It's most popular in America, but why do you think they do games in London? And people come out in waves over there to support it? And they want more? Not to turn this into a sports debate, but I really have a strong dislike for American sports haters. It may not be soccer, but it's definitely popular outside of America.Messiahbolical-
People come out in waves? are u sure you arent exaggerating a bit? How many people here know the name of an American Football team that isnt American? This is the way it feels to me: The US saw the established sports out there, Football, Cricket, Rugby, etc... They tried and sucked at them, so they went and created their own sports to be good at. There is nothing inherently wrong about that, except the rest of the world has minor interest in these new sports. Baseball is probably the biggest US sport internationally, and even so, its mostly in popular in the Americas. Europe, Africa, the majority of Asia (barring a few countries) and Oceania dont really care much for it. Practically no one out side of NA cares about American Football. Basketball is better off than American Football, but on the whole, on the world stage, the average commoner around the world doesnt really care about it. How many non american basketball teams can u name that arent olympic teams? how about american football? baseball? But look at soccer...how many teams there are? Look at Rugby or Cricket? Its like me playing dodgeball, getting killed in it, turning around and then creating my own game. I just wish the US public would try join the world in embracing the major sports, but its like they say "well, our country sucks at this sport, and I couldnt possibly root for another country's team, so screw the sport!" First of all, how did you manage to fit so much fail into one post? You clearly know NOTHING about American football, probably never even watched or played a game in your life and here you are on a forum trash talking the sport to many of us who grew up playing and watching it, know just about anything there is to know about it, and enjoy it thoroughly. Never seen so many generalizations in one post. Okay, we get it... you don't like America. You and every other foreigner out there. We're tired of hearing it. Also I have to point out the fact that you think Madden should die because it's not popular worldwide when you're not realizing the fact that it doesn't HAVE to be. American football has more than enough fans in the USA alone to keep buying Madden games, and as long as they sell copies EA will keep making them. It's how the world works. Also, you apparently aren't a fan of innovation since you keep saying that Americans sucked at soccer so they just made their own sport. Well, I doubt that's true bu even if it was, every sport had to start somewhere. Whoever invented football took a lot of time and effort into making a whole new game unline any other and it caught on and was a hit. Get over it.Second of all, why do you care about what sports we Americans enjoy and don't enjoy? How does it affect your life at all? 99% of us couldn't care less if anyone else in the world enjoys our sports. The NFL is huge here, it doesn't have to be huge anywhere else. It doesn't affect us at all. Most people would be shocked if you told them there's an American football league in Japan and also there was NFL Europe. Why? Because we don't care. We don't expect you guys to like it just like you shouldn't expect us to like rugby or SOCCER. If it really bugs you that much that I call it soccer, then you must have some issues as it doesn't affect you whatsoever.
Lots of generalizations both ways.
Really though, I agree with you in the sense that I think you shouldn't become more open to something like a liesure activity just because the rest of the world is. That's not really a good reason at all. I also don't see why its looked down upon for ccreating games more attuned to the tast of the people, that's not negative at all. Its ironic that on a gaming board that has a habit of looking down on the average person, the average person all of a sudden means something :P
In the same notion, you make it sound like everyone is out to get america. People hate you if your american. No, not really and even if so, here isn't the place for that discussion.
For the record, I like basketball and football (not north american which I can't sand). I hate how everything is always one sided in these debates :(
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