2 franchises that needs to die are

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#151 super600  Moderator
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Mario and Zelda


i agree. followed by sonic at a close third.

None of those fanchises deserve to die. Mario and Zelda have been creating great games since they were created and even though sonic has had some mediocre games like Black Knight and Shadow in the last 10 years Sega is starting to fix the problems with the Sonic games and this can be seen by all the great Sonic colours review scores. I think franchises should die if the company doesn't know how to handle them that well anymore, but Sonic doesn't fit that definition as much as before.

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#152 finalfantasy94
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Just gonna throw it out there, you guys don't buy and or play the series that you want to die do you?


I wouldint be shocked if that was true.

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#153 CoolSkAGuy
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For me its Halo and CoD, I find they are bringing down gaming and I am sad that they are influencing other developers. (puts up flame shield) I own a 360 and I hate these series to death... although ODST had awesome storytelling imo.
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#154 flipdc5
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Pokemon needs to go. Well, atleast for awhile. I've been a long time fan but the appeal for it is quickly disappearing. Ever since the Smogongained popularity, all these psuedo legends and IV/EV training is what all the community talks about. I can't even pick my favorites and battle online knowing people will use ubers all the time. It feels like they release new a pokemon game every year and just shaking my head while looking at the new starters. I will never feel the excitement i got when i first saw the original starters, feels bad man.

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#156 FranticDarkness
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Mario, Zelda, and Metroid. Nintendos constant milking of 20 year old franchises is getting old now.

What? Great games that are being enjoyed by everyone is getting old? I couldn't disagree more
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#157 killzonexbox
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call of duty crash and tony hawk......

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#158 Vesica_Prime
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Final Fantasy (4.0 for a franchise that was loved to death.)

Halo (I loved Halo 3 to death but what are they going to make the future games about? Most of the events and stuff that were preceding the Human-Covenant war has already been explained in the expanded universe.)

Fable (Peter, I know you're trying but please. Scrap the series and start fresh.)

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#159 resevl4rlz
Member since 2005 • 3848 Posts

zelda, mario, pokemon,halo, final fantasy, silent hill, metal gear solid, call of duty, medal of honor, baseball games, football games,

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#160 StealthMonkey4
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Lol, MoH was leagues better than BF:BC2, CoD, and pretty much all military shooters I can currently remember, and how can it need to die if this is the first MoH to come out in years?

The two franchises that need to die are Final Fantasy and Rock Band.

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#161 Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 25422 Posts

I still dont understand why people want a series to just die off. To me it seems a bit...

  • Mean
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  • Downright Pathetic

Why kill off a series if it is bringing its fans happiness, its developers money and bringing us quality titles at the same time? I really see no harm done by a lot of the series listed here.

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#162 RandomWinner
Member since 2010 • 3751 Posts

Medal of Honor

EA just needs to accept that they can't compete with Call of Duty.

Need For Speed is another franchise that's been going downhill for years. They are running out of ideas for the series and the idea of a non-NASCAR racing game getting a new game every year is just silly anyway. I'm surprised it was so big for so many years but sales have finally been going down the last few years. Nobody cares about street racing anymore and they failed big time when they tried making it a simulation game.


lol? Hot Pursuit has an 89 on metacritic!

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#163 II_Seraphim_II
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First of all, how did you manage to fit so much fail into one post? You clearly know NOTHING about American football, probably never even watched or played a game in your life and here you are on a forum trash talking the sport to many of us who grew up playing and watching it, know just about anything there is to know about it, and enjoy it thoroughly. Never seen so many generalizations in one post. Okay, we get it... you don't like America. You and every other foreigner out there. We're tired of hearing it. Also I have to point out the fact that you think Madden should die because it's not popular worldwide when you're not realizing the fact that it doesn't HAVE to be. American football has more than enough fans in the USA alone to keep buying Madden games, and as long as they sell copies EA will keep making them. It's how the world works. Also, you apparently aren't a fan of innovation since you keep saying that Americans sucked at soccer so they just made their own sport. Well, I doubt that's true bu even if it was, every sport had to start somewhere. Whoever invented football took a lot of time and effort into making a whole new game unline any other and it caught on and was a hit. Get over it.

Second of all, why do you care about what sports we Americans enjoy and don't enjoy? How does it affect your life at all? 99% of us couldn't care less if anyone else in the world enjoys our sports. The NFL is huge here, it doesn't have to be huge anywhere else. It doesn't affect us at all. Most people would be shocked if you told them there's an American football league in Japan and also there was NFL Europe. Why? Because we don't care. We don't expect you guys to like it just like you shouldn't expect us to like rugby or SOCCER. If it really bugs you that much that I call it soccer, then you must have some issues as it doesn't affect you whatsoever.


I have nothing against the states. I just dont like American Football. You are the one who had a problem with it, and I explained to u why I dont like it, evidentily my reasons for not liking it were not to your liking. Why did u have a problem with my not liking American Football? Does it affect u? do u lose anything from it? Does my not liking American football make the sport any worse? And what are u talking about calling it soccer? I think u are confusing me with someone else...I dont care what u call it and I never had a problem with u calling it soccer :? And yes, I have both watched and played American football. Lived in Deerfield MA for a while and everyone over there loved the Greenbay Packers. I was quite partial to the 49ers myself, but w/e.

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#164 supa_badman
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Final Fantasy and Megaman.

And by die, I mean a reboot.

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#165 super600  Moderator
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I still dont understand why people want a series to just die off. To me it seems a bit...

  • Mean
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  • Downright Pathetic

Why kill off a series if it is bringing its fans happiness, its developers money and bringing us quality titles at the same time? I really see no harm done by a lot of the series listed here.


I only time I wouldn't agree with you is if the company has a history of destroying franchises or never tries to improve their franchises like Activision and Koei.

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#166 DJ_Headshot
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Call of Duty and Kingdom Hearts unless they decide to stop milking and release KH3 already!
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#167 Calvin079
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Medal of Honor

EA just needs to accept that they can't compete with Call of Duty.

Need For Speed is another franchise that's been going downhill for years. They are running out of ideas for the series and the idea of a non-NASCAR racing game getting a new game every year is just silly anyway. I'm surprised it was so big for so many years but sales have finally been going down the last few years. Nobody cares about street racing anymore and they failed big time when they tried making it a simulation game.


Make it 3 and stick pokemon in there. (No, this isn't a troll or flame bait) There is nothing new about it except tghe cretures, its the same battle system, same "storyline" that's not even a story, and once you become Champ, there's nothing for you to do. You should be able to battle others for Champ, be able to become a Gym Leader and actually make the "bad guys" actually evil. Not just "Oh I'm going to steal a piece of paper hahahah". Like, what kind of evil plot is it to flood the world or make it all dry land? Its not evil, just seriously misguided.

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#168 jerkface96
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[QUOTE="JigglyWiggly_"]Final Fantasy,. every JRPG.6matt6
Final Fantasy definitely. I just feel the JRPG formula needs an overhaul. I would pick Call Of Duty as well. The series jumped the shark long ago.

well said
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#169 catfishmoon23
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[QUOTE="Y2Jfan23"]Nobody cares about street racing anymore mrmusicman247
I care about street racing.

No you don't, according to tc :P

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#170 StryderK
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It's most popular in America, but why do you think they do games in London? And people come out in waves over there to support it? And they want more? Not to turn this into a sports debate, but I really have a strong dislike for American sports haters. It may not be soccer, but it's definitely popular outside of America.II_Seraphim_II

People come out in waves? are u sure you arent exaggerating a bit? How many people here know the name of an American Football team that isnt American? This is the way it feels to me: The US saw the established sports out there, Football, Cricket, Rugby, etc... They tried and sucked at them, so they went and created their own sports to be good at. There is nothing inherently wrong about that, except the rest of the world has minor interest in these new sports. Baseball is probably the biggest US sport internationally, and even so, its mostly in popular in the Americas. Europe, Africa, the majority of Asia (barring a few countries) and Oceania dont really care much for it. Practically no one out side of NA cares about American Football. Basketball is better off than American Football, but on the whole, on the world stage, the average commoner around the world doesnt really care about it. How many non american basketball teams can u name that arent olympic teams? how about american football? baseball? But look at soccer...how many teams there are? Look at Rugby or Cricket? Its like me playing dodgeball, getting killed in it, turning around and then creating my own game. I just wish the US public would try join the world in embracing the major sports, but its like they say "well, our country sucks at this sport, and I couldnt possibly root for another country's team, so screw the sport!"

I hate to say this but Il, stop...Your making yourself looking kind of dumb on some of your "points".

First of all, Baseball is NOt American most popular sports internationally, it's basketball, which is played throughout Europe (Spain is a perennial powerhouse), Americas (Argentina especially), Africa (Former Houston Rocket Hakeem Olajuwon comes from africa, so was Patrick Ewing). Baseball is extremely popular over in Asia (china is getting into it, speaks volumn), your comment on American Basketball is really really asnie...The World does not care for it? Tell that to Spain, Argentina, Turkey, Japan, S. Korea and especially China! Chinese watches american NBA almost religiously! I know since I've worked in China and all my friends and relatives there know more about the goings on of the NBA and NBA star better than even some Americans! Your "The Average commoner around world doesnt really care about it" just speak volumns on how little you know about the NBA.......When personnally, I KNOW several Europeans and especially Chinese know MORE about it than some Americans. Ohh let me guess, all of a sudden those are just "minor" issues, just a drop in the ocean right? Way to move the goal posts when things doesn't go your way if you do that!

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#171 xYamatox
Member since 2005 • 5180 Posts

Mario. Nintendo need to come up with a new franchise that isn't based on characters made years ago. Nintendo played it way to safe this year.

Also, as much as I hate to say this, Metal Gear. At the very least, Konami need to wait 4 or 5 years before releaseing a new one.

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#172 Quofan
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Anything based on WWII, street racing (or racing, period), Tony Hawk,and rhythm games, especially Guitar Hero. In my humble opinion, these games are not worth the price of the plastic they came in and have been completely overdone for a quick buck, much like horror films, manufactured popor reality TV

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#173 StryderK
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[QUOTE="AncientDozer"] Mario may have to die if only because you need two hands to count most of the games involving him.foxhound_fox

Why? No one seems to be coming up with reasoning as to why these series and franchises need to "die." Why does Mario "need" to die? Why does Call of Duty "need" to die? These things are successful for their respective companies, and in the case of some of them, they've been getting some of the best games ever to grace their series' this generation. Hell, Mario got three astounding platformers (2x 3D, 1x 2D) this gen (SMG, SMG2 and NSMBW)... more than any other gen besides the NES.

Everytime someone says Mario and Zelda needs to die, a Kitten dies somewhere.....Why? Because all the excuse they can come up with "OMG! The Rehash! OMG, The MILK, OMG!!! I hate it!!! IT's teh KIDDEHH!!!!" This would've been true had not been the fact the games he star, maybe all except MArio PArty have been some of the greatest game ever created. SMG got a AAAA and SMG 1 was GOTY for a reason. Same with Zelda, same with Metriod etc, etc,. Even games like Mario KArt, SSB etc have been fun!

Now Games like CoD or Guitar Hero NEEDS to die because, well, unlike MArio or Zelda, they are basically just "A new coat of paint without any improvements". IE, you played one game, you basically played them all! ie. if you played MW1, once you start MW2....Yeah.....it won't take long for you to feel, "have we been here before?" Same with GH...Different songs, but how long can jam on a fake guitar before the freshness wears off? Same with Mario Party.....Same with RAchet....These dayz, I'm getting so tired of FPS in general that I've quit playing them almost....Why? Basically, if you played CoD, you played them all it feels....That's a huge problem!

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#174 mtradr43
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id say mario (idk how it continues to score so high when the story of each game is virtually identical, while other games that try something new get knocked for their stories for being out there and different), and probably sonic. its just sucked for far too long to be redeemed. honorable mentions on my list are need for speed, all music and skateboarding games, medal of honor, and final fantasy if it keeps going down the long hard road to garbageness that its currently on
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#175 Deathtransit
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I would say R&C and Resistance. Insomniac need to push their envelope in a big way. And let me add Fable.
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#176 lamprey263
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I actually liked the Medal of Honor single player campaign more than Black Ops single player, the COD enemy AI has problems of only wanting to target you and only you even if you're in cover and your partner AI is out in the open, plus partner AI will often run into groups of enemies like they're not there, and enemy AI will treat them like they're not there, watching the latest COD game was a tactical nightmare, the latest Medal of Honor was much better in how it was scripted and the AI working with you as a team COD also has a problem of making you take point all the time to trigger scripted sequences often leaving your getting ambushed all the time, in Medal of Honor the AI coordinates movement with you much better, often waiting for areas to be clear of enemies before moving up, plus COD has the unlimited enemy spawn problem where MoH doesn't, despite the bad sales of latest MoH I actually enjoyed it quite a bit, maybe not worth full retail price (I got it at $40), but definitely worth a try, though I don't really care for the multiplayer that much, sure it's fun at times but sometimes it just gets frustrating when people spawn camp which happens more than any other game I know
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#177 StryderK
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Sonic is an obvious one also, but I have too much hope in Sonic still actually. Maybe because I didn't play any Sonic game after Heroes(which I thought was bad) but I just wish they could recoup the team that worked on Adventure and it's sequel, and just go back to that. Seriously, just tighten it up a bit and bring in update graphics. Those seriously were not bad games.


Sonic is truly sad...All the fellows who are calling for Mario's doom never ever seems to be callilng for Sonics...And Sonic should have been put to sleep a long time ago! Sad really, none of Sonic's 3D games, save the first one have been any good. They been trash and truly rehashed...And yet, despite all of the truth flying in their faces, Sega fans still are hopping Sonic could achieve greatness...Sad truly sad!

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#178 coolkid93
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The only franchise I think needs to die is Tony Hawks.
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#179 kozzy1234
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- Assassins Creed

- Medal Of Honor

I would agree with you on Need For Speed up until the newest one which is surprisingly good (I hated the last ones so bad).

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#180 emperorzhang66
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Metal gear solid and Final Fantasy. The definition of downhill. Final Fantasy used to be good. Metal gear 1 was awesome.
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#181 emperorzhang66
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I think ape escape needs a reboot though :D
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#182 Maroxad
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I still dont understand why people want a series to just die off. To me it seems a bit...

  • Mean
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  • Downright Pathetic

Why kill off a series if it is bringing its fans happiness, its developers money and bringing us quality titles at the same time? I really see no harm done by a lot of the series listed here.


I only time I wouldn't agree with you is if the company has a history of destroying franchises or never tries to improve their franchises like Activision and Koei.

But do they still entertain the people who actually bought the game? Maybe some of the sonic games this gen Sonic 06, unleashed have been bad and gotten bad reviews, but maybe the sonic fans who actually buy them every year still enjoy them. As with Activision, people buy their yearly CoD because to them it is well worth the money. And really isnt that all that counts in the end, who cares if it is a rehash or whatever, as long as it is worth the money to its consumers that is all that counts.

I am aware that early in this thread I mentioned that MAYBE the Metal Gear series should end which made my post a bit hypocritical, however I don't really want the series to end but rather to let Hideo Kojima be allowed to develop whatever he wants without being manipulated by his fans even if it means the end of the franchise.