Killzone 2 (awesome)
inFAMOUS (awesome)
Uncharted 2 (will be game of the year)
M.A.G (unknown)
Ratchet and Clank Future 2 (another solid R&C game)
Final Fantasy (exclusively on Ps3 in Japan this year)
Fat Princess (the funnest looking game of all)
Heavy Rain (recently confirmed as 2010)
Gran Turismo 5 (Sony's best seller)
God of War III (the first two were classic... you know this will be too)
Metal Gear Whatever (it's coming to Ps3...and its going to be exclusive. No point in denying it. You know it's true)
Final Fantasy Versus
Twisted Metal, StarHawk, Resistance 3
The future is bright ladies and gents.
How many years do cows want to use Gran Turismo 5. It was first used to compare to Forza 2 now with the delays it will need to be compare to forza 3.
No wonder the PS3 list looks so good. They always have two years of game. Games that will be released this year and games that will be released next year but just pretend they will be released this year.
Heavy Rain, GT5 andGod of War 3 has had good use out of them for the arguement that the PS3 line up is better in 2009.
I wouldnt be suprised ifMAGgets delayed again.
Do you seriously think tthe next MGS will be out for the PS3 in 2010? This is just another game the cows will try to use for years to boost there game line up.
You know what your missing right? Are the games that come inbetween from no where that do good for the ps3. I mean where is the games for the 360? Really. A buddy of mine is trying to get me to buy one, and all I can say to him is what will I get for it besides what I can already play on my ps3 lol. Heck the last AAA game for the 360 was what 6 months ago really, and prior to that was almost a 1 1/2 year span before Gears 2 came out. As I see it right now quality is definitly on the side of the ps3 and its games and hardware. The 360 is definitly leading the way in shovelware, it actually over took the wii in this department. I really would love to see a site do a Avg score of each consoles games again. Last time I think it was Ign and at that time (which was prior to mgs4) the 360 had a 74 avg score while the ps3 was sitting at a 76 avg score for its games. Now after mgs4, LBP, Valkarie Chronicles, R2, KZ2, Infamous that score had to raise quite a bit, while the 360 has released Velvet As, Ninja Blade, Halo Wars and amoung other lower quality titles than those mentioned, but there was 1 bright spot for lemmings and that was gears 2. So it would be easy to say the avg score for 360 games have dropped quite a bit. So while Sony may announce games early, they do release games in a steady flow through out the year, while MS don't release any info on games and make its gamers wait for xmas to get their games or should I say their big titles lol. People brag about Halo 3 sales, but really besides Gears what else is there to buy for the 360? It would be Halo 3 especially for joe blow coming off of the street.Am a PS3 and 360 owner. I know there has been been a slow down of fully exclusive games but thats fine as long as they have a big lineup at E3. Sony had 2 year of bring out next to nothing and multi-plateform games that were a joke so MS quite period isn't that bad.
Over the last six months i have been playing Gears 2, Ace Combat, Fable 2 plus theDLC, Fallout 3 plus the DLC, GTA plus the DLC and a mix of arcade games. I never had much time to play anything else.
A few games i can think of am looking forwar to areAlan Wake, Call of Duty 4, Cry on, Forza 3 etc.Also Mass Effect and Huxley if they are out this year. There are a stack of 360/PC games am looking forward to.
The game you call shovelware can be really enjoyable games. I dont see how bring out extra games is a bad thing? Just because a game isn't rated AAA doesn't mean it a bad game. There some great AA games. Shovelware games comes to all consoles that sells alot of games. The higher the PS3 attach rate then the higher the shovelware increases.
On a seperate note. I dont get how cowscan slagHalo Wars for its low score on GSbut the PS3 doesn't have any exclusive strategy game to compare it to.
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