didnt walk through a door that the npc opened and the flashing yellow dot showed you, it was a mission fail, if you tried to explore you steped further than the game allowed and it was once again a mission failure. Games like say max payne 3 are proving exactly what consoles and the "cinematic" bs focus has done to gaming.
"Consoles didn't come in and make them any worse then what they were they just made them more popular."
You mean made them more casual and dumbed down, you mean destroyed their singleplayer, you mean selling out and milking them to death like games on consoles do, eg syphon filter had 3 godamn games on psx that were identical, same with other franchises.
"TR went down hill at around TR3 and kept falling fast"
Yup, but the last revelation had the best level design and the most gameplay mechanics, the controls were still crap but gameplay wise the game evolved.
"By the PS2 Era it was already on its death bed. It was completely irrelevant in comparison to other action adventure franchises that kept evolving and were just better. MGS, SC were just better games"
By the ps2 era they only managed to make angel of darkness which was horrible so yeah. Mgs and splinter cell are stealth games how on earth they are better action adventure games? The thing is there wasnt another tomb raider game until legend. So there wasnt any fanbase for it.
"nobody gave a Shit about tomb raider untill UC came out and showed how it was supposed to be done"
Hot it was supossed to be done? First of all UC was called "dude raider" and accused of ripping of tomb raider. Tomb raider legend and anniversary came before it and had pretty similar climbing mechanics, but the main dififrence was that unlike UC those games didnt have automatic grab points but you had to move towards where you wan to jump and there were running jumps that werent automatic like UC and poles and grappling hooks, much more deep than the simplistc climbing mechanics in UC and drakes magical ability to jump teleport boost himself while leaping.
"So the reboot was heavily inspired off of that and managed to be a decent game to boot. Not to mention it was rated high which is far more then we can say about other mainstream TR games"
Id say tomb raider was inspired by the generic cover based shooter with health regen and uber scripting with a bit of metroidvania and upgrade skill trees, ifnact if anything tomb raider was what inspired UC.
As far as ratings go. The first tomb raider still has the highest, 2 is decent too. Then with 3 it gone to crap. Sadly i cant find ratings for revlelations but with legend the ratings were fine. Underworld i have not played. Now on sales? Square enix was not happy with the sales and most tomb raider fans didnt like the game. Not its timed xbone exlusive meaning that it wasnt the big hit they expeted it to be and seek funding from ms. So as far as "mainstream" goes it didnt do much for tomb raider:generic hobo shooter edition.
:Fallout 3 was critically acclaimed that's just your nostalgia talking"
No it isnt, it made the game easier, a shooter and had less rpg mechanics, new vegas is a far better rpg than fallout 3. Same case with obivion, consoles took rpgs and turn them into action games to appear to casuals.
"Fallout was irrelevant for so long if itcwasnt for consoles there would be no more fallout period."
it was never irrelevant we all wanted it, we just dont wanted a oblivion with guns dumbed down for controllers and casuals. Wasteland 2 getting as much money as it did is proof of that.
"And the first Dragon Age sucked. Who the **** wants combat where you can get up and make a sandwich while your character does all the fighting for you. I'm sorry I actually like to play my games."
BAHAHAHAH you are a casual console dudebro.
Exactly, the old dragon age was a PC RPG it was a hardcore rpg that took skil and thiking then they turned it into an action game to appeal to console dudebros like you with low attention spam who want to push a button and everything to be AWESOME.
Sorry kid dragon age didnt play itself if you didnt strategize and pay attention on what you did, you and your party took alot of damage an died.
"Crysis? Crysis never sold that well on consoles to begin with so how did they ruin it? You wanna blame someone blame Crytek . The first game was pirated to he'll and back so blame PC gamers for not supporting it."
They ruined it by turning it into a scripted corridor shooter, while the first game had large open maps and desturction and guns had recoil. The sequel was a scripted corridor shooter with very few choices, no open big maps for vehicles, weapons with no recoil a cover system crappy ai, overpowered armor mode that turns you into a tank and many more ways they dumbed down the gameplay. Also inferior graphics than the first game to run on consoles
As far as piracy goes? Yeah it was pirated but pc gamers didnt support the crappy mess that crysis 2 was. Dont forget that they focused on multiplayer and multiplayer dlc and multiplayer was broken.
@monstersfa: There is no point on games being smoother on 30 fps thats just you thinking that.
"i know the difference between tearing and choppy framerate"
No i dont think you do nor the results you are getting know what they talking about and i mean that littearly they dont know what they are reffering to, thats why all the results is a bunch of gibberish that cant provide a actual techinical explanation.
"So if someone made a Doom 3 mod to limit ammo would that suddenly transform the game into survival horror?"
Slightly yes but they would have to lower the health pickups as well. Doom 3 however has fast moving speed top notch controls and you can carry all weapons at the same time and no enviromnetal hazards or traps. So no it cant be a survival horror game. Evil within looks pretty much like they nailed survival horror so far.
What about quake 4? The mp was dead because it didnt play well and after that they begin working on wolfenstein, so ofcourse they cant make a sequel. id software has thought the idea of making a new quake game, but they are busy with doom.
"Fear was originally a pc exclsuive and it had a weapon limit."
Yeah and badly ported on consoles once they became capable of running it. Fear had a 3 weapon lmit not a 2, then they went with 2 weapon limit and health regen in the sequels because god forbid you actually do things diffirent.
"So you agree that the most of the demanding games on pc are multiplats?"
No, the most demanding games on pc are graphcially impressive games. Arma 3 and star citizen are more demanding than most multiplats but SUPRISE SUPRISE games like crysis 3 or next gen games are more demanding...wow how weird is that? Also bad ports.
"Witcher 3 and Star Citizen look to be nowhere near as impressive for now than Crysis or Doom 3 was for their time."
You cant possibly know that. Back then we werent bombarded with high quality videos but mere pre rendered images on magazines.
"Take a look at the reqs of Lord of the Fallen and Mordor, way above the average pc game reqs. And those two are just the tip of the iceberg. AC Unity, Arkham Knight will probably be even higher."
Meh arkham games were never demanding. Yes mordor is pretty demanding, its weird. But the graphics definetly dont justify the requirments
"How is BF ruined? It's selling better than ever. BF 4 premium sales alone are outpacing BF 2's first year sales."
You comparing sales from pc in 2003 to 5 diffirent systems? Also bf4 was ruined on launch everyone in and out of ea know this. Just the other day i was informed that people really dont like what ea has done to the bf series and dice.
"PC lackluster sales of Crysis is whats holding pc back."
3-4 milion are lackstuer? You do reallize that most games on consoles fail to reach even that and the studio ends up shutting down? Nothing sells on consoles only gta, cod, creed. Did crysis 3 sell on consoles? Nope wid wolfenstein? Nope, did hitman or thief or dead space 3 or sleeping dogs? Then wtf you talking about?
"Ryse would have never even been made had it not been for the xbone."
Too bad it was originally a x360 kinect game.
But x360 was weak so it was on xbone and the failed sales of xbone made crytek seek more money from the pc crowd.
"Metro and Witcher 2 proves you can have great graphics without a huge budget so again why doesn't a big franchise like Civ have better graphics?"
I agree but good luck telling that to other AAA games that spend riddiculus amount of money and convince that they dont need to spend that much? As for civ why the hell civ needs better graphics? It is a RTS why waste money on graphics? I explained you that graphics cost alot. So why wate money on something that is not needed in the game?
Do a google search for 30 fps looks smoother on consoles. I think Nvidia has done things since then to make it look smoother as i recently tested some pc games at 30 and it wasn't too bad.
RE 4 has survival horror elements like Far Cry 3 has rpg elements.
Why did UT2k4 die then? Did it not play well either? UT2k4 is one of the highest rated pc shooter of all time btw and it was about dead after a year.
When will Star Citizen actually be a full game?
Shadow of Mordor and The Evil Within have higher reqs than Arma 3. All you list is Arma 3 and Star Citizen while there's a bunch of multiplats with reqs that are far above the vast majority of pc games.
Your comment on why you think Doom 3 and Crysis weren't more impressive for their time makes no sense. It seems to support his point more than yours. Witcher 3 looks a little better than Witcher 2. Doom 3 looks a shit ton better than RTCW. Both examples have a 3 year interval between releases.
BF 3 has sold 2.6 million retail for pc. http://www.vgchartz.com/game/35315/battlefield-3/
We all know digital is much more popular that retail so BF 3 pc destroyed BF 2 sales.
Crysis 3 intitial sales were slow. It sold less than 100k copies in the first month. Most of that 3-4 million was after price drops.
Nothing sells on console besides GTA, CoD and Creed? BF 3 had 15 million sales in less than a year. TLOU sold 7 million, not including the remaster. Gears, God of War and Uncharted franchise sales rival the pc's Civilization franchise. Madden? Fifa? Halo? Hello?
What does kinect have to do with it?
The game sucked and PS 4 was the console of choice so of course Ryse sold poorly.
Why can RTS get away with bad graphics but not other games? I played Rome 2 during the free weekend and it looks terrible even maxed. When Company of Heroes came out it looked great for it's time and it complemented the game just likegood graphics do to any other game.
You do realize that people buy GPU's for other things besides gaming right. Can you prove that all 10 million of those GPU's are being used to play games and not for doing things like art, film, animation or architecture?
Besides those fields requiring mostly beefy CPUs, I'd bet people in those fields would use workstation GPUs such as the Quadro, FireGL, and FirePro which are optimized for the industrial apps those people use.
@dakan45: Did my truth cause some butthurt? It looks like it.
Cod was a linear scripted game from the beginning you are just randomly making Shit up now. And you can count the QT events on one hand so give me a dam break. The PC was cranking out WW2 shooters 3 times a year it did nothing for the series.
Tomb raider was garbage after TR 2 and that's ok because you basically admitted that. The game didn't evolve and now it's actually worth playing again. You wanna talk about sales to justify how good it is? It sold over 3.5 million copies and was deemed a success. It's console exclusivity has much less to do with SquareEnix then it does MS and its timed exclusivity at that. It's ok though you say consoles ruined it yet the game it was inspired off of was far higher rated then any TR game period.
As far as Dragon age ya got me. I'm such a dude bro gamer because you know dude bros play Dragon age and post on gaming forums. Regardless the first DA sucked, terrible outdated combat and terribly outdated visuals( even on PC). It's ok because DA 2 sucked also as it was a poor man's devil may cry , the third one looks like it's headed in the right direction.
Lol and what is with this delusion that Crysis was open world. (You are going out of the mission zone turn back) sound familiar? As I said blame pc gamers as your community simply wasn't strong enough to support a big budgt exclusive not made by blizzard.
That must be why Fallout went the fps route because your community couldn't have supported that either. Now enjoy buying your games peace by peace and always online DRAM because that's about all pc has contributed to gaming the past 5 years outside of hardware advancements.
@AM-Gamer: What truth you only post nonsense.
Cod was linear and scripted but it didnt take control away from you with qucktime events. Consoles took cod and scripting in general into a insane level that they actually take control away from you. Tomb raider did it, max payne 3 did it even far cry 3 did it. Its riddiculus, atleast naughty dog didnt do it.
"The PC was cranking out WW2 shooters 3 times a year it did nothing for the series."
Funny because its on consoles where moh became an annual franchise but ea couldnt keep making quality games so they stoped doing it. Guess who did it then? cod.
Tomb raider last revelation was good, it had bad dated controls but the levels were amazing the new tomb raider has borring levels that are scripted to death. There is no sense of exploration or puzzle solving, just scripted cutscenes that lara gets injured and quicktime events...sounds familiar? no imagination, no interesting enviroments or enemies, no interesting puzzles or underwater sections, a trademark in the series. It was altered to appeal to non tomb raider fans..and barelly made any profit.
"It sold over 3.5 million copies and was deemed a success."
With a 100 million budget, they barelly made that money back and if it was such a hot success why is square enix not cashing in that sucess but instead go with microsoft? Because it wasnt the big sucess they expected it to be. It barelly broke even, if anything the next gen ports helped with the sales more than the actual game.
"It's console exclusivity has much less to do with SquareEnix then it does MS and its timed exclusivity at that. It's ok though you say consoles ruined it yet the game it was inspired off of was far higher rated then any TR game period."
What a load of nonsense. Who is the publisher? Square enix, what do publishers do? spend money on games to get money. If square enix agreed to get less sales by exlusivity on one system then its clear that the game wasnt that much ot a sucess for them. Its square enix who did this, microsoft didnt take the ownership of the game right of their hands, ms paid them and they got it. Like it happen with capcom and crytek and what those 2 have in common? They dont have any money. So no tomb raider wasnt a sucess.
Now on the riddiculus part, the fact it got higher rating than some of the old games doesnt mean its better. Thats like saying that some of the best games ever are worse than newer games just becuase newer games got better ratings. Back then there were diffirent standards and less critics. At best you can compare it with underworld or anniversary not with with the ancient classic tomb raider games.
The problem with the new tomb raider is that it is subpar and unimaginative. It doesnt play like the old games in the series, it has health regeneration and cover when the old was about dodging attacks, it has linear enviroments and lots of scripts it focus less on climbing and much more on shooting, it doesnt have the underwater sections that have been in all tomb raider games, it doesnt have interesting tombs or traps, its a casual dudebro shooter like any in the market. Its hardly tomb raider.
". Regardless the first DA sucked,"
When you say raings dont matter.
if anything everyone says that the second dragon age sucked, you are the first person i have seen to say that the first game sucked
"terrible outdated combat and terribly outdated visuals"
The second has worse visuals as for combat? The pc version plays similar to the first one you click stuff not hack and slash as you said "devil may cry"
See thats whats wrong with console dudebros you got a hardcore rpg like dragon age that takes skill and tactics and they change it into a casual hack and slash game to appeal to casuals who dont play games unless they are action fest and every time you press A something awesome happens.
"Lol and what is with this delusion that Crysis was open world. (You are going out of the mission zone turn back) sound familiar? As I said blame pc gamers as your community simply wasn't strong enough to support a big budgt exclusive not made by blizzard."
No it doesnt, because the only way for that to happen is if you tried to leave the island by swimming where the sharks ate you or the boats fire torpedos at you. Sorry to dissapoint but thanks to consoles and casual dudebros like yourself who like cinematic stuff with hollywood focus, games have become very expensive, so even when you got 2 consoles with massive install bases still, games dont sell and end up flopping and closing down the studio. So tell me where were you console gamers when crysis 2 and 3 flopped which were both made with crysis 1 profits according to Cevat? As for blizzard? Blizzard's game arent big budget, obviously diablo 3 didnt cost as much as tomb raider to be made.
@AM-Gamer: What truth you only post nonsense.
Cod was linear and scripted but it didnt take control away from you with qucktime events. Consoles took cod and scripting in general into a insane level that they actually take control away from you. Tomb raider did it, max payne 3 did it even far cry 3 did it. Its riddiculus, atleast naughty dog didnt do it.
"The PC was cranking out WW2 shooters 3 times a year it did nothing for the series."
Funny because its on consoles where moh became an annual franchise but ea couldnt keep making quality games so they stoped doing it. Guess who did it then? cod.
Tomb raider last revelation was good, it had bad dated controls but the levels were amazing the new tomb raider has borring levels that are scripted to death. There is no sense of exploration or puzzle solving, just scripted cutscenes that lara gets injured and quicktime events...sounds familiar? no imagination, no interesting enviroments or enemies, no interesting puzzles or underwater sections, a trademark in the series. It was altered to appeal to non tomb raider fans..and barelly made any profit.
"It sold over 3.5 million copies and was deemed a success."
With a 100 million budget, they barelly made that money back and if it was such a hot success why is square enix not cashing in that sucess but instead go with microsoft? Because it wasnt the big sucess they expected it to be. It barelly broke even, if anything the next gen ports helped with the sales more than the actual game.
"It's console exclusivity has much less to do with SquareEnix then it does MS and its timed exclusivity at that. It's ok though you say consoles ruined it yet the game it was inspired off of was far higher rated then any TR game period."
What a load of nonsense. Who is the publisher? Square enix, what do publishers do? spend money on games to get money. If square enix agreed to get less sales by exlusivity on one system then its clear that the game wasnt that much ot a sucess for them. Its square enix who did this, microsoft didnt take the ownership of the game right of their hands, ms paid them and they got it. Like it happen with capcom and crytek and what those 2 have in common? They dont have any money. So no tomb raider wasnt a sucess.
Now on the riddiculus part, the fact it got higher rating than some of the old games doesnt mean its better. Thats like saying that some of the best games ever are worse than newer games just becuase newer games got better ratings. Back then there were diffirent standards and less critics. At best you can compare it with underworld or anniversary not with with the ancient classic tomb raider games.
The problem with the new tomb raider is that it is subpar and unimaginative. It doesnt play like the old games in the series, it has health regeneration and cover when the old was about dodging attacks, it has linear enviroments and lots of scripts it focus less on climbing and much more on shooting, it doesnt have the underwater sections that have been in all tomb raider games, it doesnt have interesting tombs or traps, its a casual dudebro shooter like any in the market. Its hardly tomb raider.
". Regardless the first DA sucked,"
When you say raings dont matter.
if anything everyone says that the second dragon age sucked, you are the first person i have seen to say that the first game sucked
"terrible outdated combat and terribly outdated visuals"
The second has worse visuals as for combat? The pc version plays similar to the first one you click stuff not hack and slash as you said "devil may cry"
See thats whats wrong with console dudebros you got a hardcore rpg like dragon age that takes skill and tactics and they change it into a casual hack and slash game to appeal to casuals who dont play games unless they are action fest and every time you press A something awesome happens.
"Lol and what is with this delusion that Crysis was open world. (You are going out of the mission zone turn back) sound familiar? As I said blame pc gamers as your community simply wasn't strong enough to support a big budgt exclusive not made by blizzard."
No it doesnt, because the only way for that to happen is if you tried to leave the island by swimming where the sharks ate you or the boats fire torpedos at you. Sorry to dissapoint but thanks to consoles and casual dudebros like yourself who like cinematic stuff with hollywood focus, games have become very expensive, so even when you got 2 consoles with massive install bases still, games dont sell and end up flopping and closing down the studio. So tell me where were you console gamers when crysis 2 and 3 flopped which were both made with crysis 1 profits according to Cevat? As for blizzard? Blizzard's game arent big budget, obviously diablo 3 didnt cost as much as tomb raider to be made.
CoD was scripted from the beginning. PC centric games like HL 2 are scripted to hell and back as well.
There's been a new CoD every year. A year after CoD 1 they released United Ofensive which was almost a full game worth of content. CoD 2 came out the year after that. Can't blame CoD's annualization on consoles.
Where were the pc gamers when Crysis sold a mere 80k copies in the first month? I know, they were busy playing CoD 4.
@timster20: Why you keep going on this nonsense? There is no proof of what you are saying just people spewng nonsense there is absolutly no proof or techinical reason behind this theory that 30 fps are worse on pc.
Re4 is a suvival horror game, far cry 3 has no rpg elements you get xp and you get a unlock that isnt particulary usefull. Dont compare re4 survival focus to far cry 3 awful leveling up system.
ut 2004 is not dead people still play it.
Star citizen will be ready in 2015
You comparing 100 million people with 15 milion on next gen consoles? Obviously not all pc gamers are gonna play evil within or shadow of mordor. So the vast majority isnt what these games aim for, ESPECIALLY arma 3 and star citizen which are simulators.
"Your comment on why you think Doom 3 and Crysis weren't more impressive for their time makes no sense. It seems to support his point more than yours. Witcher 3 looks a little better than Witcher 2. Doom 3 looks a shit ton better than RTCW. Both examples have a 3 year interval between releases."
Its called deminshing returns, this generation is not gonna look much better than the last one either.
"BF 3 has sold 2.6 million retail for pc."
Digital is 92% of pc gaming revenue
"We all know digital is much more popular that retail so BF 3 pc destroyed BF 2 sales."
Same can be said about consoles obviously more people play games now especially on pc than they did back in 2003.
"Crysis 3 intitial sales were slow. It sold less than 100k copies in the first month. Most of that 3-4 million was after price drops."
The game was a flop
"BF 3 had 15 million sales in less than a year. TLOU sold 7 million, not including the remaster. Gears, God of War and Uncharted franchise sales rival the pc's Civilization franchise. Madden? Fifa? Halo? Hello?"
It was a figure of speech, only the big known franchises sell. Bf is like cod and TLOU got so many 10/10s that ofcourse peopel would buy it. Uncharted always sold and scored well Same goes for halo.
But the rest? The last god of war and gears of war were failures. Infamous 2 sold lke crap, resistance 3 sold like crap, beyond two souls sold like crap, alan wake sold like crap.
"What does kinect have to do with it?"
it was a kinect game, not a xbox one game, they turned it into that because x360 couldnt handle it.
"Why can RTS get away with bad graphics but not other games?"
Other games can too, its the shooters and racing games that need to have impressive graphics, puzzle games and such dont need to have the best graphics around.
"CoD was scripted from the beginning. PC centric games like HL 2 are scripted to hell and back as well."
STOP saying hl2 is scripted to hell and back, its blasphemy hl2 didnt put you through quicktime events and slow mo kills, hl2 didnt have cutscenes every time you entered a vent. Hl2 was fine, it was a fps you could climb on stuff, while shooters nowdays are filled with invisible wars, its pathetic. Feels more like a interactive move than a game.
"Where were the pc gamers when Crysis sold a mere 80k copies in the first month? I know, they were busy playing CoD 4."
Tomb raider came out in march 2013, that article was posted in march 2014.
it took them a whole year get the sales going, so you pretty much proved yourself wrong. Tomb raider was underperfoming worse than crysis on multiple systems. The diffirence is crysis didnt even cost half as much as tomb raider did.
@timster20: Why you keep going on this nonsense? There is no proof of what you are saying just people spewng nonsense there is absolutly no proof or techinical reason behind this theory that 30 fps are worse on pc.
Re4 is a suvival horror game, far cry 3 has no rpg elements you get xp and you get a unlock that isnt particulary usefull. Dont compare re4 survival focus to far cry 3 awful leveling up system.
ut 2004 is not dead people still play it.
Star citizen will be ready in 2015
You comparing 100 million people with 15 milion on next gen consoles? Obviously not all pc gamers are gonna play evil within or shadow of mordor. So the vast majority isnt what these games aim for, ESPECIALLY arma 3 and star citizen which are simulators.
"Your comment on why you think Doom 3 and Crysis weren't more impressive for their time makes no sense. It seems to support his point more than yours. Witcher 3 looks a little better than Witcher 2. Doom 3 looks a shit ton better than RTCW. Both examples have a 3 year interval between releases."
Its called deminshing returns, this generation is not gonna look much better than the last one either.
"BF 3 has sold 2.6 million retail for pc."
Digital is 92% of pc gaming revenue
"We all know digital is much more popular that retail so BF 3 pc destroyed BF 2 sales."
Same can be said about consoles obviously more people play games now especially on pc than they did back in 2003.
"Crysis 3 intitial sales were slow. It sold less than 100k copies in the first month. Most of that 3-4 million was after price drops."
The game was a flop
"BF 3 had 15 million sales in less than a year. TLOU sold 7 million, not including the remaster. Gears, God of War and Uncharted franchise sales rival the pc's Civilization franchise. Madden? Fifa? Halo? Hello?"
It was a figure of speech, only the big known franchises sell. Bf is like cod and TLOU got so many 10/10s that ofcourse peopel would buy it. Uncharted always sold and scored well Same goes for halo.
But the rest? The last god of war and gears of war were failures. Infamous 2 sold lke crap, resistance 3 sold like crap, beyond two souls sold like crap, alan wake sold like crap.
"What does kinect have to do with it?"
it was a kinect game, not a xbox one game, they turned it into that because x360 couldnt handle it.
"Why can RTS get away with bad graphics but not other games?"
Other games can too, its the shooters and racing games that need to have impressive graphics, puzzle games and such dont need to have the best graphics around.
You seem to have me confused with Monstersaf but I'll play along
Monsters search results say a lot.
RE 4 is a tps with gimped controls. Far cry is an open world shooter with rpg elements.
UT2k4 has about 50 players and the rest are bots. Most of the occupied servers run some stupid mode that completely changes the game. I remember as early as 2006 being stuck playing on demo servers to play ffa due to the dying community. Demo servers allow game owners to play demo players.
SC will be ready in 2015 for what? Dogfighting in space?
Are you kidding? Killzone SF for example is a huge jump over Killzone 3.
Crysis 3 sold 260k copies in the first month.
You bringing up digital game sale percentage reinforces his point about how much better BF 3 did than BF 2.
Those games didn't sell well because they got mediocre reviews.
Ryse only exists because of the xbox brand.
Why do shooters and racers need to have good graphics?
Did you know that the most popular shooter in the world in 2013 has 1998 graphics? Look at all the people playing Counterstrike and TF 2 with their outdated graphics.
@timster20: "You seem to have me confused with Monstersaf but I'll play along"
??? So you are someone else?
"Monsters search results say a lot."
No they dont or you wold actually SAY SOMETHING
"RE 4 is a tps with gimped controls. Far cry is an open world shooter with rpg elements."
RE4 is survival horror, dont argue with that, dead space is tps with gimped controls. Far cry 3 doesnt have rpg elements aside from leveling up and getting some useless ability, not much diffirent than leveling up in cod.
"UT2k4 has about 50 players and the rest are bots. Most of the occupied servers run some stupid mode that completely changes the game. I remember as early as 2006 being stuck playing on demo servers to play ffa due to the dying community. Demo servers allow game owners to play demo players."
How many it has NOW The actual game not the demo.
"SC will be ready in 2015 for what? Dogfighting in space?"
Wikipedia says 2015, the game will also have infantry shooting inside spaceships.
"Are you kidding? Killzone SF for example is a huge jump over Killzone 3."
Meh, thats just dated hardware you were stuck on for so long. But saying witcher 3 looks a bit better than witcher 2 is riddiculus since witcher 3 is as big as skyrim. Diffirent scale in the seuqel.
"Crysis 3 sold 260k copies in the first month."
and? The game was af flop
"You bringing up digital game sale percentage reinforces his point about how much better BF 3 did than BF 2."
You comparing 2003 with 2011. Diffirent budgets and sales. My point was never that bf3 didnt sell well on pc.
"Those games didn't sell well because they got mediocre reviews."
Which games....if so why destiny sold?
"Ryse only exists because of the xbox brand."
They hired them to make the game, so yeah.
"Why do shooters and racers need to have good graphics?"
Because thats where the best graphics have been for 20 plus years in gaming.
"Did you know that the most popular shooter in the world in 2013 has 1998 graphics? Look at all the people playing Counterstrike and TF 2 with their outdated graphics."
Neither of those 2 games have 1998 graphics, but please do tell me how do valve's classic games that are still played today somehow relate to the graphics being pushed mainly by fps and racing genre and less on third person games.
@timster20: "You seem to have me confused with Monstersaf but I'll play along"
??? So you are someone else?
"Monsters search results say a lot."
No they dont or you wold actually SAY SOMETHING
"RE 4 is a tps with gimped controls. Far cry is an open world shooter with rpg elements."
RE4 is survival horror, dont argue with that, dead space is tps with gimped controls. Far cry 3 doesnt have rpg elements aside from leveling up and getting some useless ability, not much diffirent than leveling up in cod.
"UT2k4 has about 50 players and the rest are bots. Most of the occupied servers run some stupid mode that completely changes the game. I remember as early as 2006 being stuck playing on demo servers to play ffa due to the dying community. Demo servers allow game owners to play demo players."
How many it has NOW The actual game not the demo.
"SC will be ready in 2015 for what? Dogfighting in space?"
Wikipedia says 2015, the game will also have infantry shooting inside spaceships.
"Are you kidding? Killzone SF for example is a huge jump over Killzone 3."
Meh, thats just dated hardware you were stuck on for so long. But saying witcher 3 looks a bit better than witcher 2 is riddiculus since witcher 3 is as big as skyrim. Diffirent scale in the seuqel.
"Crysis 3 sold 260k copies in the first month."
and? The game was af flop
"You bringing up digital game sale percentage reinforces his point about how much better BF 3 did than BF 2."
You comparing 2003 with 2011. Diffirent budgets and sales. My point was never that bf3 didnt sell well on pc.
"Those games didn't sell well because they got mediocre reviews."
Which games....if so why destiny sold?
"Ryse only exists because of the xbox brand."
They hired them to make the game, so yeah.
"Why do shooters and racers need to have good graphics?"
Because thats where the best graphics have been for 20 plus years in gaming.
"Did you know that the most popular shooter in the world in 2013 has 1998 graphics? Look at all the people playing Counterstrike and TF 2 with their outdated graphics."
Neither of those 2 games have 1998 graphics, but please do tell me how do valve's classic games that are still played today somehow relate to the graphics being pushed mainly by fps and racing genre and less on third person games.
Um????? I'm timster.
Seems like a lot of people find 30 fps smoother on console.
RE 4 is a tps. It's all about shooting and upgrading guns. There is no horror in the game.
More health is useless, faster sprinting is useless? Upgrading holster is useless? Grenade pouch is useless? Faster bow firing, quieter movement, faster swimming and faster reloads are all useless?
I am talking about the full game. It might have 1 or 2 occupied servers and the rest are mostly bots with 1 or 2 players.
Witcher 3 is not open world like Skyrim, it's multi region open world. So it's like Witcher 2 but each region is bigger. Still not a true open world game.
"infantry shooting inside spaceships"
Sounds so exciting!
BF 3 sold over 2 million at retail alone on pc. That's amazing.
Destiny was hyped well. Gears Judgement wasn't. Plus Destiny is something new while Gear and God of War were more of the same.
Sorry that answer about why shooters and racers have the best graphics doesn't cut it? What about The Witcher 2? It was graphics king for awhile. I remember Morrowind being close to if not graphics king for it's time.
Where did I say CS and TF 2 have 1998 graphics? I said the most popular shooter of 2013 has 1998 graphics. Never heard of Crossfire? It made more money than LoL last year.
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